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Spore Codegen

Spore codegen is a powerful code generation application that uses AST parsing and text templating to provide build-system agnostic code generation for C++.

It was originally made to power a game engine in order to generate reflection, JSON serialization and shader bindings for the engine types.

For an example how to integrate spore-codegen in your project, you can look at this repository.



LLVM and libclang are required to parse the C++ AST.


set VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET="x64-windows"
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg.exe install llvm
set LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY="%cd%/installed/%VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%/tools/llvm/llvm-config.exe"


sudo apt-get -qq update
sudo apt-get install -y llvm clang clang-format libclang-dev

How to use

Spore codegen is a command line application that can be added to any build pipeline.

Argument Short Name Long Name Default Value Description
Output directory -o --output .codegen Output directory where to write generated files.
Configuration file -c --config codegen.json Configuration file to use. Contains all codegen steps to execute, which files to process and with which templates.
Cache file -C --cache cache.json Cache file to use. Hash of output and template files will be written to this file to skip future generation if unnecessary.
Include directories -I --includes Empty List of include directories to be passed to libclang. Used for AST parsing.
Macro definitions -D --definitions Empty Macro definitions to be passed to libclang. Used for AST preprocessing. Can either be passed as DEFINITION or DEFINITION=VALUE.
Features -f --features Empty Feature flags to be passed to libclang. Used for AST preprocessing. Disabled for now because of some integration issues.
User data -d --user-data Empty Additional user data to be passed to the rendering stage. Can be passed as key=value and will be accessible through the user_data JSON property.
C++ standard -s --cpp-standard c++14 C++ standard to be passed to libclang. Can be prefixed with c++ or not (e.g. c++17 or 17).
Reformat command -r --reformat clang-format -i Set the command to execute to reformat output files. The command will be supplied a single argument which will be the relative path to the output file.
Force generate -F --force false Skip cache and force generate all input files.
Debug mode -g --debug false Enable debug logs.
Sequential mode -S --sequential false Enable sequential processing instead of the default parallel processing.
Dump AST --dump-ast Empty Output directory where to write JSON dumps of the AST.
Template directories -T --template-paths Empty List of directories in which to search for templates in case the template is not found in the command's WORKING_DIRECTORY

For a minimally working setup, you need at least a configuration file. By default, the application will look for a the codegen.json file at the root of your project.

  "steps": [
      "name": "headers",
      "input": "include/**/*.hpp",
      "templates": [

The base name of the template file and the directory and base name of the input file will be used to generate the output file. Given:

  • An input file include/project/header.hpp
  • A template file templates/generated.inl.inja
  • An output directory .codegen

Then the output file will be .codegen/include/project/header.generated.inl. You can include this file at the end of the include/project/header.hpp file with the SPORE_CODEGEN guard to prevent circular inclusion during generation.

#include "project/header.generated.inl"

CMake Integration

Scripts in cmake/spore.cmake can be included to have access to automatic integration to your cmake project. The function spore_codegen will automatically deduce definitions and include directories from your target and make the codegen target a dependency to your target. You can provide the same arguments as the command line to the function, and they will be forwarded to the executable.

# With all arguments

# With all defaults


The application uses text templates to render the AST into actual code files.

Inja Templates

Template files with the .inja extension will be handled by the inja text templating engine.

Here is a trivial example to give an idea of that an inja template looks like.

#pragma once

{% for class in classes %}
// class {{ }}
{% endfor %}

{% for enum in enums %}
// enum {{ }}
{% endfor %}

{% for function in functions %}
// function {{ }}
{% endfor %}

Some additional functions have been added to the inja templating engine to simplify code generation.

Function Example Description
truthy(any) {% if truthy(class.attributes.json) %}{% endif %} Evaluates whether a given value is truthy.
truthy(any, string) {% if truthy(class.attributes, "json.values.ignore") %}{% endif %} Evaluates whether a given value with an hypothetical property path is truthy.
cpp_name(string) {{ cpp_name(path) }} Replace any invalid C++ character for an underscore (e.g. /some-name -> _path_name).

Additional Template Engines

For now, only inja templates are supported, but everything is in place to support additional engine in the future, such as mustache.


Build-system agnostic code generation application for C++.







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