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oVirt Metrics Store - Installation Guide
oVirt Metrics Store Installation
In Development

oVirt Metrics - Installation Guide

oVirt Metrics data flow

oVirt Metrics Store Setup

Note: Currently, the oVirt Metrics Store should be installed on a new machine, separate from the engine. It can be installed on a dedicated VM.

Metrics Store Machine Prerequisites

For an oVirt environment with 50 hosts:

  • 4 CPU cores, 16GB RAM memory .

  • We recommends using SSD disks.

  • CentOS 7.3 or later.

  • Preallocated 500GB partition - It will be used for persistent storage. Use a partition other than root (/) to avoid filling up the partition, for example, /var.

  • Add the Metrics Store Machine FQDN to your enterprise hostname resolution system, for example, DNS. Add the following aliases:

    • es.FQDN for Elasticsearch
    • kibana.FQDN for Kibana

    where FQDN is the hostname and domain of the OpenShift Aggregated Logging machine.

  • Also please make sure to follow the OpenShift masters prerequisites

Update config.yml file

  1. Copy /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.example to config.yml.

    On the oVirt engine machine, run:

     # cp /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml.example /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml
  2. Update the file /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml located on the engine machine, with the following lines:

     # vi /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/config.yml
  3. Update the values to match the details of your specific environment:

  • ovirt_env_name: Please update this parameter.

    Environment name. It is used to identify data collected in a single central store, sent from more than one oVirt engine.

    Use the following convention:

    • Include only alphanumeric characters and hyphens ( "-" ).
    • Name cannot begin with a hyphen or a number, or end with a hyphen.
    • Maximum of 49 characters. Wildcard patterns (e.g. ovirt-metrics*) cannot be used.
  • fluentd_elasticsearch_host: (required - no default value)

    Address or hostname (FQDN) of the Elasticsearch server host.

Configure SSH Key-Based Authentication between engine and metrics store machine

To copy the engine public key to your metrics store machine, run:

# mytemp=$(mktemp -d)

# cp /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine_id_rsa $mytemp

# ssh-keygen -y -f $mytemp/engine_id_rsa > $mytemp/

# ssh-copy-id -i $mytemp/ root@{fluentd_elasticsearch_host}

It should ask for root password (on first attempt), supply it. After that, run:

# rm -rf $mytemp

To test that you are able to log into the metrics store machine from the engine, run:

# ssh -i /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine_id_rsa root@{fluentd_elasticsearch_host}

Run ovirt-metrics-store-installation playbook

This playbook generates the inventory and vars.yml files required for the metrics store installation and copies them to the metrics store machine.

    # /usr/share/ovirt-engine-metrics/setup/ansible/ \

Metrics Store Installation

Note: When running ansible to configure OpenShift, use the ansible-inventy file based on your OpenShift version and flavor.

To install OpenShift Logging on your machine (Elasticsearch, Kibana, Fluentd, Curator), Please follow the installation instructions: Metrics Store setup on top of OpenShift

Optional in oVirt 4.2, add SSO: Metrics Store setup on top of OpenShift with oVirt Engine SSO

Once you have finished this step, you should have:

oVirt Hypervisors and Engine Setup

Deploy and configure collectd and fluentd to send the data to the central metrics store::

  1. This requires installing / upgrading and setting up oVirt Engine latest 4.2.z.

  2. This requires installing / upgrading and activating one or more hosts from version 4.2.z.

  3. On the engine machine, run as root:

     # /usr/share/ovirt-engine-metrics/setup/ansible/

It runs the Ansible script that configures collectd and fluentd on the oVirt engine and hypervisors.

It should finish without errors, collectd and fluentd services should be running.

Once finished, you can view host, VM and other statistics, in the Kibana console, at the address configured earlier on in this procedure (see oVirt Metrics Store Setup).

Example Dashboards

Kibana should be available at https://kibana.{fluentd_elasticsearch_host}

Dashboard examples include System Dashboard, Hosts Dashboard, VMs Dashboard, Processes Dashboard.

If you wish to import dashboards example, you will need to import visualization and dashboards manually from the Kibana UI.

  1. Copy the /etc/ovirt-engine-metrics/dashboards-examples directory to your local machine.

  2. Go to the Kibana UI, to the setting tab -> indices.

  3. Select the project.ovirt-metrics-<ovirt-env-name>.<uuid> index.

  4. Press the orange button, Refresh field list.

  5. In the Kibana UI, go to the setting tab -> objects.

  6. Import the Searches.

  7. Import the Visualizations.

  8. Import the Dashboards.

You are done! Go to the Dashboard tab in the Kibana UI and choose a dashboard.