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SQLViz is a data visualization platform built on top of Django.


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SQLViz is a data visualization platform built on Django


This project requires Python 2.7, MySQL, and Postgres. Instructions below are for Ubuntu. These instructions have been tested on an EC2 "Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-29ebb519" server.


Clone the project and run the deploy script.
$ git clone
$ cd sqlviz
$ sudo bash deploy_script/

Using SQLViz

Setting up a database

Creating a Query

  • In Admin Panel add Query
  • Provide descriptions in short and long description. Short shows up on index page, long does not.
  • Enter SQL as it is to run in the SQL area. Formatting provided by Ace.JS
  • Limits will be added automatically unless limits are detected. To disable, click disable adding limits
  • Choose database to run against.
  • Set query replacement parameters. These will search for strings in the Query and replace with parameters provided by user. These will not be sanitized and present a possible injection source, which is why it is important to only use a readonly account.
  • Pivot will turn a three column query of the form A / B / C and pivot A against B with values C. Nulls will be filled with 0.
  • If a query has a chart, the chart will be saved when it is saved and displayed as a thumbnail on the index page

Charting Options

  • Line, Bar, Column, scatter
  • Stacked
  • Log x/y axis.
  • Highcharts handles the rest.
  • Inject JS directly to allow arbitrary Highcharts extensibility

Viewing a Query

  • Go to the index page and click through
  • The URL will be persistant and can be sent via email
  • Anyone with permission can view
  • In the search box a particular row can be filtered for
  • CSV can be saved from this view
  • If the author has enabled parameterization, query parameters can be changed at the bottom of the query and rerun.
  • Multiple Queries can be viewed at the same time by separating the ids with a comma. All will have the same parameters given from the parameter set at the bottom

Setting up a Dashboard

  • A Dashboard is an ordered set of queries.
  • Dashboards can be found from the homepage in the same way as queries.
  • Dashboards with parameterization will be run with the same parameters if they are provided.

Setting up a Schedueled Emailed Report

  • Dashboards only can be schedueled to run automatically and email results
  • Email lists are set up for each report
  • Emailed results will include default parameters

Groups and Permissions

  • Users can access data they have permission for.
  • Tags are used not just to index queries, dashboards, and databases, but to give permission sets.
  • Create a group with the same name as tag, to allow access to that query.
  • A user will have access to the query iff:
    • They are a super user
    • The query and database are untagged
    • They are in a group that shares a name with the database or the query

Precedent Queries

  • Queries can incldue precent queries.
  • Those queries will run before the target query.
  • Results are saved into a local database (currently named test/ to be named temp). Temp can be accessed as its own database, and a query execution tree could join results from two queiries in temp.
  • Precedents are executed in serial.
  • Cycle detection is not performed.

CSV Upload

  • You can upload a csv to the scratch DB from the admin panel
  • Header should be provided in the first row and formatting is auto-detected as best as possible.



  • Docker files to enhance deployment
  • Better Templates for Email Reports
  • Support for Hive, Presto, Oracle, and SQLServer
  • SSO support
  • Annotate Table structure and Database explorer
  • Descriptive Data on column types and values within them
  • Save SQL recipes (columns, filters, joins, aggregations) to re-use later
  • Simple Machine Learning recipes (regression, classification, clustering)
  • Store and serve simple ML models
  • Improved search
  • Extensible Dashboard UI that allows grid placement for queries
  • Drag and Drop data explorer
  • Internal Tracking Dashboard for usage reports and auditing
  • Cancel Long Running Queries

Detailed Installation

Install required Linux packages.

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev python-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran lamp-server^ python-pip python-numpy python-psycopg2  python-psycopg2 libpq-dev libfreetype6-dev libxft-dev phantomjs libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Install Python dependencies (in a virtualenv preferably):

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Setup the Database

Create the databases and user permissions:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON django.*  TO 'django'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'django';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON scratch.*  TO 'django'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'django';

Database Migrations

To initialize or update the database:

./ migrate

To create a new super user and enter credentials for that user:

./ createsuperuser

Running the Server

To start the Django server on port 8000:

$ ./ runserver

Now visit http://localhost:7878/ in your browser, or the IP the server is running from.


  • Highcharts licensing is required for Highcharts and Highmaps (each are separate).
  • Once license has been acquired, place Highcharts into the necassary folder.
$ git clone website/static/Highcharts
$ git clone website/static/Highmaps

Loading Initial Data

Load data into to SQLViz so there is out of gate functionality

$ python loaddata initial_data/djia_data.json
$ python loaddata initial_data/initial_data.json

Enabling Cron

Execute to set up script to run reporting:

$ python crontab add

Keyset for Encryption Fields

Create Django encrypted keys:

$ rm -rf fieldkeys
$ mkdir fieldkeys
$ keyczart create --location=fieldkeys --purpose=crypt
$ keyczart addkey --location=fieldkeys --status=primary --size=256

Enable Uploads

If running with Apache, you may need to grant access to media folder and the debug.log file

$ chmod  -R 777 media
$ chmod 777 debug.log
  • First repo is fairly large. You can checkout the alternative highcharts release branch into the js folder and also checking out the export branch separately.
  • SQLViz does NOT include any warranty for the licenses of used software.


  • You can set up a passwords.json file in the sqlviz folder. It is in the gitignore to avoid copy-ing passwords into a repo. Email is used for automated reporting.
    "SECRET_KEY" : "",
    "EMAIL": {
        "EMAIL_HOST" : "",
        "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD" : "",
        "EMAIL_HOST_USER" : "",
        "EMAIL_PORT" : 587,
        "EMAIL_USE_TLS" : true
    "DJANGO" : {
        "DB_TYPE" : "",
        "USER" : "",
        "PWD" : "",
        "HOST" : "",
        "PORT" : "",
        "DB" : ""
    "SCRATCH" : {
        "DB_TYPE" : "",
        "USER" : "",
        "PWD" : "",
        "HOST" : "",
        "PORT" : "",
        "DB" : ""