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File metadata and controls

104 lines (73 loc) · 2.94 KB

Example scripts

On this page, you will be very simple example of scripts to load/play a bit with the raw results, either in Python or in Matlab. This is not exhaustive, this is simply an example to show you how you can integrate your own workflow on the results.


Note that in Python templates (i.e. cells) indices start at 0, while they start at 1 in MATLAB.

Display a template

If you want to display the particular template i, as a 2D matrix of size N_e x N_t (respectively the number of channels and the temporal width of your template)


from circus.shared.files import *
from pylab import *
params    = load_parameters('yourdatafile.dat')
N_e       = params.getint('data', 'N_e') # The number of channels
N_t       = params.getint('data', 'N_t') # The temporal width of the template
templates = load_data(params, 'templates') # To load the templates
temp_i = templates[:, i].toarray().reshape(N_e, N_t) # To read the template i as a 2D matrix
imshow(temp_i, aspect='auto')


tmpfile        = 'yourdata/yourdata.templates.hdf5';
templates_size = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/temp_shape'));
N_e = templates_size(2);
N_t = templates_size(1);
temp_x = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/temp_x') + 1);
temp_y = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/temp_y') + 1);
temp_z = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/temp_data'));
templates = sparse(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z, templates_size(1)*templates_size(2), templates_size(3));
templates_size = [templates_size(1) templates_size(2) templates_size(3)/2];
temp_i = full(reshape(templates(:, tmpnum), templates_size(2), templates_size(1)))';

Compute ISI

If you want to compute the inter-spike intervals of cell i


from circus.shared.files import *
from pylab import *
params    = load_parameters('yourdatafile.dat')
results   = load_data(params, 'results')
spikes    = results['spiketimes']['temp_i']
isis      = numpy.diff(spikes)


tmpfile = 'yourdata/yourdata.results.hdf5';
spikes  = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/spiketimes/temp_i'));
isis    = diff(spikes);

Display the amplitude over time for a given template

If you want to show a plot of cell i spike times vs. amplitudes


from circus.shared.files import *
from pylab import *
params    = load_parameters('yourdatafile.dat')
results   = load_data(params, 'results')
spikes    = results['spiketimes']['temp_i']
amps      = results['amplitudes']['temp_i'][:, 0] # The second column are amplitude for orthogonal, not needed
plot(spikes, amps, '.')


tmpfile = 'yourdata/yourdata.results.hdf5';
spikes  = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/spiketimes/temp_i'));
amps    = double(h5read(tmpfile, '/amplitudes/temp_i')(:,1));
plot(spikes, amps, '.')