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Hugo shortcodes

This collection of Hugo shortcodes is not meant to be an exhaustive list of components you might need in your Markdown content, rather it's a few examples that illustrate various techinques that will help you build out your own shortcodes. These techinques include: validating parameters (button), using a partial within the shortcode so layout and content can use the component (icon), using conditional content (ifparam), and passing parameters from a child shortcode to the parent for rendering (tabpane).

To see the output of these shortcodes, run:

hugo server

Then visit http://localhost:1313 in your browser.

Requires Hugo v0.121.2 or later.


If you want to add an alert banner to your content, you can use the alert shortcode.

You can use positional parameters:

{{< alert "warning" >}}
{{< /alert >}}

Or named parameters:

{{< alert severity="warning" size="small" >}}
{{< /alert >}}


Name Value Description
0: severity info (default), success, warning, error
1: size small Defaults to none
2: hideIcon true Hides icon; Default to false


<div class="alert alert--info alert--small">
  <div class="alert__icon">
    <svg class="icon icon--info icon--small">...</svg>
  <div class="alert__body">


If you want to add a blockquote to your content, you can use the blockquote shortcode.

You can use positional parameters:

{{< blockquote "Author" >}}
{{< /blockquote >}}

Or named parameters:

{{< blockquote author="Author" cite="Source" url="" >}}
{{< /blockquote >}}


Name Value Description
0: author Text Author name
1: cite Text Source name
2: url URL Source URL


<blockquote cite="">
    —Author, <cite><a href="">Source</a></cite>


If you want to add a button to your content, you can use the button shortcode.

You can use positional parameters:

{{< button "" "primary" "small" "disabled" >}}
{{< /button >}}

Or named parameters:

{{< button href="" variant="primary" size="small" disabled="true" >}}
{{< /button >}}


Name Value Description
0: href (Required) URL Page link
1: variant primary, secondary, info, success, warning, error Defaults to none
2: size small, large Defaults to none
3: disabled disabled or true


If href begins with "http", then the link will open in a new window.


<a class="button button--primary button--small button--disabled">


If you want to collapse a block of content and show an expand button to reveal the full content, you can use the collapse shortcode.

You can use positional parameters:

{{< collapse "100" >}}
{{< /collapse >}}

Or named parameters:

{{< collapse maxHeight="100" >}}
{{< /collapse >}}


Name Value Description
0: maxHeight Number The max-height of the content when it's collapsed; Defaults to 200px


<div class="collapse">
  <input class="collapse__input" type="checkbox" id="collapse-00">
  <label class="collapse__label" for="collapse-00"></label>
  <div class="collapse__content">


The collapse shortcode doesn't reliably work when nested in a tabpane shortcode. The expand button may still be visible when it's not needed. This is because the CSS display property of the inactive tabpane panel is set to none, so the height of the content cannot be determined on page load.


If you want to add an image with a caption to your content, you can use the figure shortcode.

You can use positional parameters:

{{< figure "/path/to/image.jpg" "Alt text" "Image caption" >}}

Or named parameters:

{{< figure src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Alt text" title="Image caption" >}}


Name Value Description
0: src (Required) URL Image filepath
1: alt Text Image alt
2: title Markdown Caption to display under the image


  <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Alt text">
  <figcaption>Image caption</figcaption>


If you want to display a list of links as a file list, you can use the file-list shortcode.

{{< file-list >}}
- [Page 1](page-1)
- [Page 2](page-2)
- [Page 3](page-3)
{{< /file-list >}}

You can use positional or named parameters to change the icon name and variant.


Name Value Description
0: icon Text Icon name, defaults to "file"
1: variant Text Icon variant, defaults to "secondary"


The shortcode inner content must be an unordered list of anchor links.


<ul class="file-list">
  <li><a href="page-1"><svg class="icon">...</svg> Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a href="page-2"><svg class="icon">...</svg> Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a href="page-3"><svg class="icon">...</svg> Page 3</a></li>


If you want to add an icon to your content, you can use the icon shortcode.

You can use positional parameters:

{{< icon "alert" "primary" "small" >}}

Or named parameters:

{{< icon name="alert" variant="primary" size="small" >}}


Name Value Description
0: name (Required) Text Icon name
1: variant primary, secondary, info, success, warning, error Defaults to none
2: size small, large Defaults to none


The icon file must be an svg, located in the /assets/icons/ directory.


<svg class="icon icon--primary icon--small">...</svg>


If you want to conditionally print some text based on a boolean parameter set in frontmatter, you can use the ifparam shortcode.

Let's say you have this parameter set in your frontmatter...

some_param: true

In your Markdown, you can conditionally print some text based on this parameter.

{{< ifparam "some_param" "enabled" "disabled" >}}

You can also leave the false value empty, and the shortcode will only print the text if the parameter is true.


If you want to add an image in your content, but need to set additional attributes not supported by Markdown image syntax, you can use the img shortcode.

{{< img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Alt text" width="600" height="400" class="image" style="border: solid 1px red" >}}


Name Value Description
0: src (Required) URL Image path
1: alt Text Image alt
2: width Number Image width
3: height Number Image height
4: class Classname CSS class name
5: style CSS rules Inline CSS styles


<img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Alt text" width="600" height="400" class="image" style="border: solid 1px red">


If you have HTML or Markdown that you would like to externally include in your content files, you can place the file under the current working directory. Then, you can use the include shortcode to pull in this file into your content.

{{< include "includes/" >}}


  • You must use {{< >}} shortcode delimiters to render the included content correctly.
  • All included files under the content directory must have draft:true set in their frontmatter.
  • Only relative paths under the page including the file are supported. Relative paths traversing up the directory are not supported. For files outside the current working directory you can use an absolute path starting with /.
  • When editing an included file in local development, the page including the file is not automatically updated. Restarting the server is required to see any changes.
  • The headings of included files will not be displayed in Hugo's TableOfContents.


If you need to print a frontmatter parameter in your Markdown, you can use the param shortcode.

Let's say you have this param set in your frontmatter:

title: Hugo shortcodes

Then in your Markdown, you can print the value of this parameter:

{{< param "title" >}}

You can also pass a second optional value that will only be returned if the parameter is empty.

{{< param "param_name" "default value" >}}


If you want to include a page resource in your Markdown, you can use the resource shortcode.

{{< resource "image.svg" >}}

Raster images

If the resource is a raster image (webp, jpg, png, ...), then you can pass an optional process specification.

{{< resource "image.webp" "fill 200x200 jpg q80 lanczos" >}}

JavaScript and stylesheets

If the resource is a JavaScript or stylesheet file, the file contents will be printed on the page as text. If you would like to link to the file as an external resource, then you can pass an optional "external" param.

{{< resource "script.js" "external" >}}


<script src="script.js"></script>

Supported resource types

Type Description
application (json, yaml, ...) Renders raw content of resource; to nest output in a codeblock, use {{% %}} shortcode delimiters
audio (mp3, ogg, ...) Renders audio tag referencing resource URL
video (mp4, ogg, ...) Renders video tag referencing resource URL
image (jpg, png, svg, ...) Renders figure with img tag referencing resource URL
page (Markdown, HTML) Renders resource content as HTML
javascript Renders raw content or script tag referencing resource URL
stylesheet Renders raw content or link tag referencing resource URL
text Renders raw content of resource


If you need to print a site parameter in your Markdown, you can use the siteparam shortcode.

{{< siteparam "param_name" >}}

You can also pass a second optional value that will only be returned if the site parameter is empty.

{{< siteparam "param_name" "default value" >}}

You can also access the site parameter by chaining the identifiers

{{< siteparam "a.b.c" >}}


If you want to add tabs to your content, you can use the tabpane shortcode.

{{< tabpane >}}
{{< tab name="Tab 1" >}}
{{< /tab >}}
{{< tab name="Tab 2" >}}
{{< /tab >}}
{{< tab name="Tab 3" >}}
{{< /tab >}}
{{< /tabpane >}}


On page load, the first tab will be active. At this time, there is not a parameter to set which tab is active by default.


<div class="tabpane">
  <input type="radio" name="tabpane-00" id="tabpane-00-00" class="tabpane__input">
  <label class="tabpane__label" for="tabpane-00-00">
    Tab 1
  <div class="tabpane__panel">
  <input type="radio" name="tabpane-00" id="tabpane-00-01" class="tabpane__input">
  <label class="tabpane__label" for="tabpane-00-01">
    Tab 2
  <div class="tabpane__panel">
  <input type="radio" name="tabpane-00" id="tabpane-00-02" class="tabpane__input">
  <label class="tabpane__label" for="tabpane-00-02">
    Tab 3
  <div class="tabpane__panel">


A collection of Hugo shortcodes






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