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The acoustic rake receiver, a microphone beamformer that uses echoes to improve the noise and interference suppression. Python code to reproduce all the results from Raking the Cocktail Party by Ivan Dokmanic, Robin Scheibler, and Martin Vetterli.

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Raking the Cocktail Party

This repository contains all the code to reproduce the results of the paper Raking the Cocktail Party.

We created a simple framework for simulation of room acoustics in object oriented python and apply it to perform numerical experiments related to this paper. All the figures and sound samples can be recreated by calling simple scripts leveraging this framework. We strongly hope that this code will be useful beyond the scope of this paper and plan to develop it into a standalone python package in the future.

We are available for any question or request relating to either the code or the theory behind it. Just ask!


We present the concept of an acoustic rake receiver (ARR) — a microphone beamformer that uses echoes to improve the noise and interference suppression. The rake idea is well-known in wireless communications. It involves constructively combining different multipath components that arrive at the receiver antennas. Unlike typical spread-spectrum signals used in wireless communications, speech signals are not orthogonal to their shifts, which makes acoustic raking a more challenging problem. That is why the correct way to think about it is spatial. Instead of explicitly estimating the channel, we create correspondences between early echoes in time and image sources in space. These multiple sources of the desired and interfering signals offer additional spatial diversity that we can exploit in the beamformer design.

We present several "intuitive" and optimal formulations of ARRs, and show theoretically and numerically that the rake formulation of the maximum signal-to-interference-and-noise beamformer offers significant performance boosts in terms of noise suppression and interference cancellation. We accompany the paper by the complete simulation and processing chain written in Python.


Ivan Dokmanić, Robin Scheibler, and Martin Vetterli are with Laboratory for Audiovisual Communications (LCAV) at EPFL.


Ivan Dokmanić
BC Building
Station 14
1015 Lausanne

Selected results from the paper

Spectrograms and Sound Samples

Comparison of the conventional Max-SINR and Rake-Max-SINR beamformer on a real speech sample. Spectrograms of (A) clean signal of interest, (B) signal corrupted by an interferer and additive white Gaussian noise at the microphone input, outputs of (C) conventional Max-SINR and (D) Rake-Max- SINR beamformers. Time naturally goes from left to right, and frequency increases from zero at the bottom up to Fs/2. To highlight the improvement of Rake-Max-SINR over Max-SINR, we blow-up three parts of the spectrograms in the lower part of the figure. The boxes and the corresponding part of the original spectrogram are numbered in (A). The numbering is the same but omitted in the rest of the figure for clarity.

The corresponding sound samples:

  • A Desired signal.
  • B Simulated microphone input signal.
  • C Output of conventional Max-SINR beamformer.
  • D Output of proposed Rake-Max-SINR beamformer.

Beam Patterns

Beam patterns in different scenarios. The rectangular room is 4 by 6 metres and contains a source of interest (•) and an interferer (✭) ((B), (C), (D) only). The first order image sources are also displayed. The weight computation of the beamformer includes the direct source and the first order image sources of both desired source and interferer (when applicable). (A) Rake-Max-SINR, no interferer, (B) Rake-Max-SINR, one interferer, (C) Rake-Max-UDR, one interferer, (D) Rake-Max-SINR, interferer is in direct path.



Download the source files of the ITU P.862 compliance tool from the ITU website.

Unix compilation (Linux/Mac OS X)

Execute the following sequence of commands to get to the source code.

mkdir PESQ
wget '!Amd2!SOFT-ZST-E&type=items'
unzip dologin_pub.asp\?lang\=e\&id\=T-REC-P.862-200511-I\!Amd2\!SOFT-ZST-E\&type\=items
cd Software
unzip 'P862_annex_A_2005_CD  wav'
cd P862_annex_A_2005_CD/source/

In the Software/P862_annex_A_2005_CD/source/ directory, create a file called Makefile and copy the following into it.


OBJS=dsp.o pesqdsp.o pesqio.o pesqmod.o pesqmain.o
DEPS=dsp.h pesq.h pesqpar.h

%.o: %.c $(DEPS)
  $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)

pesq: $(OBJS)
  $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS)

.PHONY : clean
clean :
  -rm pesq $(OBJS)

Execute compilation by typing this.

make pesq

Finally move the pesq binary to <repo_root>/bin/.


  • The files input to the pesq utility must be 16 bit PCM wav files.
  • File names longer than 14 characters (suffix included) cause the utility to crash with the message Abort trap(6) or similar.

Windows compilation

  1. Open visual studio, create a new project from existing files and select the directory containing the source code of PESQ (Software\P862_annex_A_2005_CD\source\).

       FILE -> New -> Project From Existing Code...
  2. Select Visual C++ from the dropdown menu, then next.

    • Project file location : directory containing source code of pesq (Software\P862_annex_A_2005_CD\source\).
    • Project Name : pesq
    • Then next.
    • As project type, select Console application project.
    • Then finish.
  3. Go to

       BUILD -> Configuration Manager...

    and change active solution configuration from Debug to Release. Then Close.

  4. Then

       BUILD -> Build Solution
  5. Copy the executable Release\pesq.exe to the bin folder.

(tested with Microsoft Windows Server 2012)

Recreate the figures and sound samples

In a UNIX terminal, run the following script.


Alternatively, type in the following commands in an ipython shell.

run -s 10000

The figures and sound samples generated are collected in figures and output_samples, respectively.

The script is very heavy computationally. Above, 10000 is the number of loops. This number can be decreased when testing the code. It is possible to run it also in parallel in the following way. Open a shell and type in the following.

ipcluster start -n <number_of_workers>
ipython 10000

On the first line, we start the ipython workers. Notice that we omit the -s option on the second line. This will run <number_of_workers> parallel jobs. Be sure to deactivate the MKL extensions if you have them enabled to make sure you have maximum efficiency.


Copyright (c) 2014, Ivan Dokmanić, Robin Scheibler, Martin Vetterli

This code is free to reuse for non-commercial purpose such as academic or educational. For any other use, please contact the authors.

Creative Commons License
Acoustic Rake Receiver by Ivan Dokmanić, Robin Scheibler, Martin Vetterli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at


The acoustic rake receiver, a microphone beamformer that uses echoes to improve the noise and interference suppression. Python code to reproduce all the results from Raking the Cocktail Party by Ivan Dokmanic, Robin Scheibler, and Martin Vetterli.






No releases published


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  • Python 99.4%
  • Shell 0.6%