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docs: document the new ui5 tooling task #992

docs: document the new ui5 tooling task

docs: document the new ui5 tooling task #992

Workflow file for this run

name: wdi5 tests
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: "github.event.pull_request.title != 'chore: release main'"
fail-fast: false
scenario: ["ordersv2fe", "ordersv4fe", "ordersv2fenondraft", "ordersv2freestylenondraftopenui5", "ordersv2freestylenondraft"]
ui5version: [120, 108, 96, 84, 71] # 120 as soon as wdi5 issue is fixed
- scenario: ordersv4fe
ui5version: 71
# - scenario: ordersv4fets
# ui5version: 71
# - scenario: ordersv4fets
# ui5version: 84
# - scenario: ordersv4fets
# ui5version: 96
# - name: update chrome
# run: |
# wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
# sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable
# # check chrome version
# google-chrome --version
- name: install gnome-keyring
run: sudo apt install gnome-keyring
- name: checkout spreadsheetupload Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
- run: corepack enable pnpm
- name: use node 20
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
cache: "pnpm"
# log pnpm version
- name: log pnpm version
run: pnpm --version
- name: get port
run: |
TESTAPPPORT=$(node ./dev/get-port.js ${{ matrix.scenario }} ${{ matrix.ui5version }})
- name: pnpm install
run: |
npm pkg delete scripts.prepare
pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile
- name: copy test apps
run: pnpm copyTestApps
- name: Run Build
run: pnpm build
- name: install @sap/cds-dk
run: |
npm i -g @sap/cds-dk
- name: Remove cds-plugin-ui5
run: |
cd examples/packages/server
node -e "const pkg = require('./package.json'); \
delete pkg.cds['cds-plugin-ui5']; \
require('fs').writeFileSync('package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2));"
# run app # wait for cap server to install ui5 component, remove when switch to fiori tools
- name: start cap server
run: |
pnpm start:server&
- name: start app ${{ matrix.scenario }} ui5 ${{ matrix.ui5version }}
if: matrix.scenario != 'ordersv4fecds'
run: |
pnpm --filter ${{ matrix.scenario }}${{ matrix.ui5version }} start:silent&
# run wdi5 tests
- name: test wdi5 ${{ matrix.scenario }} ui5 ${{ matrix.ui5version }}
if: matrix.scenario != 'ordersv4fecds'
run: |
while ! nc -z localhost 4004; do sleep 0.1; done
while ! nc -z localhost ${{ env.TESTAPPPORT }}; do sleep 0.1; done
pnpm --filter ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter-sample test -- -- --headless ${{ matrix.scenario }} ${{ matrix.ui5version }}
# special case for ordersv4fecds
- name: wait for ${{ matrix.scenario }} ui5 ${{ matrix.ui5version }}
if: matrix.scenario == 'ordersv4fecds'
run: |
while ! nc -z localhost 4004; do sleep 0.1; done
while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' http://localhost:4004/ui.v4.ordersv4fecds/index.html)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 5; done
# special case for ordersv4fecds
- name: test wdi5 ${{ matrix.scenario }} ui5 ${{ matrix.ui5version }}
if: matrix.scenario == 'ordersv4fecds'
run: |
pnpm --filter ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter-sample test -- -- --headless ${{ matrix.scenario }} ${{ matrix.ui5version }}