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@snicoll snicoll released this 10 Nov 10:13

⭐ New Features

  • Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
  • WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
  • Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
  • Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
  • MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
  • SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
  • StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
  • Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
  • Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
  • Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
  • DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
  • DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
  • Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
  • Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
  • Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
  • Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710

🪲 Bug Fixes

  • Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending @Transactional functions #26052
  • Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
  • setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
  • Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
  • Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
  • Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
  • @Transactional on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998
  • SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
  • @Nonnull annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981
  • Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290

📔 Documentation

  • Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
  • Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999

❤️ Contributors

We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!