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A step-by-step cookbook to build a Rest-ish service from scratch using Spring-boot, following the principle of Behavior Driven Development.

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[WARNING] Please read carefully this note before using this project. It contains important facts.


  1. What is bdd-in-action, and when to use it ?
  2. What should you know before using bdd-in-action ?
  3. How to use bdd-in-action ?
  4. Known issues
  5. Miscellanous

1. What is bdd-in-action, and when to use it ?

bdd-in-action is a tutorial to build a REST-ish service from scratch using Spring-boot, following the principle of Behavior Driven Development.

bdd-in-action is a project for a fictionnal company named 'Little Cauldron ltd.' that produces and sells little cauldron for personnal use. It want to build a webstore consisting of a dedicated api to manage its catalog of products. This project will be called 'api-catalog'.

This tutorial project is managed as following :

  • A branch will focus on a specific stack defined by : the JDK version, the JUnit version, the Spring-boot version.
  • The project will use Spring-jersey, in other words JAX-RS (JSR-370). This choice allow an easier migration from other JAX-RS based framework, like RestEASY.
  • The issues are organised to design the project from scratch. They deal with progressively address the various requirement (in short, be addressable through http protocol, use a database, use external apis), and at the same time, they serve as functionnal specifications with a user story and a test suite. Some issue are purely technical, in order to setup a specific tool to enhance the quality of the codebase.
  • The issues are written following the same structure "User story/Technical Details/Test suite". It is an integral part of the workflow and the most important one. The "Development" part is there for the tutorial only.
  • In a given branch, each issue will be dealt with in order, with a unique commit. In other words, the first commit of the branch resolves the issue #1, the second commit resolves issue #2, and so on...
  • Issues will stay open, since it is part of the reference material.
  • Any commit in the master branch will be followed by a rebase of each tutorial branch !


bdd-in-action is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

bdd-in-action is freely distributed under the term of copyright laws.

2. What should you know before using bdd-in-action ?

Do not use bdd-in-action if this project is not suitable for your project

3. How to use bdd-in-action ?

To get the latest available code by cloning the git repository, and switching to a the branch using the stack of interest.

git clone
cd bdd-in-action
git checkout jdk8--junit5--spring-boot-2.2.5

Starting the local database instances

You will need docker and docker-compose :

Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc
docker-compose version 1.21.2, build a133471
  • The first time, and then each time you want to drop your development database to restart from scratch
  • Start the database instances (we force a docker-compose down to drop and recreate from scratch the CI database)
docker-compose down && docker-compose up

Running the project

Usually, you want to use the persisted local database :

spring_profiles_active="localdev" mvn clean spring-boot:run

When you are writing and testing a liquibase changeset, you want to use the local CI database :

spring_profiles_active="localci" mvn clean spring-boot:run

When launching the CI, you want to use local CI database :

spring_profiles_active="localci" mvn clean verify

4. Known issues

See the project issues page.

5. Miscellanous

Report issues

Use the project issues page.


A step-by-step cookbook to build a Rest-ish service from scratch using Spring-boot, following the principle of Behavior Driven Development.







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