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@sqla-tester sqla-tester released this 18 Sep 21:15
· 417 commits to main since this release


Released: September 18, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Adjusted the ORM's interpretation of the "target" entity used within
    Update and Delete to not interfere with the target
    "from" object passed to the statement, such as when passing an ORM-mapped
    _orm.aliased construct that should be maintained within a phrase
    like "UPDATE FROM". Cases like ORM session synchonize using "SELECT"
    statements such as with MySQL/ MariaDB will still have issues with
    UPDATE/DELETE of this form so it's best to disable synchonize_session when
    using DML statements of this type.

    References: #10279

  • [orm] [bug] Added new capability to the _orm.selectin_polymorphic() loader option
    which allows other loader options to be bundled as siblings, referring to
    one of its subclasses, within the sub-options of parent loader option.
    Previously, this pattern was only supported if the
    _orm.selectin_polymorphic() were at the top level of the options for
    the query. See new documentation section for example.

    As part of this change, improved the behavior of the
    _orm.Load.selectin_polymorphic() method / loader strategy so that the
    subclass load does not load most already-loaded columns from the parent
    table, when the option is used against a class that is already being
    relationship-loaded. Previously, the logic to load only the subclass
    columns worked only for a top level class load.

    References: #10348


  • [engine] [bug] Fixed a series of reflection issues affecting the PostgreSQL,
    MySQL/MariaDB, and SQLite dialects when reflecting foreign key constraints
    where the target column contained parenthesis in one or both of the table
    name or column name.

    References: #10275


  • [sql] [usecase] Adjusted the _types.Enum datatype to accept an argument of
    None for the _types.Enum.length parameter, resulting in a
    VARCHAR or other textual type with no length in the resulting DDL. This
    allows for new elements of any length to be added to the type after it
    exists in the schema. Pull request courtesy Eugene Toder.

    References: #10269

  • [sql] [usecase] Added new generic SQL function _functions.aggregate_strings, which
    accepts a SQL expression and a decimeter, concatenating strings on multiple
    rows into a single aggregate value. The function is compiled on a
    per-backend basis, into functions such as group_concat(),
    string_agg(), or LISTAGG().
    Pull request courtesy Joshua Morris.

    References: #9873

  • [sql] [bug] Adjusted the operator precedence for the string concatenation operator to
    be equal to that of string matching operators, such as, ColumnElement.regexp_match(),
    ColumnElement.match(), etc., as well as plain == which has the
    same precedence as string comparison operators, so that parenthesis will be
    applied to a string concatenation expression that follows a string match
    operator. This provides for backends such as PostgreSQL where the "regexp
    match" operator is apparently of higher precedence than the string
    concatenation operator.

    References: #9610

  • [sql] [bug] Qualified the use of hashlib.md5() within the DDL compiler, which is
    used to generate deterministic four-character suffixes for long index and
    constraint names in DDL statements, to include the Python 3.9+
    usedforsecurity=False parameter so that Python interpreters built for
    restricted environments such as FIPS do not consider this call to be
    related to security concerns.

    References: #10342

  • [sql] [bug] The Values construct will now automatically create a proxy (i.e.
    a copy) of a _sql.column if the column were already associated
    with an existing FROM clause. This allows that an expression like
    values_obj.c.colname will produce the correct FROM clause even in the
    case that colname was passed as a _sql.column that was already
    used with a previous Values or other table construct.
    Originally this was considered to be a candidate for an error condition,
    however it's likely this pattern is already in widespread use so it's
    now added to support.

    References: #10280


  • [schema] [bug] Modified the rendering of the Oracle only Identity.order
    parameter that's part of both Sequence and Identity to
    only take place for the Oracle backend, and not other backends such as that
    of PostgreSQL. A future release will rename the
    Identity.order, Sequence.order and
    Identity.on_null parameters to Oracle-specific names,
    deprecating the old names, these parameters only apply to Oracle.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.50

    References: #10207

  • [schema] [bug] Modified the rendering of the Oracle only Identity.order
    parameter that's part of both Sequence and Identity to
    only take place for the Oracle backend, and not other backends such as that
    of PostgreSQL. A future release will rename the
    Identity.order, Sequence.order and
    Identity.on_null parameters to Oracle-specific names,
    deprecating the old names, these parameters only apply to Oracle.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.50

    References: #10207


  • [typing] [usecase] Made the contained type for Mapped covariant; this is to allow
    greater flexibility for end-user typing scenarios, such as the use of
    protocols to represent particular mapped class structures that are passed
    to other functions. As part of this change, the contained type was also
    made covariant for dependent and related types such as
    _orm.base.SQLORMOperations, _orm.WriteOnlyMapped, and
    _sql.SQLColumnExpression. Pull request courtesy Roméo Després.

    References: #10288

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed regression introduced in 2.0.20 via #9600 fix which
    attempted to add more formal typing to
    _schema.MetaData.naming_convention. This change prevented basic
    naming convention dictionaries from passing typing and has been adjusted so
    that a plain dictionary of strings for keys as well as dictionaries that
    use constraint types as keys or a mix of both, are again accepted.

    As part of this change, lesser used forms of the naming convention
    dictionary are also typed, including that it currently allows for
    Constraint type objects as keys as well.

    References: #10264, #9284

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed the type annotation for __class_getitem__() as applied to the
    Visitable class at the base of expression constructs to accept Any
    for a key, rather than str, which helps with some IDEs such as PyCharm
    when attempting to write typing annotations for SQL constructs which
    include generic selectors. Pull request courtesy Jordan Macdonald.

    References: #9878

  • [typing] [bug] Repaired the core "SQL element" class SQLCoreOperations to support the
    __hash__() method from a typing perspective, as objects like
    Column and ORM InstrumentedAttribute are hashable and
    are used as dictionary keys in the public API for the _dml.Update
    and _dml.Insert constructs. Previously, type checkers were not
    aware the root SQL element was hashable.

    References: #10353

  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing issue with _sql.Existing.select_from() that
    prevented its use with ORM classes.

    References: #10337

  • [typing] [bug] Update type annotations for ORM loading options, restricting them to accept
    only "*" instead of any string for string arguments. Pull request
    courtesy Janek Nouvertné.

    References: #10131


  • [postgresql] [bug] Fixed regression which appeared in 2.0 due to #8491 where the
    revised "ping" used for PostgreSQL dialects when the
    _sa.create_engine.pool_pre_ping parameter is in use would
    interfere with the use of asyncpg with PGBouncer "transaction" mode, as the
    multiple PostgreSQL commands emitted by asnycpg could be broken out among
    multiple connections leading to errors, due to the lack of any transaction
    around this newly revised "ping". The ping is now invoked within a
    transaction, in the same way that is implicit with all other backends that
    are based on the pep-249 DBAPI; this guarantees that the series of PG
    commands sent by asyncpg for this command are invoked on the same backend
    connection without it jumping to a different connection mid-command. The
    transaction is not used if the asyncpg dialect is used in "AUTOCOMMIT"
    mode, which remains incompatible with pgbouncer transaction mode.

    References: #10226


  • [bug] [setup] Fixed very old issue where the full extent of SQLAlchemy modules, including
    sqlalchemy.testing.fixtures, could not be imported outside of a pytest
    run. This suits inspection utilities such as pkgutil that attempt to
    import all installed modules in all packages.

    References: #10321