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Jens Ayton edited this page May 19, 2020 · 4 revisions

Effects are values used by the Update function to request that the Effect Handler executes impure code. Impure code either has measurable side-effects or has an output that isn’t completely determined by its input parameters. For example, this can be sending a request to a backend service, reading something from disk, changing the value of a shared (global/singleton) object, etc.

The Effects themselves have value semantics just like the Model and Event. Effects and Events are similar in that they are both messages. The difference is in the direction as seen from the Update function – an Event is something that happened that the business logic needs to react to, whereas an Effect is something that the business logic wants to make happen in the outside world.

Effects are commands, in the CQRS definition of the term. Note that Mobius provides no guarantees regarding the execution order of Effects – not even in the sense that Effects resulting from Event N will be processed before Event N+1 is.

Guidelines for designing Effects

  • Use imperative form in the names, reflecting what should happen: .sendLoginRequest, .persistUser, .loadPlaylistData, etc.

  • Effects should be value types without business logic.

  • Prefer using enums with associated values for Effect definitions.