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Using abbot from source

wagenet edited this page Sep 21, 2011 · 2 revisions

These steps will allow the use of a development release of abbot rather than an installed gem.

1. Inside the Sproutcore project folder create a file named Gemfile (no extension)

Modify the file so that it contains:

source ""
gem "sproutcore", :git => "git://"
# if you want to use a version of abbot already checked out into your system rather than the remote repository
# gem "sproutcore", :path => "/path/to/abbot"

2. Install abbot and its dependencies by running these commands

$ gem install bundler        # May need to run with sudo
$ bundle install --binstubs

This will install the Ruby 'bundler' gem (if it isn't already), then add a 'bin' directory to your project containing executables like "sc-server". The bundle install command will take care of locating, installing and linking to either the remote git or locally installed version of abbot and dependencies.

3. Start the server

$ ./bin/sc-server