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Verify artifacts after publication

Chris Beams edited this page Nov 24, 2010 · 5 revisions

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Absolute URLs

The following URLs should resolve with expected content. Replace spring-integration and 2.0.0.RC2 as appropriate:

Wildcard symlink URL

Milestone, RC, and GA releases will also update the 'wildcard symlink' in the root of the docs directory.

For example, prior to releasing Spring Integration 2.0.0.RC1 the 2.0.x symlink may have pointed to the 2.0.0.M7 directory: ->

Following the 2.0.0.RC1 release, the symlink would be updated to: ->

If this is the first such release in the 2.0.x line, the symlink will be created for you.

Latest-GA symlink URL

GA releases will update the latest-ga symlink in the root of the docs directory. For example, prior to 2.0.0.RELEASE, the latest-ga symlink may have pointed to 1.0.3.RELEASE: ->

Following the release the link would be updated to: ->

Schema files

NOTE: Pending resolution of [[GRADLE-22|]], schema publication must be done manually.

If your project maintains Spring namespace schema (XSD) files, they will be published as part of Milestone and GA releases.

  1. Replace integration as appropriate and verify timestamps at
  2. Verify individual schema files for content.
  3. Verify symlinks have been updated appropriately. For example, releasing Spring Integration 2.0 RC1 should update spring-integration.xsd -> spring-integration-2.0.xsd

Community downloads

Depending on release-type, your distribution zip file should be visible in one of the following locations. Replace INT with your project's abbreviation.

Within an hour of the release, your distribution zip should be listed on the community download page at If not, see the previous link for troubleshooting tips.

Maven artifacts

Depending on release-type, your distribution zip file should be visible in one of the following locations. Replace org/springframework/integration as appropriate.

In the case of a GA release, artifacts should also have been written into your mavenSyncRepoDir (filesystem location specified in $HOME/.gradle/ Run an svn stat in that directory to ensure the new artifacts are there.

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