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SQD_Lab edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

SQDToolz Documentation:

SQDToolz is a toolbox to control instruments to run a general lab experiments. This was designed to supersede UQTools, keeping simplicity, scalability and efficiency in check. It currently uses QCoDeS to communicate with the instruments, while providing higher level functionality such as timing control, pulse generation, automatic parameter updates and data/configuration storage. The key points in the design of this stack are:

  • Less external library dependency - less things to fix and maintain.
  • Device abstraction - Control scripts should not be directly affected by hardware changes or bug fixes.
  • Automation & Chaining - Multiple experiments should be seamlessly linked and executed.


For those who want to quickly start with the software stack without going into deep details about the control and data flow, please use:

For those who want to understand the inner working, design choices and drive development and compatibility please use:

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