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Using Manage Mocks

Sran Manpreet edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 1 revision

The Manage Mocks page offers a comprehensive display of the mocks you've defined:

Manage Mocks


Similar to the Homepage, the Manage Mocks page also features the convenient search functionality. You can employ this tool to search for mocks by their name, description, route, and body content.

Mocks with same Route and Method

You have the flexibility to configure multiple mocks with the same Route and Method. In such instances, the latest mock's response will be returned.


To access a mock's details, simply click on its name. If you wish to delete a mock, you can achieve this by using the delete icon positioned next to each mock.

Export Mocks

Easily export all your configured mocks by clicking the Export button. This action generates a json file containing all the mocks, serving as a straightforward method to back up your mock configurations.

Import Mocks

The Import Mocks feature allows you to bring in previously exported mocks in json format to your Mockpit instance. This feature proves especially useful during mock migration between different environments or instances of Mockpit.

Paginated List

Customize your view by selecting the number (10, 25, 50, 100) of mocks displayed on a single page.

Paginated List of Mocks

This detailed explanation ensures seamless navigation and management of your mock configurations within the Mockpit application.

Next: Create Mocks