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支持七牛云存储的 Ghost v0.4.2

Ghost 目前仅支持将上传的文件(主要是图片)存储在 content/images 目录下面。此项目的目的是增加对七牛云存储的支持,也就是将上传到 Ghost 的图片存储到七牛云服务器上,本地服务器不保存。这样既能减轻自己服务器的压力,还能通过 CDN 加速图片载入。


主要是在 core/server/storage 目录增加 qiniu.js 文件(继承 baseStore 基类实现各个方法)。


  • 修改了 core/server/storage/index.js 文件以支持加载 qiniu.js 存储类。
  • 修改了 package.json 文件,增加了对 qiniu npm包的依赖



qiniu: {
            bucketname: 'my-first-bucket', //空间名称
            ACCESS_KEY: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', //具体含义请参考七牛的文档
			SECRET_KEY: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
            root: '/images/', //文件存储在哪个目录。可以设置为 `/` 表示存储在根目录
            prefix: ''  //上传的文件的 URL 前缀,可以是你自己绑定的二级域名或者七牛云默认分配的二级域名。文件最中的 URL 为:prefix + root + md5(file) + extension

config.example.js 文件中也有配置实例。


首先计算上传文件的 md5 值,然后取 md5 值的第1位字符作为一级目录名称,取第2和3位作为二级目录名称,剩余的字符作为文件名。例如:

某上传文件的 md5 值为:6fb2a38dc107eacb41cf1656e899cf70;扩展名为 .jpg ;目录及文件组织结构为:6/fb/2a38dc107eacb41cf1656e899cf70.jpg


content/images 目录必须设置正确的写权限。

由于在开发测试时发现,直接从系统临时文件目录中读取上传的图片时偶尔出现读取不完整的情况,因此,首先从系统临时目录将上传的文件复制到 content/images 目录下面,然后再上传到CDN,最后将系统临时目录和 content/images 目录下的文件删除。



  • 由 Ghost中文网 编写的代码版权归 Ghost中文网 所有,全部代码遵循 MIT license
  • 由 Ghost Foundation 编写的代码版权归 Ghost Foundation 所有,并遵循原项目协议,MIT license


Ghost is a free, open, simple blogging platform that's available to anyone who wants to use it. Lovingly created and maintained by John O'Nolan + Hannah Wolfe + an amazing group of contributors.

Visit the project's website at • docs on

Getting Involved

Want to report a bug, request a feature, or help us build or translate Ghost? Check out our in depth guide to Contributing to Ghost. We need all the help we can get! You can also join in with our community to keep up-to-date and meet other Ghosters.

Getting Started

There are two main ways to get started with Ghost, take care to use the method which best suits your needs.

Please note - the downloadable zip files we provide on are pre-built packages designed for getting started quickly. Cloning from the git repository requires you to install several dependencies and build the assets yourself.

Getting Started Guide for Bloggers

If you just want to get a Ghost blog running in the fastest time possible, this method is for you.

For detailed instructions for various platforms visit the Ghost Installation Guide. If you get stuck, help is available on our forum.

  1. Install Node.js - Ghost requires Node v0.10.
  2. Download the latest Ghost package from If you cloned the GitHub repository you should follow the instructions for developers.
  3. Create a new directory where you would like to run the code, and unzip the package to that location.
  4. Fire up a terminal (or node command prompt in Windows) and change directory to the root of the Ghost application (where config.example.js and index.js are)
  5. run npm install --production to install the node dependencies. If you see error Error: ENOENT on this step, make sure you are in the project directory and try again.
  6. To start ghost, run npm start
  7. Visit http://localhost:2368/ in your web browser or go to http://localhost:2368/ghost to log in

Check out the Documentation for more detailed instructions, or get in touch via the forum if you get stuck.

Getting Started Guide for Developers

If you're a theme, app or core developer, or someone comfortable getting up and running from a git clone, this method is for you.

If you clone the GitHub repository, you will need to build a number of assets using grunt.


  1. npm install -g grunt-cli
  2. npm install
  3. grunt init (and grunt prod if you want to run Ghost in production mode)
  4. npm start

Full instructions & troubleshooting tips can be found in the Contributing Guide under the heading "Working on Ghost Core".

Check out the Documentation for more detailed instructions, or get in touch via the forum if you get stuck.

If you want to use Ghost as a NPM module there is a Wiki entry where you can find instructions on how to get set up.

Upgrading to The Latest Version

Upgrade instructions are in the Ghost Guide

Logging in For The First Time

Once you have the Ghost server up and running, you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:2368/ghost/ from a web browser, where you will be prompted to register a new user. Once you have entered your desired credentials you will be automatically logged in to the admin area.


Keep track of Ghost development and Ghost community activity.

  • Follow Ghost on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
  • Read and subscribe to the The Official Ghost Blog.
  • Join in discussions on the Ghost Forum
  • Chat with Ghost developers on IRC. We're on, in the #Ghost channel. We have a public meeting every Tuesday at 5:30pm London time.


For transparency and insight into our release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility, Ghost will be maintained according to the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.

Releases will be numbered with the following format:


Constructed with the following guidelines:

  • A new major release indicates a large change where backwards compatibility is broken.
  • A new minor release indicates a normal change that maintains backwards compatibility.
  • A new patch release indicates a bugfix or small change which does not affect compatibility.
  • A new build release indicates this is a pre-release of the version.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license.


Ghost 0.4.2 版,支持七牛云存储。







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