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Spencer Varney edited this page Jul 20, 2016 · 7 revisions

##Welcome to the gShell wiki!

Here you can find quick access to a list of all cmdlets, a Getting Started Page or other helpful topics you may find relevant to gShell.

The primary pages for this wiki are as follows:

Many of these pages can be found in the footer of each wiki page, as well!

###Wiki Notes Some notes regarding this wiki:

  • The information for the Cmdlets Pages are written to mimic the style of the official Microsoft Cmdlets, like Get-Help (which is super useful!) If you're having issues understanding the Syntax sections, head over to the Syntax Help page to help get that cleared up.
  • I've written mostly everything with the assumption that not all readers will have much experience with PowerShell, if at all. I know a number of Google Apps admins who aren't programmers or scripters, and my goal is to make this accessible to everyone. Be sure to check out the PowerShell Basics page first if you're newer. If something still isn't clear, hit up the Discussion Groups and let me know.
  • I have decided to focus on making the cmdlets. As such, you'll not find very many examples in here to start with. I'm leaving that up to you, the users. I'm hoping you'll not only come up with good examples for each Cmdlet, but some great general examples and use cases as well that can be shared with everyone.
  • The wiki was created by using a mix of two awesome tools. The first is XmlDoc2CmdletDoc - this allows you to make your in-line documentation into the PowerShell XML documentation. The second is PlatyPS which can take that XML documentation and turn it in to Markdown files. How friggin' amazing is that? If you're the creator of either of these projects, I owe you a lot of my sanity.

######Edited: 2016/07/19

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