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The TCA Builder

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What does it do?

With the TCA builder you have the possibility to create or change the fields in type list in an easy and speaking way.

Times of semicolons within field names are gone.

For example:

  1. Compose the field list for the form of a content element or any other record
  2. Change the types of existing definitions

Introducing TcaCreator in v1.6.0

With the TCA creator you have the possibility to create TCA forms from scratch and do not need to think about the configuration of the default fields like the ctrl section or the default fields in the columns section.

More to see in the Examples Section


Installation via composer

composer require spooner-web/tcabuilder

⚠️ In a composer install, the package won't be in typo3conf/ext folder but in vendor

Installation via classic mode

  1. Head to
  2. Download the ZIP file
  3. Upload it to your TYPO3 instance using non-composer mode

Installation via Extension Manager

  1. Update your extension list
  2. Search for "tcabuilder"
  3. Install

Composer fails checking out this package

As composer is not able to detect the ZIP archive of a self-hosted GitLab instance, there may occur problems when deploying or building a project with this package.

To fix this issue, you need to add the GitLab built-in packagist API into the repositories section of your project composer.json:

	"type": "composer",
	"url": ""


General usage

Recommendation is to use the TcaBuilder in the php files of your Configuration/TCA/Overrides/ folder of your extension.

  1. Instantiate the TcaBuilder class
  2. Set the table and type to configure (may also be a not existing type yet)
  3. Use the methods to manipulate
  4. Save to the TCA
  5. Flush caches
  6. See result


Main methods

Method name Description Parameters
setTable Sets the table to load configuration from string $tableName
setType Sets the type to load configuration from string $typeName
load Loads configuration if it's an existing type
loadConfiguration Shorter method to run setTable, setType and load at once string $tableName
string $typeName
useLocalLangFile Set a locallang file (beginning with EXT:) to use in labels string $localLangFile
saveToTca Saves the manipulated configuration to TCA bool $resetAfterSave (optional)
returnAsArray Instead of saving the configuration it returns it directly as array

Manipulating types

Method name Description Parameters
addField Adds a field to selected type string $typeName
string $position (optional)
string $alternativeLabel (optional)
removeField Removes a field from selected type string $fieldName
moveField Moves a field to a new position (alternatively with a new label) string $fieldName
string $newPosition
string $newLabel (optional)
addPalette Adds an existing palette to selected type string $paletteName
string $position (optional)
string $alternativeLabel (optional)
removePalette Removes a palette from selected type string $paletteName
movePalette Moves a palette to a new position (alternatively with a new label) string $paletteName
string $newPosition
string $newLabel (optional)
addDiv Adds a div (tab) to selected type string $divName
string $label
removeDiv Removes a div (tab) from selected type, either by position (index, beginning with 0) or by label string|int $positionOrLabel
addOverride Adds a custom override of a field string $fieldName
array $configuration
initialize Initializes the type with an empty list

Manipulating palettes

Method name Description Parameters
addCustomPalette Creates a new palette (and optionally inserts it directly to given position) string $paletteId
array $fields
string $label (optional)
string $position (optional)
addFieldToPalette Adds a field to a palette string $paletteId
string $field
string $position (optional)
removeFieldFromPalette Removes a field from a palette string $paletteId
string $field
initializePalette Initializes the palette with an empty list string $paletteId

Helper methods

Method name Description Parameters Returns
getPaletteString Finds the complete palette string which is used in list (for using it in position strings) string $paletteName string The complete palette string with --palette-- and the possible label config
getDivString Finds the complete div string which is used in list (for using it in position strings), either by position (index, beginning with 0) or by label string|int $positionOrLabel string The complete palette string with --div-- and the div's label
Value Description
before:<item> Moves the item before the given item
after:<item> Moves the item after the given item
replace:<item> Replaces the given item

Examples (TCA builder)

Add an own content element

$tcaBuilder = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaBuilder::class);
    ->setTable('tt_content') // define table
    ->setType('test') // define type
    ->addField('header', '', 'Top header!!')
    ->addField('subheader', 'after:header')
    ->addField('layout', 'before:header')
    ->addPalette('hidden', 'after:bodytext', 'Alternative label')
    ->saveToTca(); // save to TCA

Change existing configurations

$tcaBuilder = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaBuilder::class);
    ->setTable('pages') // define table
    ->setType(\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_LINK) // define type
    ->load() // load definitions
    ->addPalette('external', 'after:--palette--;;layout')
    ->saveToTca(); // save back to TCA
$tcaBuilder = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaBuilder::class);
    ->loadConfiguration('pages', \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_MOUNTPOINT)
    ->movePalette('title', 'after:' . $tcaBuilder->getPaletteString('abstract'), 'New title')
            'label' => 'New title',
            'config' => [
                'renderType' => 'inputLink'

Use language file

$tcaBuilder = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaBuilder::class);
    ->loadConfiguration('pages', \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_MOUNTPOINT)
    ->addField('new_field', '', 'LANG:new_field') // Used label: "LLL:EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:new_field"

Do minimal changes

$tcaBuilder = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaBuilder::class);
    ->loadConfiguration('tt_content', 'textmedia')

Creating TCA configuration for a new table (inside custom extension)

// Returns the default values of ctrl section
// By default language, version and sorting options are set
// These options can be unset and additional overridden fields can be set
$configuration['ctrl'] = \SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaCreator::getControlConfiguration(

// Returns the default columns depending on the ctrl section configuration
// Example: If ctrl section includes language, this method returns the field configuration
// for all language fields (sys_language_uid, l10n_parent, l10n_diffsource, l10n_source)
$configuration['columns'] = \SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaCreator::getColumnsConfiguration(
        'title' => [
            'label' => 'My label',
            'config' => [
                'type' => 'input'

// Uses TcaBuilder class to create the configuration for the TCA form
$configuration['types'][] = \SpoonerWeb\TcaBuilder\TcaCreator::buildTypesConfiguration()
// Now return TCA configuration
return $configuration;