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Releases: spongedsc/pathways

3.0.0-0.alpha: Callsystems!

02 Jun 15:46
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Welcome to the first of the v3 alphas!

This release includes the 1.0 implementation for Callsystems, as well as structure recursion fixes and some additions to the Logger. This release won't look very different on the user-side of interactions as only Legacy is included at present, but this should change soon with the introduction of Integrations.

AI Summary

✨ Note: This release note was written by LLaMA and is not necessarily accurate. Please refer to the Commits section for more concise information on what's changed.

Here's a natural and friendly release note that summarizes the updates:

"We are excited to announce the release of version 3.0.0-alpha, packed with several improvements and fixes! This new version includes the removal of redundant code, updated environment examples, and the addition of new features like enable options and failsafe.

We've also made significant updates to our logging and history management. Logger now has a mock option, and HistoryManager has new functionality for CUTS purposes. Additionally, we've added support for modelInteractions and CallsystemStd, and made it easier to load Callsystems during startup.

This release also includes several bug fixes, improvements to our tests, and updates to our documentation. As always, we're grateful for the continued support of our community and look forward to hearing your feedback as we continue to evolve and improve our software."


Full Changelog: 2.1.0...3.0.0-0.alpha

2.1.0: A rename.. and our own custom log viewer?

26 May 01:27
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What's new

'Howdy, everybody! Welcome to SpongeChat--wait, no, Pathways! We've gone through with a full rebranding, somewhat late to the party after the 2.0 release but still an awesome change!

If you've noticed, we're continuing to use the new AI Summary release note features that we added back in 2.0.1. This release's summary was somewhat better than the last one, but still got things to work on in that regard. We're leaving this release's AI summary here to explain what else has been changed.

TL;DR: Logviews (a custom-made log viewer written in Svelte to replace Wastebin), a new logger systems, and changes to the structure loader to prepare for Callsystems being imminently pushed into main.

AI Summary

✨ Note: This release note was written by LLaMA and is not necessarily accurate. Please refer to the Commits section for more concise information on what's changed.

We're excited to announce the release of Pathways 2.1.0!

This update brings several significant improvements and fixes to enhance the performance and usability of our logging tool. We've made some refinements to the Logger class, including fixing a few issues and adding a new helper function to make it easier to use.

We've also moved some of the Logview code into its own class, making it more organized and maintainable. Additionally, we've updated the Docker compose file to support the new changes, ensuring a smoother development and testing process.

Furthermore, we've improved the structure loader by adding recursion support and bypassing the index.js check, making it more efficient and reliable. Finally, we've removed some duplicate imports and reorganized the code structure for better readability.

Our contributors have worked hard to bring these changes to life, and we're grateful for their efforts. With Pathways 2.1.0, you can expect improved performance, enhanced functionality, and better overall user experience. Give it a try today!


  • dummify Logview#get dad88e7
  • move logview stuff to its' own class 2cc5b6f
  • 🚑 fix logger callers function 865e024
  • update docker compose cf46123
  • move from wastebin to custom viewer 846e6df
  • Revert "add Butterroach as a contributor for security" 9a4eea3
  • update .all-contributorsrc b9a49a8
  • update 59ce999
  • 🐛 Fix a second index.js check? tf? 5df7eb3
  • SOMEONE didn't do a good review 23cd527
  • the big rename c94afca
  • 🚨 double quotes! c0a8c04
  • ✏️ Remove duplicate imports 84890fc
  • ♻️ Slightly refactor structure loader to properly support recursion (and a bypass for the index.js check) 48962e1
  • Add a logger helper function abcca38

2.0.1: General bug fixes, some quality-of-life (both bot & release process)

20 May 00:05
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Howdy, everybody! This release includes a few bug fixes and improvements with the actual bot, as well as a few (pleasant) utils being added to the toolchain for ease-of-development/maintenance:

  • Generated memory logs are now uploaded onto a Wastebin instance, with the instance being configurable in env (see .env.example for more information). Currently, memory logs are completely discarded if SpongeChat isn't pointed to a valid Wastebin instance, although there are plans to fix this in a future update.


Currently, this behaviour only takes place when wiping memories through /forget. We'll move the upload process to the generation step in a future update to address this issue. Long passive responses will also receive Wastebin support in the future.

  • We quickly patched up a few bugs with passive activation responses. Notably, long passive activations (i.e. responses over 2,000 characters) that call modules (i.e. Imagine) should now automatically include and remove the event/module banners in the response file itself. We may change this behaviour in the future to have the banners in the message content rather than in the file.

  • On the development side, we're adding an automated release tool, release-it. We've also built a special plugin for it that automatically generates an AI summary using LLaMA based on provided commit names and versioning information. (We actually pushed this release with the new tooling, scroll down for what it generated!)

If you have your local env set up for Workers AI, you're already set for pushing releases! The plugin itself uses the same Workers AI SDK that we built for 2.0, including the same env keys. If you don't have this, then don't worry: the plugin will fail out, but the rest of the release step should go on as normal.

AI Summary

✨ Note: This release note was written by LLaMA and is not necessarily accurate. Please refer to the Commits section for more concise information on what's changed.

We're excited to release version 2.0.1 of our plugin, packed with some great updates!

First, we've improved the clarity of the GITHUB_TOKEN effect to make it easier to understand how it works. We've also enhanced the error handling when fetching data, so you'll get more helpful messages if anything goes wrong.

Additionally, our environmental configuration files have been tweaked to make them more user-friendly. We've also made some updates to our waste management system, ensuring it's working smoothly.

To improve the overall user experience, we've replaced plaintext links with buttons, and made sure they actually work as intended. We've also done some initial setup for our snapshotting system, laying the groundwork for future enhancements.

Finally, we've fixed a few bugs, including one that could cause issues with long responses and another that forgot to trim some data. With these updates, you should be able to enjoy a more stable and effective plugin experience. Happy using!


  • be more clear on what GITHUB_TOKEN effects dde6e5e
  • handle fetch errors better d0866bc
  • improved env.example 4162b2d
  • memories d6eadb4
  • revert version back to .0, plugin should now abort on no api 19d61da
  • I think this is good! 04eb9e1
  • use buttons instead of plaintext link ccf893c
  • make it actually work df601e9
  • initial wastebin configuration a020cf0
  • initial testing the plugin ca865d1
  • cleanup remnants 58d27cd
  • dragonfly snapshotting 385a4f9
  • forgot to call trim() 51ecbe4
  • long responses using the imagine module should return an updated image 1359b0b

v2: SpongeChat[?], the second coming

19 May 09:24
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Welcome to v2! This release brings much-needed improvements, new features, and new uses of the Discord API itself. The bot's been remade from the ground up with a much-needed fresh coat of paint based off of the create-discord-bot boilerplate, a stable multi-channel history, slash commands, and much more!

Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of what's new, and what's changed:

What's new

  • Rewritten based on create-discord-bot with a very flexible core, supports slash commands & actions (context menu) at launch
  • kV [internal codename], a Valkey/Dragonfly-compatible key-value database system capable of fast reads/writes in-memory
  • Memories, an efficient context window / conversation history system capable of per-channel conversations & logging
  • Imagine, the direct successor to imageGen in v1; accessible through passive activation (talking in a channel where SpongeChat is listening) or through a command, /imagine
  • Silent mode, to make it shut the f*ck up when it's yapping too much
  • Instruction sets, a quick way to change SpongeChat's personality in passive activation
  • Direct context windows [to be renamed], the direct replacement for Readback; this can be found by right-clicking any SpongeChat-answered message and clicking "Direct context window"

Most, if not all features are present in 2.0. If we missed something, please open an issue and we'll try to get to it as soon as possible.

Cheers, everybody! 🥂

Pull Requests

New Contributors

Full Changelog: