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SPS Zone 1 site

Getting Started

0. Getting setup with git version control and running bash scripts.

Though MacOS and Linux users can probably skip this section, it may be worthwhile for Windows users to install a github for windows, which should come with Git Shell.

1. Install Hugo

Running the site locally requires the Hugo static site framework.

If you're a Mac/Linux user, we recommend installing Hugo using the Homebrew package manager and then brew install hugo. If you're a Windows user and use Chocolatey for package management, run choco install hugo -confim.

If you want to install from source, or prefer another any method, see the Installation Documentation for Hugo.

2. Cloning the Repo

Run git clone to clone this repo.

After you clone the repo, you need to include all submodules, which needs to be done manually. In order to grab the submodules, first enter your local copy of the repository (e.g. cd site ). Then, run git submodule init and then git submodule update in order to pull the file contents of the theme and public site submodules. The theme files are especially necessary to test view and test the site locally.

Updating the Site

*Note: Please use ./update-<project/public/theme> on Windows! This is to deal with CRLF vs LF line ending discrepancies. *

0. Pull changes

Always make sure that your local copy is up to date before you start making your own changes! By running git status, you can check if your local copy is up to date. You can then pull remote changes from Github by using git pull or git pull origin main on the main repo, and each submodule. Alternatively, just use ./ !

1. Adding Pages

Modify the pages in /contents.

Set draft = "True" to keep a page in draft mode (i.e. not visible), which might be useful when multiple people are working on pages that are not yet ready to display on the public site.

2. Testing changes locally

Once the prior steps are completed hugo server in the root level of this repo to host the site locally. Please always do this before deploying!!

3. Deploying to the Public Site (opitonal)

Run / (or ./ on windows) to build and deploy the public site. This will first generate the html pages in the sps-zone-1/ repository submodule within the /public folder of this repository. Then, the changes will be pushed to the submodule.

This step can be skipped if you don't intend for changes, such as those in draft mode, to be pushed to the public site. Please note that someone else may inadvertently deploy any changes that are not in draft mode to the site. That said, please use draft mode liberally!

4. Pushing changes to the Site generating Repo (this repo)

Great, now you have generated html pages and added them to the public sps-zone-1/ repository. It is equally important to push changes made to markdown files in this repo (sps-zone-1/site repository), so that everyone stays on the same page.

Please again make sure that your local copy is up to date before you do this! Just as in step 0, you can make sure of this by pulling any changes from Github by using git pull or git pull origin main on the main repo, and each submodule. Alternatively, just use ./ !

Finally, run ./ (or ./ on windows). Feel free to open up this script to see exactly what this script is doing.

5. Update changes to the theme (optional)

Most likely, you will never need to modify the theme repo submodule. However, if you do, then again make sure to test on a locally hosted site, pull remote changes, and only then run / to push changes to the sps-zone-1/hugo-whisper-theme repository submodule within the /themes/hugo-whisper-theme folder of this repository.


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