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T-Rex: A regex language over rich tokens

T-Rex is a library that allows you to write regular expressions over tokens which themselves have substructure. The motivating use-case is for natural language tokens: a word may have a lemma, part of speech, named entity tag, etc attached to it. T-Rex allows you to match against these properties using an enriched regular expression language. For example, the following pattern can be used to extract "born in" relations that are written in a variety of ways:

[{ner:PERSON}]+ [{lemma:be}] born (on [!{pos:/VB.?/}])? in [{ner:LOCATION}]+

This would match:

  • Obama was born in Hawaii
  • Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii
  • Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii
  • ...

At a high level, T-Rex is a regular expression language over a sequence of tokens. Each token is itself a mapping from string keys to string values. Therefore, matching a token can itself be a complex expression of the various values in that token. Patterns can be complex, like the pattern above, or as simple as a string of words matching an exact sentence. For example, the following is a perfectly valid T-Rex pattern:

Obama was born in Hawaii

This package is almost entirely API-compatible with TokensRegex by Angel Chang, released as part of CoreNLP. However, T-Rex is roughly 40x faster than TokenxRegex, supports timing out long-running queries, and defines a re-usable Antlr grammar that can be used to port the system in other programming languages.

The following sections will describe the T-Rex grammar, code usage, and the high-level structure of the implementation.



T-Rex has only a single dependency: the Antlr 4 runtime. If you include the Antlr library and the trex.jar in your classpath, you should have everything you need to get started. You can also add T-Rex via Maven or Gradle.




implementation group: 'com.squareup.trex', name: 'trex', version: '1.0.0'

(note: for older versions of Gradle, use compile instead of implementation above).


T-Rex aims to mirror the API of the standard SDK regular expression library as much as possible. The three main components are Pattern (the regular expression), Matcher (the state of a regex match against a sequence), and String (the sequence to match against). The equivalents of each of these in T-Rex is:

Java SDK T-Rex
java.util.regex.Pattern com.squareup.trex.Pattern
java.util.regex.Matcher com.squareup.trex.Matcher
String List<? extends com.squareup.trex.TRexInputToken>

A T-Rex matcher can be created as below. We use a simple implementation of TRexInputToken backed by a Java Map object: MapTRexInputToken, and we use a pattern that searches for the word "hello" followed by either the word "world" or any number of tokens which have value "Star Wars" at key "movie":

Pattern pattern = com.squareup.trex.Pattern.compile("hello (world | [{movie: \"Star Wars\"}]+)");

List<MapTRexInputToken> input = List.of(
    new MapTRexInputToken(Map.of("default", "hello", "movie", "Star Wars")),
    new MapTRexInputToken(Map.of("default", "there", "movie", "Star Wars"))

Matcher<MapTRexInputToken> matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
if (matcher.matches()) {
  Matcher.CaptureGroup<MapTRexInputToken> match =;
  // Prints "[0, 2)"
  // Prints "[{default=hello, movie=Star Wars}, {default=there, movie=Star Wars}]"

CoreNLP Quickstart

If you have CoreNLP in your classpath, a TRexInputToken type is included in T-Rex to make matching against lists of CoreLabel objects easier. You can create a matcher using the code below:

Pattern pattern = com.squareup.trex.Pattern.compile("hello [{ner: PERSON}]");
List<CoreLabel> input = ...;
Matcher<CoreLabelInputToken> matcher = CoreNLPUtils.matcher(pattern, input);


T-Rex is a regular expression language over tokens. This section begins by describing the structure of a token, and then the operators that are supported over lists of tokens.


A token is the atomic unit for the regular expression language. You can think of this as a single word in a natural language sentence. A token is, at its core, a mapping of string keys to string values. The anatomy of a token reflects this. Every token is delimited with square brackets [], and within these brackets, key+value pairs are delimited inside curly braces {}. The simplest token therefore looks like:


As syntactic sugar for readability, a default key (by default, named default) is used to key any value that doesn't have an explicit key associated with it. So, the regex value is really an alias for [{default:value}].

Keys of a token must be unquoted and cannot contain any of the T-Rex special characters (-,[,],{,},(,),:,&,|,!,+,*,?,,,$,^,", or whitespace). Values can either be unquoted, quoted (e.g., [{key:"value"}]), or themselves be regular expressions (e.g.,[{key:/[Vv]alue/}]). Quoted values must be quoted with double quotes.

In addition to matching a single key+value pair, a token can express a simple propositional algebra of conditions that must be met for the token. This includes conjunction, disjunction, and negation of key-value pairs, as well as grouping conditions with parentheses. For example, the following will match a token whose word is either play or run, but whose pos (part of speech tag) is not NN. That is, it'll match the verb form of "play" or "run":

[({word:play} | {word:run}) & !{pos:NN}]

Tokens can also compare numeric values. For example, the following might check if a token's key is greater than 10: [{key>10}]. Only integer comparisons are supported, in order to avoid introducing . as special characters in the grammar.

There's also a wildcard pattern which will match any token, which is defined as the token pattern with no values to match: [].

Lastly, a token can be a variable. Variables are prefixed with '$', and then followed by an unquoted string -- with special characters disallowed same as key specifications. For example, $FOO or $FOO_BAR are valid variables.

The full list of types of tokens are therefore:

Token Type Example
Unquoted String foo
Quoted String "foo"
Regular Expression /foo/
Regular Token [{word:foo}]
Numeric Token [{index>10}]
Wildcard []
Variable $FOO

Token Sequence

The meat of the language comes from creating patterns over token sequences. This follows traditional regex syntax, save that the atomic unit is a token rather than a character. The quantifiers implemented are:

Quantifier Example Description
| tabby? cat | dog Matches either the pattern tabby? cat or the word dog.
& play & [{pos:NN}]+ Matches both the pattern play or the pattern [{pos:NN}]+. Note that the length of the match for both patterns must be the same. In this case, both the left and right hand side expressions will match exactly 1 token
? cat? Matches the pattern cat either once, or not at all.
?? cat?? Matches the pattern cat reluctantly either once, or not at all.
* cat* Matches the pattern cat any number of times in a row, including not at all
*? cat*? Matches the pattern cat reluctantly any number of times in a row, including not at all
+ cat+ Matches the pattern cat any number of times in a row, but at least once
+? cat+? Matches the pattern cat reluctantly any number of times in a row, but at least once
{n} cat{3} Matches the pattern cat exactly 3 times
{n}? cat{3}? Matches the pattern cat exactly 3 times. This is identical to {n}
{n,} cat{3,} Matches the pattern cat at least 3 times
{n,}? cat{3,}? Matches the pattern cat reluctantly at least 3 times
{n,m} cat{3,5} Matches the pattern cat at least 3 times and at most 5 times
{n,m}? cat{3,5}? Matches the pattern cat reluctantly at least 3 times and at most 5 times

With this, we can now decompose and understand the pattern from the introduction:

[{ner:PERSON}]+ [{lemma:be}] born (on [!{pos:/VB.?/}])? in [{ner:LOCATION}]+

This will match one or more tokens with PERSON as the named entity ([{ner:PERSON}]+), followed by a token with lemma "be" and a token with default key (i.e., word) "born" ([{lemma:be}] born), followed optionally by a prepositional phrase starting with "on" and no verb ((on [!{pos:/VB.*/}])?), followed by "in" and one or more location tokens (in [{ner:LOCATION}]+).

Capture Groups

A capture group is defined when a portion of a pattern is surrounded by parentheses. For example, ([{pos:JJ}]) cat would create a capture group around the adjective in the pattern. Running the pattern against the input black cat, you could retrieve the adjective black from the first capture group.

Capture groups can also be named. For example, (?<type> [{pos:JJ}]) cat creates a capture group with name type. The name can be any string literal, similar to unquoted elements in a pattern.

If a pattern's capture group captures multiple portions of a match, the last span captured will be returned by the capture group.

Differences from TokensRegex

The language differs in a few known ways from TokensRegex. These are:

  1. We don't implement multiple attribute matches (e.g., [ { word:/cat|dog/; tag:"NN" } ]) for a token. Instead. these must be represented as an explicit conjunction: [ { word:/cat|dog/ } & { tag:"NN" } ]). This is to simplify the grammar.
  2. We don't implement boolean checks (e.g., { key::IS_NUM }). This is to simplify the grammar, and avoid a proliferation of special-case functions. Note that null-checking is still supported with the syntax [{!key}].
  3. We don't support custom key aliases. For example:
    tokens = { type: "CLASS", value: "edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations$TokensAnnotation" }
    This is to simplify the grammar and usage of the system. Instead, users are encouraged to define their own implementation of TRexInputToken to handle these custom keys. This is to simplify the grammar.
  4. Braces are technically optional in T-Rex. So, [{key:value}] can equivalently be written as [key:value]. This is to make the grammar easier to read.
  5. The recommended named capture group syntax is (?<name> pattern) rather than (?$name pattern) as in TokensRegex. Both are still parsed, but the former is more consistent with regular expression standards.


The typical flow for using T-Rex is similar to that of the Java Regex package. Compile a pattern, construct a Matcher, and run the matcher. For example:

import com.squareup.trex.*;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[{pos:JJ}] cats");
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
boolean match = m.matches();

We'll go over each of these stages below:

Pattern compilation

A pattern is compiled with the Pattern.compile() static method. In its simplest instantiation, it takes a string encoding the T-Rex pattern and produces a Pattern object. In addition, compilation can take a number of extra parameters:

  1. Case sensitivity: Matches can either be case sensitive or case insensitive. They're case sensitive by default. Note that regular expressions within tokens are case sensitive always, and must be made case insensitive individually explicitly.
  2. Default key: The default key can be overridden when compiling a pattern. This is the key used to look up token values when no explicit key is specified -- e.g., when the token is just a bare string. The default key is default by default.
  3. Variables: A mapping from variable name to the associated variable pattern can be passed in during compilation, and will result in all instances of that variable being replaced by the pattern with the same name. This is a compile-time check, which means undefined variables will cause an exception to be thrown at compile-time.

A helper function exists to compile a set of variables. This effectively runs a topological sort to determine which variables depend on other variables and compile them in the appropriate order. The result can then be passed into the Pattern.compile function. This helper function is:

Pattern#compileVariables(Map<String, String>) -> Map<String, Pattern>

Creating a Matcher

A Matcher can be created from a compiled pattern. Multiple Matchers can be created from a single Pattern, and can be run at the same time. Generally speaking, a Matcher is created from a list of TRexInputTokens, where TRexInputToken is a Map-like interface that can be implemented by the end-user:

public interface TRexInputToken {
  @Nullable String get(String key);

A helper function exists in the case that we are matching CoreNLP tokens (i.e., CoreLabels): CoreNLPUtils#matcher. This will take care of creating a list of CoreLabelInputToken instances, which wrap a CoreLabel in the TRexInputToken interface. CoreLabelInputToken defines the following mappings from strings to CoreAnnotation objects:

Key CoreAnnotation
default TextAnnotation
word TextAnnotation
text OriginalTextAnnotation
pos PartOfSpeechAnnotation
tag PartOfSpeechAnnotation
lemma LemmaAnnotation
ner NamedEntityTagAnnotation
normalized NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation

Keys that are not in this mapping are assumed to be class names, and the associated CoreAnnotation is looked up directly. For example, "PolarityAnnotation" would map to edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.PolarityAnnotation, as of course would the fully qualified name of the class: "edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.PolarityAnnotation".

Matching Text

A matcher exposes two main methods for matching against text: matches() and find(). matches() will attempt to match the entire input sequence from beginning until end, and return true or false depending on whether the input matches. In contrast, find() will search for the next index within the input where a match was found, and return true if such an index could be found. The span of the match can then be retrieved via the start() and end() methods on the Matcher. A Matcher can always be reset mid-find with the reset() function.

To prevent runaway queries, an optional timeout can be provided to both the matches() and find() methods. This allows for defining an amount of time (note: wall-time, not necessarily compute-time) that can elapse before aborting the query and returning no match.


The code for T-Rex can be partitioned into 4 types of classes: (1) various types of patterns that form the core of the T-Rex language; (2) implementations of TRexInputToken; (3) the Matcher class, and (4) necessary utilities. Each of these are described in detail below.


The Pattern interface (technically, abstract class) is the core interface for matching a span of text. The necessary function to implement is:

protected abstract PrimitiveIterator.OfInt consume(
  List<? extends TRexInputToken> input,
  int index,
  Matcher context);

This takes as input a stream of tokens, the current index we're trying to match at, and the context of our match. It produces as output an iterator of possible end indices (inclusive) that this pattern has matched until. The translation from the functions in Matcher to this is straightforward: matches() sill simply check if any of the matches consume the entire input, and find() will cycle through the iterator for all the spans returned, for each start index. In turn, all of the different types of patterns implement this class. These break down into single-token patterns (implementing SingleTokenPattern), and multi-token patterns (implementing MultiTokenPattern). At a high level, most quantifiers and other features of T-Rex have an associated Pattern implementation.

The single token patterns generally take care of matching a portion of or an entire token. For example, StringPattern is responsible for matching a single key+value pair. Similarly RegexPattern matches a value with a given String regex, NegatedPattern negates a match of its argument pattern, and so on. These patterns can then be combined with operators using SingleTokenConjunctionPattern and SingleTokenDisjuctionPattern. these take as arguments two patterns, and create a new pattern that encodes the conjunction or disjunction of the two.

Multi-token patterns are responsible for matching longer portions of text. This includes the multi-token equivalents of conjunction and disjunction: ConjunctionPattern and DisjunctionPattern. Much of the heavy lifting, however, is done by SequencePattern. This is responsible for any sequence of matches: this can be distinct patterns that need to be matched (e.g., foo bar), or a single pattern repeated a number of times (e.g., foo* or foo{1,5}, etc.). This is the class that's responsible for the core backtracking search of the engine.

Many of the multi-token patterns implement a companion iterator class. This is used to store the state for all of the possible matches for the pattern. For example, a SequencePattern that repeats a given token may match multiple lengths; the associated iterator class SequencePatternIterator is responsible for keeping this state around and lazily returning all of the possible matches for the pattern.

Detailed documentation on each of the Patterns can be found in their Javadoc.


Currently, there's only a single implementation of a TRexInputToken, which is for matching CoreLabel objects emitted from CoreNLP. Since the input token key lookup is a very often called operation during pattern matching, care was taken in the implementation to make this function fast. The named keys are cached at construction time, the default key is checked with strict equality (==) before checking against named keys with String equality, and care is taken to cache the String-to-String map and avoid recomputation.


This class stores all of the transient state associated with a particular match instance. This includes the necessary state for matching -- e.g., the next match iterator -- but also metadata and utilities that are used by the patterns during a match. For example, the timeout that the pattern uses to check whether the deadline has been exceeded (see Matcher#timeoutExceeded()), or a function to create a singleton iterator used by the patterns to avoid expensive object allocation from trivial matches (see Matcher#transientIterator()).


The only utility function currently defined is the SingleValueIterator class. Functionally, this is an iterator with either a single element or no elements. It is used by Patterns which return just a single match (this is most Patterns). To avoid excessive object creation, a singleton instance of the SingleValueIterator class is stored in each matcher, and can be instantiated during the matching process. Note that these iterators need to be immediately discharged if used in this way, or else a new iterator will clobber the value of the old one.


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