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did:pkh Method Specification

Authors: Wayne Chang, Charles Lehner, Juan Caballero Status: Draft


Problem Statement

There are over hundreds of billions of on-chain, balance-holding accounts across the major 50 or so blockchains, all secured and namespaced using similar technologies. Almost all of these derive identifiers from hashed or otherwise obscured public keys, which are provided at time of transaction.

These accounts are used to protect billions of dollars in assets and critical digital infrastructure. They are also actively being piloted and used by enterprises and governments. They are rapidly becoming a major form of shared data infrastructure across verticals and continents.

DIDs should favor usability where possible, and it is extremely beneficial from a security & human computer interaction perspective to have DIDs that readily correspond to their equivalents on decentralized networks. This corresponds neatly to end-users' understanding of what an "account" is on an existing network. There are knock-on security effects to having an immediately-recognizable "address" double as a DID for usage elsewhere.

It also allows most if not all blockchain accounts to instantly leverage an existing identity/account and deploy a W3C Decentralized Identifier from it in a standards-conformant way. This "DID-wrapping" of an existing identifier can be used in combination with other DID-compatible technologies, such as W3C Verifiable Credentials or Authorization Capabilities, and produce proper signature-suite definitions, such as "metamask-signing" (signing according to the [eip712] protocol, soon to be a work item at W3C-CCG).

Relationship to other DID architectures

did:pkh bears many similarities to did:key except it is optimized for identifiers derived from hashes of public keys according to well-known algorithms (commonly referred to as "public key hashes" because in most cases they are a public key hashed according to a standard hash function).

Combination with other DID methods

Another difference from did:key is that did:pkh is design to have many "upgrade paths" for DIDs deterministically generated from existing keypairs. Namely:

  • if a did:pkh is controlled by a keypair which is valid for generating a blockchain-published DID document according to another method (for instance, did:tz, did:btcr or did:ethr), its did document can be translated to the form of that method's documents, and it can be registered there.

Design Goals

  1. The primary goal of this method is to allow any valid blockchain address to "spin up" a feature-limited but valid and widely interoperable DID and DID Document, valid in a limited context where accounts are represented by DIDs.
  2. This method is very narrow and unopinionated to allow a wide range of implementations.
  3. For example, the validity of each address to be wrapped in a DID is checked according to the CAIP-10 standard before generating, to prevent a did:pkh being presented as valid that would not be on its corresponding blockchain. No further validation is assumed or provided in the reference implemention, but implementers may still choose to gate generation to on-chain accounts or balance-holding accounts as per the requirements of their specific use case.
  4. As this method is designed for interoperability with blockchain web wallets, authentication and signing functions are left to the blockchain-specific capabilities of the wallets supported by a given implementation, "dApp", or context. This has implications for the degree of privacy and security that can be assumed. Importantly, these vary across blockchains so some use-cases may choose to treat PKHs differently per prefix.

Identifier scheme

Syntax and Interpretation

pkh-did    = "did:pkh:" network ":" address
network    = network identitifer according to the did:pkh Networks Table
address    = account_address according to [CAIP-10]


Here is an example from each currently supported network, linked to a sample JSON-LD DID document derived from each:

prefix example (linked to sample DID document)
btc did:pkh:btc:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYizJMp8p6
doge did:pkh:doge:DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvGLR3mr7L
eth did:pkh:eth:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a
sol did:pkh:sol:CKg5d12Jhpej1JqtmxLJgaFqqeYjxgPqToJ4LBdvG9Ev
celo did:pkh:celo:0xa0ae58da58dfa46fa55c3b86545e7065f90ff011
tz (tz1) did:pkh:tz:tz1TzrmTBSuiVHV2VfMnGRMYvTEPCP42oSM8
tz (tz2) did:pkh:tz:tz2BFTyPeYRzxd5aiBchbXN3WCZhx7BqbMBq
tz (tz3) did:pkh:tz:tz3agP9LGe2cXmKQyYn6T68BHKjjktDbbSWX

As you can see, the did:pkh address simply consists of a prefix to identify the namespace on which the address is valid (and could be published, but isn't necessarily). Validity is checked according to the [CAIP-10] standard before generating.


Note: Unlike DID:Ethr which defaults to mainnet but can accept an additional prefix for other networks, or DID:BTCR which does not specify a network and leaves network selection/discovery to implementations, did:pkh currently defaults to mainnet (or equivalent) on every supported blockchain without a mechanism to override and select alternatives.

network id CAIP-2 chain id verification method type URL for context definition
tz (tz1) tezos:mainnet Ed25519PublicKeyBLAKE2BDigestSize20Base58CheckEncoded2021
tz (tz2) tezos:mainnet EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
tz (tz3) tezos:mainnet P256PublicKeyBLAKE2BDigestSize20Base58CheckEncoded2021
eth eip155:1 EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
celo eip155:42220 EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
sol solana Ed25519VerificationKey2018
btc bip122:000000000019d6689c085ae165831e93 EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
doge bip122:1a91e3dace36e2be3bf030a65679fe82 EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020


The following should be manually inserted into each DID Document. This will likely change over time as new verification methods are supported, and general-purpose methods are specified.

  "blockchainAccountId": "",
  "publicKeyJwk": {
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "@json"
  "Ed25519VerificationKey2018": "",
  "TezosMethod2021": "",
  "EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020": ""



The blockchain account is validated according to [[caip]] and then appended to did:pkh:{network}, where network is the supported prefix corresponding to the blockchain where it is valid.

Read (Resolve)

Resolution implements the following interface defined in [DID Core][]:

resolve(did, resolutionOptions) →
   « didResolutionMetadata, didDocument, didDocumentMetadata »

Construct the DID Document for did as follows:

  • Parse the DID into its network id, network and account address, address, according to Syntax and Interpretation above.
  • Initialize a DID document, doc, as a JSON-LD document, with id property set to did and @context property set to ["", ""]
    • the contents of the latter context can be added manually if the above is unavailable in the implementation process or cannot be made available at runtime; see above in section context.
  • Construct the verification method ID, vm, by appending "#blockchainAccountId" to did.
  • Construct the verification method object, vmObj as follows:
    • define id as vm with #blockchainAccountId appended
    • define type using the appropriate [vM type] value listed above per blockchain/address type (see networks section)
    • define controller as vm
    • define blockchainAccountId as vm with @ and the appropriate [[caip]] chain id listed above per blockchain (see networks section)
  • Insert a property into doc with key name verificationMethod and a value of an array containing only vmObj.
  • Insert a property into doc with key name authentication and a value of an array containing only vm.
  • Insert a property into doc with key name assertionMethod and value of an array containing only vm.
  • Construct a DID Resolution metadata object, resMeta.
    • Set the content-type property of resMeta to "application/did+ld+json".
  • Construct a DID Document metadata object, docMeta.
    • Set the created property of docMeta to the current time, in the format according to DID Core.
  • Return resMeta, doc, and docMeta.


No updates possible. did:pkh DID Documents are, like did:key documents, intended for local-only usage.


No deletion possible. did:pkh DID Documents are, like did:key documents, intended for local-only usage.

Security & Privacy Considerations (non-normative)

There are a number of security and privacy considerations that implementers will want to take into consideration when implementing this specification. These are adapted from the analogous considerations proposed by the did:key authors.

Key Rotation Not Supported

The did:pkh method is a purely generative method, which means that updates are not supported. This can be an issue if a did:pkh is expected to be used over a long period of time. For example, if a did:pkh is ever compromised, it is not possible to rotate the compromised key. For this reason, using a did:pkh for interactions that last weeks to months is strongly discouraged.

Deactivation Not Supported

The did:pkh method is a purely generative method, which means that deactivations and "tombstoning" are not supported internally, and would require a separate system with its own availablity, privacy, and security concerns. This can be an issue if a did:pkh is expected to be used over a long period of time. For example, if a did:pkh is ever compromised, it is not possible to deactivate the DID to stop an attacker from using it. For this reason, using a did:pkh for interactions that last weeks to months is strongly discouraged.

Key Derivation Lacks Proof

Some implementations might utlize a key derivation function when converting from an ed25519 public key to a Curve25519 ECDH key, used in the keyAgreement verification method. It is expected that this is a relatively safe operation, but implementers might consider that there exists no mathematical proof that confirms this assumption.

Long Term Usage is Discouraged

Since there is no support for update and deactivate for the did:pkh method, it is not possible to recover from a security compromise. For this reason, using a did:pkh for interactions that last weeks to months is strongly discouraged. Instead, the recovery, rotation, and in most cases authentication properties of the system from which the PKH originates should be relied on directly.

Ref Impl

Author name of implementation link to pkh libraries date registered
Spruce Systems, USA DIDKit did-pkh crate in ssi core library July 2,2021