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Closed Aug 12, 2015 100% complete

New features

  • Includes a CacheProvider class to create commonly used caches
  • Includes a Playground to quickly test Carlos and custom cache architectures
  • includes a new switchLevels function to have multiple cache lanes


  • Improves DiskCacheLevel and MemoryCacheLevel by having protocol-based keys
  • Defines safer Transformers (either OneWayTransformer

New features

  • Includes a CacheProvider class to create commonly used caches
  • Includes a Playground to quickly test Carlos and custom cache architectures
  • includes a new switchLevels function to have multiple cache lanes


  • Improves DiskCacheLevel and MemoryCacheLevel by having protocol-based keys
  • Defines safer Transformers (either OneWayTransformer or TwoWayTransformer) that return Optionals. If a conversion fails, set operations silently fail and get operations fail with a meaningful error.
  • Extends the conditioned function and the <?> operator to support fetch closures
  • Improves the code documentation


  • Fixes an issue where the NetworkFetcher would not correctly handle multiple get requests for the same URL

This milestone is closed.

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