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Tandem proof of concept

This repository accompanies the paper Tandem: Securing Keys by Using a Central Server While Preserving Privacy by Wouter Lueks, Brinda Hampiholi, Greg Alpár, and Carmela Troncoso, which will be included in PoPETs 2020.3. This repository contains a proof of concept implementation of the timing critical Tandem protocols.

The goal of this repository is to enable reproducing the measurements in the paper.

Warning This code should be considered alpha quality and prototype software. The code, including the cryptography is potentially insecure. Do not use in production.

Installing dependencies

We describe three ways to install dependencies: (1) using a docker image, (2) using a Vagrant VM, and (3) by installing them directly on Linux. All methods should give the same result. Choose your favourite.

Getting started using Docker

This repository includes a Docker file to quickly get started with development. First build the docker image which includes the necessary dependencies:

docker build --tag tandem-docker .

Thereafter you can open a shell in the docker image by running (from the root of the repository):

docker run -v `pwd`:/tandem -it tandem-docker /bin/bash

The source files of this repository are then in the /tandem directory.

Getting started using the Vagrant VM

This repository includes a Vagrant virtual machine that will install and configure all the necessary dependencies. To use it, first install Vagrant using your package manager of choice, and then call (from the root of this repository):

vagrant up

This will setup an Ubuntu virtual machine, install the required dependencies, and compile RELIC. You can access this machine by calling:

vagrant ssh

The source files of this repository are in the /vagrant directory.

Installing dependencies by hand (Linux only)

Alternatively, and only on recent Linux machine, you can also try to install the dependencies by hand. Compare with the tools/ script that is used to set up the virtual machine on Ubuntu Bionic. First, install the necessary dependencies:

apt-get install build-essential libgmp-dev libsodium-dev libssl-dev cmake

Next, checkout and build RELIC. These instructions will install RELIC in $HOME/local modify as necessary. The preset will configure RELIC to use the BL12-381 curve which offers 128 bits of security, for a group order of around 255 bits. See the ZCash blog.

git clone
cd relic
# Use a version of RELIC which we know works, later versions might work as well
git checkout 13f88f6e6fa3c54b48309baa16cd19c61b4bd850
make install

To ensure cmake can find RELIC set the following environment variables:

export CPATH=$CPATH:$HOME/local/include
export CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/local/lib

Building Tandem code

In the Vagrant virtual machine, this repository is mounted under /vagrant. When using your own machine, checkout this repository first. Then run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

Thereafter, the binaries can be found in bin/.

Included libraries

The extern/ directory contains two included external libraries:

  • The original libpaillier library implements a relatively unoptimized version of Paillier. The benchmark script shows 26 ms for encrypting and 13 ms for decrypting for 2048 bit keys. In this repository (see extern/paillier) we include a more optimized version that yields better results: 13ms for encrypting, 3.6 ms for decrypting. It is licensed under GPL 2.0

  • An efficient implementation of the Joux-Libert additively homomorphic encryption scheme from the labhe project. See extern/bhjl. It is licensed under the MIT license.

  • An updated version of the BBS+ credentials implementation from Vote to Link.

Running experiments

The program bin/bench-tandem will output most of the numbers used in the paper. It takes as input the difficulty level for the cut-and-choose proofs. For example, you could call:

bin/bench-tandem 20

To compute the benchmarks for k = 20. The program will output the results to standard output in human-readable format, and appends them to the file test.log for plotting. The input files for the paper were generated by running:

for i in `seq 2 2 64`; do ./bench-tandem $i; done

The program hardcodes a some parameter choices: the size of the Joux-Libert modulus (2048 bits) and the size of the Joux-Libert plaintext space (394 bits). These numbers offer reasonable security. Update the defines at the top of bench/bench-tandem.c to increase the size of the modulus. (Don't forget to recompile afterwards.)

If you want to repeat the experiments more often, or change where the output is written, you can do so by changing the NR_EXPERIMENTS and LOG_FILE parameters.

To increase the size of k beyond 63, please recompute the new size of the plaintext space, update PTXT_BITS in bench/bench-tandem.c and update TANDEM_DELTA_BITS in includes/tandem.h. Under normal circumstances, these values do not have to be changed.

Other benchmark scripts

This repository contains several other benchmark scripts that measure the running time of several subcomponents:

  • bin/bench-bbsplus Benchmarks our BBS+ credential scheme implementation. The program takes as argument the number of attributes the credential should contain.
  • bin/bench-homenc Benchmarks the Joux-Libert additively-homomorphic encryption scheme for several sizes of the plaintext space. Edit the defines at the top of bench/bench-homenc.c to change the parameters.
  • bin/bench-paillier Benchmarks Pailliers additively-homomorphic encryption scheme. For Paillier, the plaintext space always equals the modulus. Edit the defines at the top of bench/bench-paillier.c to change the parameters.
  • bin/bench-primitives will compute computational cost of exponentiations and pairings for BLS12-381.

Simple tests/example scripts

This repository also contains some simple tests/examples programs. The programs are very basic, and essentially serve to verify happy-flow functionality and to serve as simple usage example. They do not aim to be complete.

  • bin/test-bbsplus Examples and tests for the included BBS+ credential implementation. Edit the defines at the top of the file to test with a different number of attributes.
  • bin/test-commit Examples and tests for the included commitment scheme.
  • bin/test-homenc Example and test for Joux-Libert's homomorphic encryption scheme.
  • bin/test-paillier Example and test for Paillier's homomorphic encryption scheme.
  • bin/test-openssl Simple example program of using Elliptic Curves in OpenSSL. Not used at the moment.
  • bin/test-tandem Simple example and test script for the Tandem implementation.


Proof of concept code for Tandem paper







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