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Mark Paluch edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 5 revisions

This page contains a list of the most significant features and bugfixes implemented in the Spring Vault release.

  • M1 - Jun, 29th, 2017
  • M2 - Jul, 27th 2017
  • M3 - Oct, 6th 2017
  • RC1 - Nov, 15th 2017
  • RC2 - Jan, 25th 2018
  • GA - Feb, 15th 2018
  • SR1 - Apr, 5th 2018
  • SR2 - Sept, 10th 2018

Core themes

  • Upgrade to Spring 5
  • Upgrade to Java 8
  • Authentication DSL
  • Reactive support

Spring Vault 2.0.0.M1

  • Introduce Duration instead of numeric durations enhancement
  • Remove support for OkHttp 2

Spring Vault 2.0.0.M2

  • Upgrade to Reactor 3.1.0 M3
  • Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.0 RC3
  • Add NonNullApi/Nullable annotations to indicate null-safety
  • Authentication flow DSL
  • Reactive support