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3.0: Updatable firmware over I2C

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@ardangelo ardangelo released this 10 Dec 16:15

Starting with Beepy firmware 3.0, firmware is loaded in two stages.

The first stage is a modified version of pico-flashloader.
It allows updates to be flashed to the second stage firmware while booted.

The second stage is the actual Beepy firmware.

After installing version 2,4 or later of the beepy-kbd keyboard driver, the beepy-ppa package beepy-fw includes firmware HEX files and a tool at /sbin/update-beepy-fw to install updated firmware.

Firmware updates can also be manually flashed by writing a firmware HEX file to /sys/firmware/beepy/fw_update.

If the update completes successfully, the system will be rebooted.
The firmware is flashed right before the Pi boots back up, so please wait until the system reboots on its own before removing power.

If the update failed, an error will be returned and the firmware will not be modified. Check dmesg | tail for more information.

  • i2c_puppet.uf2: complete flashable image
  • beepy_3.0.hex: Intel HEX format Beepy firmware