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About This Project

This is project is the ---Project Name---. Built with Laravel & various packages included.

Packages List is given below:

  • Packages Name [Packages Name](Packages Link).


  • First of all we have to clone the project at our local machine using below command
git clone ---Project Name---
  • Now change the command line present working directory (pwd) by
cd ---Project Folder Name---
  • Now with help of composer download all required packages those need to run this laravel project
composer install
  • Now, we need to copy the .env.example file as .env file for our laravel project. Use below command to copy the file
cp .env.example .env
  • Currently our project do not have any key, we have generate it using
php artisan key:generate
  • Basic setup is done at this point, now we have work on .env. Below changes should be done at .env file
Variable Name Description
*DB database settings for connect the database with this project
*MAIL mail settings for send email via smtp server
*SMS sms settings for send sms via bulksmsbd api
*SOCIAL_LOGIN social login settings for login using social account via socialite package
*PAYMENT payment settings for payment received via sslcommerz
  • Now migrate the database using
php artisan migrate
  • Seed the database using
php artisan db:seed
  • At last, we can now run the project using
php artisan serve
  • Demo login credentials
For Admin:- 

All account password as same
Password: 12345678

Tools Used

  • [Tools Name](Tools Link)