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shashikumarks edited this page Nov 9, 2022 · 7 revisions

Asking for a new guide!

If you are interested in a new guide, then open an issue with details.

NOTE: If you have spotted an issue with an existing guide, please go to that repository and open an issue. This repo is only for working on new guides.

Authoring Getting Started Guides

Getting Started Guides (GSGs) are:

  • task-focused—ideally focused on tasks that developers would naturally Google when they're faced with implementing something which they've never done before.

  • NOT Spring project-specific. GSGs always incorporate one or more Spring projects, but they are all about using Spring to solve a real-world problem.

  • the hello world of a given particular development task.

  • about copying and pasting your way to working code. Users of any skill level, background, etc. should be able to walk through GSGs in a context-free fashion, needing no prerequisites other than a JDK and a build system.

  • designed to capture users' attention and interest, making them want to know more. GSGs connect to reference documentation, tutorials, and project pages, where users can drill into more detailed documentation.

  • optimized for competition. GSGs should hold up well in inter-office technology bake-offs, e.g. web framework X vs. Spring @MVC, Big Data productivity stack Y vs Spring XD, etc.

  • a complement to tutorials, reference apps, and project-specific sample apps.

  • to be kept short, short, and SHORT. Don't write a book; write it as simple as possible.

Contributing to existing guides

If you wish to submit pull requests to an existing guide, be sure to sign Spring's Contributor License Agreement.

Creating a new 3rd-party guide

If you wish to author an entirely new 3rd-party guide, you can do so:

  1. Use this repository as your basis for a new guide. Be sure to the follow the guidelines listed above as well as signing Spring's Contributor License Agreement.
  2. Create a fork of this repository and then start a new branch. Write the code and make your edits.
  3. Submit a pull request to this repository.
  4. At that point, the Spring team can evaluate your submission. If they decide to accept it, your commits will be merged into a separate repository and the pull request you submitted will be closed.
