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Stephannie Jimenez Gacha edited this page Jun 21, 2022 · 81 revisions

Themes for 2022

For 2022, we'll particularly focus on the following themes.

  • ⏩ Complete Spyder migration to the new API (introduced in 2021)
  • 👩🏼‍🎨 Continued UX/UI improvements as well as accessibility features
  • 🚀 Support and improve third-party and native Spyder plugins
  • 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Foundational work for the sustainability of the Spyder community

Our roadmap typically looks out 12-18 months and we establish topics we want to work on. This roadmap is based on previous releases, the findings we made over the course of the last year, and of course what we heard from you (the community) in GitHub issues, in face-to-face or virtual discussions, Stack Overflow, and social media.

When we execute on our roadmap, we keep learning and our assessment of some of the topics listed changes - this roadmap is not meant to be a static document. As a result, we may add or drop topics as we go.


  • 🎉 Update to Qt/PyQt 5.15


  • 📝 Editor migration, refactoring and improvements
  • 🗂 Windows and macOS installers improvements
  • 📞 Run monthly community calls
  • 👄 Improve our communication channels and issue tracker response
  • 🖊 Update of our editor and developers documentation
  • ⚙️ Bug fixes & paper cuts

Just around the corner

  • 🧩 Update of third party plugins (spyder-notebook, line-profiler, memory-profiler)
  • ⚙️ Bug fixes & paper cuts

Slowly approaching

  • 📋 Console menus for easier navigation across environments
  • 🎨 UX/UI improvements
  • ⚙️ Bug fixes & paper cuts
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