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Merge pull request #112 from WSMathias/ezontent-chart
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Add helm charts
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AshishThakur committed Jul 16, 2020
2 parents fc99d8b + aec55c3 commit ce6a842
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Showing 55 changed files with 4,020 additions and 5 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion starterkits/drupal8-php-fpm-apache/Dockerfile
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ COPY composer.json composer.lock /app/
COPY patches ./patches
RUN composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-suggest --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader

FROM srijanlabs/php-fpm-apache:${PHP_VERSION}-${PHP_VERSION} as fpm
FROM srijanlabs/php-fpm-apache:${PHP_VERSION}-${BASE_VERSION} as fpm
COPY --from=builder --chown=continua /app /app
COPY --chown=continua . /app
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions starterkits/drupal8-php-fpm-apache/charts/drupal/Chart.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
apiVersion: v1
name: drupal
version: 1.0.0
appVersion: 1.0.0
description: drupal helm charts .
- drupal
- php
- name: Srijan
engine: gotpl
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions starterkits/drupal8-php-fpm-apache/charts/drupal/
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# Drupal Helm Charts

## Introduction

This chart bootstraps a drupal-proxy deployment on a [Kubernetes]( cluster using the [Helm]( package manager.

It deploys a drupal application. Optionally, you can set up an Ingress resource to access your application.

## Prerequisites

- Kubernetes 1.12+
- Helm 2.11+ or Helm 3.0-beta3+

## Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name `my-release`:

$ git clone
$ helm install --name my-release ./helm-chart/stable/drupal

These commands deploy drupal on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The [Parameters](#parameters) section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. Also includes support for MariaDB chart out of the box.

Due that the Helm Chart clones the application on the /app volume while the container is initializing, a persistent volume is not required.

> **Tip**: List all releases using `helm list`
## Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the `my-release` deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

## Parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the drupal chart and their default values.

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| `global.imageRegistry` | Global Docker image registry | `` |
| `phpfpm.registry` | PHP-FPM image registry | `nil` |
| `phpfpm.repository` | PHP-FPM image name | `drupal:8` |
| `phpfpm.pullPolicy` | PHP-FPM image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` |
| `phpfpm.extraEnv` | PHP-FPM container environment variables | `nill` |
| `phpfpm.command` | PHP-FPM container entry point | from image |
| `phpfpm.arg` | PHP-FPM container arguments | from image |
| `phpfpm.port` | PHP-FPM container listing port | 9000 |
| `webserver.registry` | Web Server image registry | `nil` |
| `webserver.repository` | Web Server image name | `drupal:8` |
| `webserver.pullPolicy` | Web Server image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` |
| `webserver.extraEnv` | Web Server container environment variables | `nill` |
| `webserver.command` | Web Server container entry point | from image |
| `webserver.arg` | Web Server container arguments | from image |
| `webserver.port` | Web Server container listing port | 8080 |
| `nameOverride` | String to partially override drupal.fullname template | `nil` |
| `fullnameOverride` | String to fully override drupal.fullname template | `nil` |
| `applicationKind` | Deployment or ReplicaSet | `Deployment` |
| `replicas` | Number of replicas for the application | `1` |
| `extraEnv` | Any extra environment variables to be pass to the pods | `{}` |
| `affinity` | Map of drupal/pod affinities | `{}` (The value is evaluated as a template) |
| `drupalSelector` | drupal labels for pod assignment | `{}` (The value is evaluated as a template) |
| `tolerations` | Tolerations for pod assignment | `[]` (The value is evaluated as a template) |
| `securityContext.enabled` | Enable security context | `true` |
| `securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | `1001` |
| `securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container | `1001` |
| `resources` | Resource requests and limits | `{}` |
| `service.type` | Kubernetes Service type | `ClusterIP` |
| `service.port` | Kubernetes Service port | `80` |
| `service.annotations` | Annotations for the Service | {} |
| `service.loadBalancerIP` | LoadBalancer IP if Service type is `LoadBalancer` | `nil` |
| `service.drupalPort` | drupalPort if Service type is `LoadBalancer` or `drupalPort` | `nil` |
| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress controller resource | `false` |
| `ingress.hosts[0].name` | Hostname to your drupal installation | `drupal.local` |
| `ingress.hosts[0].path` | Path within the url structure | `/` |
| `ingress.hosts[0].tls` | Utilize TLS backend in ingress | `false` |
| `ingress.hosts[0].certManager` | Add annotations for cert-manager | `false` |
| `ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret` | TLS Secret (certificates) | `drupal.local-tls-secret` |
| `ingress.hosts[0].annotations` | Annotations for this host's ingress record | `[]` |
| `ingress.secrets[0].name` | TLS Secret Name | `nil` |
| `ingress.secrets[0].certificate` | TLS Secret Certificate | `nil` |
| `ingress.secrets[0].key` | TLS Secret Key | `nil` |

Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release \
--set replicas=2 \

The above command clones the remote git repository to the `/app/` directory of the container. Additionally it sets the number of `replicas` to `2`.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml ./charts/drupal

> **Tip**: You can use the default [values.yaml](values.yaml)
## Configuration and installation details

### Set up an Ingress controller

First install the nginx-ingress controller and then deploy the drupal helm chart with the following parameters:


### Configure TLS termination for your ingress controller

You must manually create a secret containing the certificate and key for your domain. Then ensure you deploy the Helm chart with the following ingress configuration:

enabled: false
path: /
annotations: nginx

### Steps to manually put the helm charts and values.yaml to S3 bucket

- Put the helm charts folder and values.yaml to Bastion host (or to a place from where s3 bucket is accessible).
- Make sure that current directory is having `charts.yaml`.
- Run below command to create a helm package
helm package .
- You should see a helm package named - `drupal-1.0.0.tgz`.
- Upload the `drupal-1.0.0.tgz` helm package to s3 bucket :
aws s3 cp drupal-1.0.0.tgz s3://s3-st-helm-dev/drupal/drupal-1.0.0.tgz --sse=AES256 --region=ap-southeast-1
- Upload the `values.yaml` to s3 bucket :
aws s3 cp values-<env>.yaml s3://s3-st-helm-dev/drupal/values/st-<env>-values.yaml --sse=AES256 --region=ap-southeast-1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@

1. Get the URL of your Node app by running:

{{- if contains "NodePort" .Values.service.type }}

export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services {{ template "drupal.fullname" . }})
export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")
echo "Node app URL: http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT/"

{{- else if contains "LoadBalancer" .Values.service.type }}

NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
Watch the status with: 'kubectl get svc -w {{ template "drupal.fullname" . }} --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }}'

export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ template "drupal.fullname" . }} --template "{{"{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}"}}")
echo "Node app URL: http://$SERVICE_IP/"

{{- else if contains "ClusterIP" .Values.service.type }}

kubectl port-forward --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} svc/{{ template "drupal.fullname" . }} {{ .Values.service.port }}:{{ .Values.service.port }}
echo "Node app URL:{{ .Values.service.port }}/"

{{- end }}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
Expand the name of the chart.
{{- define "drupal.appName" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}

Create a default fully qualified app name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
{{- define "drupal.fullname" -}}
{{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}}
{{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}}
{{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}}
{{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Create chart name and version as used by the chart label.
{{- define "drupal.chart" -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}

Common labels
{{- define "drupal.labels" -}}
app: {{ include "drupal.appName" . }}
chart: {{ include "drupal.chart" . }}
release: {{ .Release.Name }}
heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
{{- end -}}

Common labels for cron-jobs to be used for deletion
{{- define "drupal.cronLabels" -}}
app: {{ include "drupal.appName" . }}
chart: {{ include "drupal.chart" . }}
release: {{ .Release.Name }}
heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
workload: cronjob
{{- end -}}

Labels to use on deploy.spec.selector.matchLabels and svc.spec.selector
{{- define "drupal.matchLabels" -}}
app: {{ include "drupal.appName" . }}
release: {{ .Release.Name }}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper Web Server image name
{{- define "webserver.image" -}}
{{- $registryName := .Values.webserver.image.registry -}}
{{- $repositoryName := .Values.webserver.image.repository -}}
Helm 2.11 supports the assignment of a value to a variable defined in a different scope,
but Helm 2.9 and 2.10 doesn't support it, so we need to implement this if-else logic.
Also, we can't use a single if because lazy evaluation is not an option
{{- if }}
{{- if }}
{{- printf "%s/%s" $repositoryName -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s/%s" $registryName $repositoryName -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s/%s" $registryName $repositoryName -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Return the proper php-fpm image name
{{- define "phpfpm.image" -}}
{{- $registryName := .Values.phpfpm.image.registry -}}
{{- $repositoryName := .Values.phpfpm.image.repository -}}
{{- $tag := .Values.phpfpm.image.tag | toString -}}
Helm 2.11 supports the assignment of a value to a variable defined in a different scope,
but Helm 2.9 and 2.10 doesn't support it, so we need to implement this if-else logic.
Also, we can't use a single if because lazy evaluation is not an option
{{- if }}
{{- if }}
{{- printf "%s/%s" $repositoryName -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s/%s" $registryName $repositoryName -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s/%s" $registryName $repositoryName -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Renders a value that contains template.
{{ include "drupal.tplValue" (dict "value" "context" $) }}
{{- define "drupal.tplValue" -}}
{{- if typeIs "string" .value }}
{{- tpl .value .context }}
{{- else }}
{{- tpl (.value | toYaml) .context }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: {{ .Values.applicationKind }}
name: {{ template "drupal.fullname" . }}
labels: {{- include "drupal.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
matchLabels: {{- include "drupal.matchLabels" . | nindent 6 }}
replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
labels: {{- include "drupal.labels" . | nindent 8 }}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
affinity: {{- include "drupal.tplValue" (dict "value" .Values.affinity "context" $) | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
nodeSelector: {{- include "drupal.tplValue" (dict "value" .Values.nodeSelector "context" $) | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.tolerations }}
tolerations: {{- include "drupal.tplValue" (dict "value" .Values.tolerations "context" $) | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.securityContext.enabled }}
fsGroup: {{ .Values.securityContext.fsGroup }}
runAsUser: {{ .Values.securityContext.runAsUser }}
{{- end }}
- name: webserver
image: {{ template "webserver.image" . }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.webserver.image.pullPolicy | quote }}
{{- if .Values.webserver.command }}
command: {{- toYaml .Values.webserver.command | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.webserver.args }}
args: {{- toYaml .Values.webserver.args | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
- name: webserver
containerPort: {{ .Values.webserver.port }}
{{ toYaml .Values.webserver.livenessProbe | indent 12 }}
{{ toYaml .Values.webserver.readinessProbe | indent 12 }}
{{- if .Values.webserver.resources }}
resources: {{- toYaml .Values.webserver.resources | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
- name: php
image: {{ template "phpfpm.image" . }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.phpfpm.image.pullPolicy | quote }}
- secretRef:
name: {{ template "drupal.fullname" . }}
{{- if .Values.phpfpm.extraEnv }}
env: {{- toYaml .Values.phpfpm.extraEnv | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.phpfpm.command }}
command: {{- toYaml .Values.phpfpm.command | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.phpfpm.args }}
args: {{- toYaml .Values.phpfpm.args | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
- name: phpfpm
containerPort: {{ .Values.phpfpm.port }}
{{ toYaml .Values.phpfpm.livenessProbe | indent 12 }}
{{ toYaml .Values.phpfpm.readinessProbe | indent 12 }}
{{- if .Values.phpfpm.resources }}
resources: {{- toYaml .Values.phpfpm.resources | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}

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