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SPXP - Profile Management Extension

Working Draft (Version 0.4)

1 Base URI

A management server can manage profiles with various profile URIs, not just profiles on the same domain. To give the implementers flexibility on the layout of the URI hierarchy on this domain, this spec defines the API relative to a base URI.

2 Authentication

This API uses an OAuth like authentication scheme.

2.1 Device Registration

Each device is granted a long living device token. Each device can choose a random unique device ID.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/auth/device
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Mandatory Description
profile_uri String required Social profile URI as specified by SPXP of the profile for which a device should be registered
device_id String required A random ID uniquely identifying this device
timestamp timestamp required Timestamp when the client created this request

The device registration request must always be signed by the profile owner as specified by SPXP.


    "profile_uri" : "",
    "device_id" : "my-fancy-phone",
    "timestamp" : "2020-01-15T10:39:15.437",
    "signature" : {
        "key" : "C8xSIBPKRTcXxFix",
        "sig" : "htQvu861MyGldtDEaDfOBydlijO_FaZYnpgXuvgcO0H5HNCIkQ_VIOWKZL9peZ19PjPjvpWtQbZEOvNh05o6Bw"

Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success response body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
token_type String required Fixed text string device_token
device_token String required The device token registered by the server


    "token_type" : "device_token",
    "device_token" : "MTQ0NjJkZmQ5OTM2NDE1ZTZjNGZmZjI3"

Failure response code: 403
This operation will invalidate all device tokens previously granted for the same device_id. A server can choose to limit the lifetime of a device token or a user can choose to invalidate a device token (lost device). In either case, clients must be prepared to re-register once their device token becomes invalid.
The device token grants access to the profile and needs to be stored by clients in a secure location.

2.2 Access Tokens

Device Tokens need to be exchanged into short living access tokens before being used on API endpoints.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/auth/access_token
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Mandatory Description
device_token String required Device token registered by the server
timestamp timestamp required Timestamp when the client created this request

The access token request must always be signed by the profile owner as specified by SPXP.


    "device_token" : "MTQ0NjJkZmQ5OTM2NDE1ZTZjNGZmZjI3",
    "timestamp" : "2020-01-15T10:39:17.164",
    "signature" : {
        "key" : "C8xSIBPKRTcXxFix",
        "sig" : "sfdzUrSIjZA2ZTFAQSO8NHqDz1LlhAbRbcmiOlIcEpz9ezlNoxYAhYHIctCpa4eG3NGaVGruMVVzQE0Y6ez6BQ"

Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success response body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
token_type String required Fixed text string access_token
access_token String required The access token issued by the server
expires_in Integer required Lifetime in seconds of the access token


    "token_type" : "access_token",
    "access_token" : "jT4k9ZgkRwHIctzlNoxYAhY4eG3NCpaVVzQEGaVGruM0Y6ez6BQ",
    "expires_in" : 3600

Failure response code: 403

2.3 API Authentication

Every API request listed here, except for authentication requests, must be authorised by sending the Authorization http request header field containing the Access Token using the Bearer authentication scheme:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

If the access token is invalid, the server responds with a 401 status code. Clients need to refresh the access token in this case or re-register the device.

3 Service info

The server implementation is providing the backend behind the various endpoints listed in the profile root document. Most likely, this implementation has some constraints on the endpoint URIs so that they cannot be freely chosen by the profile owner. The service info API provides the information needed by the profile owner to craft a profile root document. It further exposes information about the capabilities of this implementation.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/service/info
Method: GET
Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success response body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
server Object required Information about the server as defined below
server.vendor String optional Vendor of the server product
server.product String required Product name of the server product
server.version String optional Version string of the server product
server.helpUri String optional Absolute URI of user facing help pages of the server product
endpoints Object required Collection of endpoint information to be used for the profile root document and in the connection process as defined below
endpoints.friendsEndpoint String optional friendsEndpoint to be used in the profile root document
endpoints.postsEndpoint String optional postsEndpoint to be used in the profile root document
endpoints.keysEndpoint String optional keysEndpoint to be used in the profile root document
endpoints.connectEndpoint String optional connectEndpoint to be used in the profile root document
endpoints.connectResponseEndpoint String optional responseEndpoint to be used in connection requests
endpoints.publishEndpoint String optional publishEndpoint to be used in the profile root document
limits Object required Information about service limits as defined below
limits.maxMediaSize Integer optional Maximum size in bytes of media objects accepted by this server


    "server" : {
        "vendor" : "ACME Corp.",
        "product" : "Fancy SPXP Server (tm)",
        "version" : "1.0",
        "helpUri" : ""
    "endpoints" : {
        "friendsEndpoint" : "friends/alice",
        "postsEndpoint" : "posts?profile=alice",
        "keysEndpoint" : "keys/alice",
        "connectEndpoint" : "connect/alice",
        "connectResponseEndpoint" : "connectResponse/alice",
        "publishEndpoint" : "publish/alice"
    "limits" : {
        "maxMediaSize" : 10485760

Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

4 Service messages

There are situations where a server needs to communicate with the profile owner, for example to inform the owner about a new service agreement that needs to be accepted or to relay connection requests received from other profiles.
These messages use a similar approach as posts in SPXP.

4.1 Reading messages

We use the same basic approach and paging mechanism as in SPXP.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/service/messages
Method: GET
Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success response body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
data Array required List of service message objects
more Boolean required True if and only if there are more service messages before the oldest post in the data array

Each single service message in the data array is a JSON object with these members:

Name Type Mandatory Description
seqts timestamp required Sequence timestamp of service message generated by the server
type String required Type of service message. One of provider_message, connection_request or connection_package

Depending on the type, additional members are defined as follows:

Type provider_message:

Name Type Mandatory Description
message String required Text message to be displayed to the user
link String optional Absolute URI of a link to be displayed to the user

Type connection_request

Name Type Mandatory Description
received Timestamp required Timestamp when the server received the connection request
ver String required ver field as received on the connect endpoint
msg Object required msg field as received on the connect endpoint

Type connection_package

Name Type Mandatory Description
received Timestamp required Timestamp of the package exchange
ver String required ver field as received on the package exchange endpoint
package Object required package field as received on the package exchange endpoint

Supported query parameters:

Name Type Description
max Integer Maximum number of items the client can handle in one response. The server can return fewer items, but must not return more items.
before timestamp Only include items with a timestamp before this date
after timestamp Only include items with a timestamp after this date

Example request: <baseUri>/service/messages?max=5&after=2018-09-17T14:04:27.373&before=2018-09-19T15:45:37.735


    "data" : [
            "seqts" : "2018-09-17T14:04:27.373",
            "type" : "provider_message",
            "message" : "Hello, world!",
            "link" : ""
        }, {
            "seqts" : "2018-09-15T12:35:47.735",
            "type" : "connection_request",
            "received" : "2018-09-15T12:35:46.123",
            "ver" : "0.3",
            "msg" : {
                "..." : "..."
        }, {
            "seqts" : "2018-09-13T02:53:12.154",
            "type" : "connection_package",
            "received" : "2018-09-13T02:53:11.856",
            "ver" : "0.3",
            "establishId" : "",
            "package" : {
                "..." : "..."
    "more" : true

Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

4.2 Cleaning up messages

Messages are hold by the server until they are cleaned up. Clients can decide if they delete messages on the server immediately after having received them, or only after having shown them to the user.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/service/messages/<seqts>
Parameter: <seqts> value of the seqts field in the service message object to delete
Method: DELETE
Success response code: 204
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

5 Publishing profile objects

To publish new data for the profile root document or the “friends endpoint“, the client simply PUTs the JSON objects to the server, including all private data. There is no possibility yet to selectively update individual elements in the private array or the main object.
The server does not need to validate any signatures or availability of decryption keys.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/profile/root
Endpoint: <baseUri>/profile/friends
Method: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Body: the entire JSON object as specified in the SPXP specification
Success response: 201 or 204 without body
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

6 Posts

Clients have to use the normal “posts endpoint” in SPXP to enumerate all posts. This requires the profile owner to have a reader key (or set of keys) that is able to read all posts.

6.1 Publishing

To publish a new post, the client POSTs the entire post object to the server.
The server does not need to validate any signatures or availability of decryption keys.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/posts
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Body: the entire JSON object of one single post object as specified in the SPXP specification

    "createts" : "2018-09-16T12:23:18.751",
    "type" : "text",
    "message" : "Hello, world!",
    "signature" : {
        "key" : "C8xSIBPKRTcXxFix",
        "sig" : "bDOgcT4uxTKYMTuOJXDbAPc1UA2p-aGdxwplUWNStzyDRIRPu9UxaTU1IoZ1ELjBY5iRf4FEBPV09Uw9TOYuCA"

Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success response body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
seqts String required The seqts assigned to this post by the server


    "seqts" : "2018-09-17T14:04:27.373"

The server will assign a unique seqts, store the post and return the assigned seqts.

Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

6.2 Deleting

Post objects can be removed with a DELETE HTTP request using the unique seqts of the post object.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/posts/<seqts>
Parameter: <seqts> value of the seqts field in the post object to delete Method: DELETE
Success response code: 204
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

7 Media

Profiles can include links to other media files, like images and videos, in their posts and the profile. These media files can also be managed through this extension.
Media files are handled as opaque binary files by this protocol, uniquely identified by a media ID.

7.1 Uploading media

Binary files can be POSTed directly to the server as multipart/form-data.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/media
Method: POST
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Form Data:

Field Content
source binary media as application/octet-stream, images/jpeg or images/png

Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success response body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
mediaid String required The ID of this media object used to address this object with this API
uri String required Absolute URI of this media object (public accessible)


    "mediaId" : "3d3af028-8c61-4cdc-8b96-6012a85faa99",
    "uri" : ""

Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

7.2 Deleting media

Endpoint: <baseUri>/media/<mediaId>
Parameter: <mediaId> ID of media object to be deleted as returned by the upload media endpoint
Method: DELETE
Success response code: 204
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

8 Key Management

Maintaining the tree of keys and ensuring that actors have access to all the content they are entitled for is the sole responsibility of the profile owner. This management extension only provides endpoints to publish new keys to the server and to delete existing keys. The server will maintain this set of keys and use it to compute the result set on the “keys endpoint” as well as to select the elements exposed as private data in objects.

8.1 Publishing keys

The client transfers a set of keys to the server. Each key is processed independently, and the outcome of each operation is reported individually. A ”Success” response code only means that the entire request has been processed, but it does not indicate that any of these operations has been successful. The request is structured similar to the response on the “keys endpoint” in SPXP.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/keys
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Request body: The same 3 level JSON structure as specified for the keys endpoint in SPXP

    "audience1" : {
        "group1" : {
            "round1" : "<JWK1>",
            "round2" : "<JWK>",
            "round3" : "<JWK>"
        "group2" : {
            "round1" : "<JWK>",
            "round2" : "<JWK>",
            "round3" : "<JWK>"
    "audience2" : {

Success response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Success body:

    "audience1" : {
        "group1" : {
            "round1" : "<outcome>",
            "round2" : "<outcome>",
            "round3" : "<outcome>"
        "group2" : {
            "round1" : "<outcome>",
            "round2" : "<outcome>",
            "round3" : "<outcome>"
    "audience2" : {

With <outcome> one of ok, err_exists, err_invalid_jwk, err_invalid_jwk: <description>, err_retry or error: <description>
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

8.2 Removing keys

Keys can be deleted individually or in groups. The server does not perform any cascading delete. If a key can no longer be decrypted, it is still hold on the server. It is possible that a client is going to publish new decryption keys in a later operation.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/keys/<audience>/<group>/<round>
Endpoint: <baseUri>/keys/<audience>/<group>
Endpoint: <baseUri>/keys/<audience>
Method: DELETE
Success response code: 204
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

8.3 Managing keys in prepared packages

To add or remove keys that are associated with a prepared package, the client can add the establishId of the prepared package as suffix to the audience, separated by the @ character. See 9.3 for details.

9 Connection packages

When a peer profile accepts a connection request, the server has to perform the package exchange on behalf of the user. In this process, the server has to activate a set of keys so that the peer profile can start to read private information, accept and store the package provided by the peer profile and then hand out the connection package that has been prepared for the peer. Please see the main SPXP specification for details on this process.
The profile management extension defines the following operations to manage this process.

9.1 Preparing a package

The server needs to be prepared for the connection package exchange with other profiles.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/connect/packages
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Mandatory Description
establishId String required The establish ID as defined in the connection process in SPXP
expires timestamp required Timestamp after which the server must no longer accept package exchanges
package Object required The connection package to be exchanged on the connection response endpoint for this establish ID
keys Object required set of keys to be activated on the package exchange. Same object structure as on the publish keys endpoint.


    "establishId" : "K4dwfD4wA67xaD-t",
    "expires" : "2020-07-12T09:40:17.734",
    "package" : {
        "..." : "..."
    "keys" : {
        "audience1" : {
            "group1" : {
                "round1" : "<JWK>",
                "round2" : "<JWK>",
                "round3" : "<JWK>"
            "group2" : {
                "round1" : "<JWK>",
                "round2" : "<JWK>",
                "round3" : "<JWK>"
        "audience2" : {

Success response code: 204
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

9.2 Revoke a prepared package

The client can revoke a prepared connection package based on the establishId.
Endpoint: <baseUri>/connect/packages/<establishId>
Method: DELETE
Success response code: 204
Failure response code: 4xx or 5xx

9.3 Updating keys associated with a prepared package

It is possible that the client needs to extend or even replace cryptographic material associated with a connection process. If either the reader key or certificate are effected, the client needs to revoke the entire package and issue a new one with the same establishId.
If the change is limited to the round keys that are associated with a connection, which is most likely, then the client can use the normal key management operations using this special audience:
While a connection request ages, it is likely that new round keys need to be generated in the assigned group. In this case, these new round keys need to be added to the prepared package.
Example body on the keys endpoint:

    "audience1@establish1" : {
        "group1" : {
            "round1" : "<JWK1>",
            "round2" : "<JWK>",
            "round3" : "<JWK>"
    "audience2" : {

10 Publishing key management

To be able to authenticate requests for publishing tokens on the publishing endpoint, the server needs to know the set of keys which are authorized to post publicly and those authorized to post privately.
Although fundamentally different from reader keys, the lifecycle is similar: They are exchanged as part of connection packages and either need to be activated during the package exchange or they get published most commonly together with a set of reader keys when accepting connections. Hence, we treat these keys like reader keys and use the usual key management endpoints and package preparation endpoints with the following 3 level JSON object structure:

Level Content
Outermost level Fixed text string @publish@
Middle level key id
Inner level Fixed text string public or private depending on allowed key use

To be compatible with round keys, the JWK of the public signing key is transferred as a String containing the JSON serialisation of the JWK.

Example on the <baseUri>/keys endpoint:

    "@publish@" : {
        "QcUQRaiTiOuchvSy" : {
            "private" : "{\"kid\":\"QcUQRaiTiOuchvSy\",\"kty\":\"OKP\",\"crv\":\"Ed25519\",\"x\":\"rHdyo3zVbl50ufXSajF71HjidGdBwk-YQSKDM2hS5Yc\"}"
        "czlHMPEJcLb7jMUI" : {
            "public" : "{\"kid\":\"czlHMPEJcLb7jMUI\",\"kty\":\"OKP\",\"crv\":\"Ed25519\",\"x\":\"vg42ogNHigJnwZ0pwwMzUtaXZA49eqcfGYl2u9GR8vg\"}"

Example on the <baseUri>/connect/packages endpoint:

    "establishId" : "K4dwfD4wA67xaD-t",
    "expires" : "2020-07-12T09:40:17.734",
    "package" : {
        "..." : "..."
    "keys" : {
        "audience1" : {
            "group1" : {
                "round1" : "<JWK>",
                "round2" : "<JWK>",
                "round3" : "<JWK>"
            "group2" : {
                "round1" : "<JWK>",
                "round2" : "<JWK>",
                "round3" : "<JWK>"
        "@publish@" : {
            "QcUQRaiTiOuchvSy" : {
                "private" : "{\"kid\":\"QcUQRaiTiOuchvSy\",\"kty\":\"OKP\",\"crv\":\"Ed25519\",\"x\":\"rHdyo3zVbl50ufXSajF71HjidGdBwk-YQSKDM2hS5Yc\"}"
            "czlHMPEJcLb7jMUI" : {
                "public" : "{\"kid\":\"czlHMPEJcLb7jMUI\",\"kty\":\"OKP\",\"crv\":\"Ed25519\",\"x\":\"vg42ogNHigJnwZ0pwwMzUtaXZA49eqcfGYl2u9GR8vg\"}"