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Become a sponsor to Hynek Schlawack

Greetings! 👋 I'm Hynek, a prolific open source maintainer and active community citizen! I’ve been a very active member of the Python community for a decade, with non-trivial contributions to countless critical Python projects. So it's safe to say that if you've ever run Python, you've run code written by me.

Especially attrs, structlog, and argon2-cffi are keystone projects of the Python community. My recent stamina and svcs have also gained interest and recognition.

Additionally, I spend a lot of time on tweeting, tooting, writing, publicly learning, speaking, and mentoring about software engineering and Python and how it fits into the greater production / service landscape.

Why You Should Sponsor Me

I've been maintaining some of my projects for a decade and as every FOSS maintainer will tell you: it's no fun. Most time is spent answering bug reports and fixing edge cases, not implementing exciting new features.

Sponsorships have carried me over major motivation slumps in the past and are the only reason my software remains production-grade across the board. Every time I get an email about a new sponsor, it's like a bolt of energy. Every time I get a GitHub Sponsors payout, I feel gratitude and motivation.

If you sponsor me, you ensure that I remain motivated to maintain my projects further, share my knowledge in blog posts and conference talks, and help users of my software – instead of looking into how to monetize my skills privately.

Lately, I've also started using the funds from my sponsorship income to travel to smaller conferences. Therefore your sponsorships directly enable me to contribute to the community even more without straining conference budgets.


The main perk, of course, is more of my output being available to everyone. So, no matter what tier you choose, you're helping me improve the world. Thank you!

But after years of receiving generosity, I want to give back:

  • ❤️ Every sponsor of $11 or more (and former $5 sponsors) that chooses to sponsor publicly, will be thanked by me in every project release in the GitHub release notes while they're sponsoring me.
  • 🖼️ For organizations, it's now possible to add a sponsor logo to one of my projects, per $50. Of course, you're also qualified if you sponsor me with equivalent one-time donations.
  • 📣 The highest tiers also include monthly social-media shout-outs including a handle of your choice.
  • 🆘 The highest tier also includes limited priority support that provides for emergency PyPI releases. Please note that there are explicitly no SLAs attached. It's based on best effort and fair use.
  • ☎️ Finally, there's an experimental one-time tier where you can book a one-hour-long call with me and talk about whatever (some possible topics are listed in the tier if you need inspiration).

❗️ Important: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the perks, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at!


I already put a lot of effort into providing my users with the best-possible security, including supply chain issues. However especially corporations with stricter compliance requirement would benefit from advanced supply chain concepts like Supply chain Layers for Software Artifacts (SLSA), Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), and sigstore signatures. Since these are concepts that currently only benefit corporate users that are the minority among my sponsors, I'm not willing to put in the work. Once (and as long as) the goal of $2000 per month is reached, I will be happy to implement them for all my projects for everyone as far as possible. Feel free to contact me in private too, if you'd like to use different means to achieve the same goal

Current sponsors 33

Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor
Past sponsors 29
Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. python-attrs/attrs

    Python Classes Without Boilerplate

    Python 5,143
  2. hynek/structlog

    Simple, powerful, and fast logging for Python.

    Python 3,316
  3. hynek/doc2dash

    Create docsets for API browsers.

    Python 554
  4. hynek/argon2-cffi

    Secure Password Hashes for Python

    Python 530
  5. hynek/environ-config

    Python Application Configuration With Environment Variables

    Python 412
  6. hynek/pem

    PEM file parsing in Python.

    Python 156

21% towards $2,000 per month goal

@asqui @adamghill
@magnuswatn @dcramer @moving-content @getsentry @ProteinQure

asqui and 32 others sponsor this goal

Select a tier

$ one time

A Public Sponsor achievement will be added to your profile.

$19 one time


I will share my conference flight details with you. #neverFlyWithHynek

$199 one time


A 1-hour long video call with me at a Berlin-friendly time!

You can talk with me about topics like:

  • my FOSS projects (attrs, structlog, argon2-cffi, etc),
  • FOSS project maintenance (including Python & its packaging),
  • blogging,
  • conference speaking (I have spoken all around the world, including 7x at PyCon US),
  • hot takes on software engineering,
  • best coffee preparation methods,
  • or clarifications on topics that I have blogged or spoken about previously.

Please check with me whether I can help you with your problem before paying.

Given that I've worked for most of my life for one company, I don't recommend asking me for career advice.