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This repository contains L100 training material for containerizing NodeJS + MySQL apps with deployment on K8s

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This repository contains L100 training material for containerizing NodeJS + MySQL apps with deployment on K8s

Kubernetes Cluster Deployment on Azure.

Ensure Resource group with name contoso is created at your preferred location. PS: myaks is the name of the cluster

Login and create cluster

az login --use-device-code
az group create -l westus -n contoso
az aks create -n myaks -g contoso --node-count 2 -s Standard_A1

Create cluster with RBAC enabled (Optional)

Please follow the steps in the below link and update the values accordingly.

az aks create -g contoso -n myaks --generate-ssh-keys --aad-server-app-id c9c2c195-d7fd-4564-8e91-dc39437d2b28 --aad-server-app-secret jtw4RAPVL+zDm+oCxCiKi+Ngx3Mylctr5QoIjWwWo5g= --aad-client-app-id e7946b29-c83c-42fa-b163-eb89653f1f12 --aad-tenant-id 8f348a80-a372-4ace-a595-b2bd09210a68

Connect with Kubectl

az aks get-credentials -n myaks -g contoso 

If the cluster is RBAC enabled run the below command (Optional) az aks get-credentials -n myaks -g contoso --admin

Browse k8s dashboard (Optional)

PS: Follow the instructions from link below for enabling RBAC, this is mandatory for browsing kubernetes portal.

az aks browse -n myaks -g contoso 

Delete Cluster

az aks delete -n myaks -g contoso --yes

Minikube (Optional)

Run K8s locally using

K8s deployment on AWS (needs a purchased/free domain with provision to configure DNS)

kops create cluster --state=s3://kops-state-a411 --zones=eu-west-1a --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro

kops delete cluster --state=s3://kops-state-a411 --yes

kops update cluster --state=s3://kops-state-a411 --yes

Deploying Application on Kubernetes

The YAML files are under the deploy folder.

Deploy database

kubectl create -f .\mysql-deployment.yml
kubectl create -f .\mysql-service.yml

-- grab IP
kubectl get svc

Database preparation

Connect from MySQL Workbench or any command line tool and run the below query

create database authorsdb;
show databases;
use authorsdb;
create table authors (Name text, PageCount integer, PublishedYear integer, BookName text);
insert into authors values ('Michael Wolff', 336, 2018, 'Fire and Fury');
insert into authors values ('Bob Woodward', 448, 2018, 'Fear: Trump in the White House');
insert into authors values ('Rachel Hollis', 336, 2018, 'Girl, Wash Your Face');
select * from authors

Build Docker Image

Ensure you're under app folder

docker build -t vishwanathsrikanth/node-web-app .
--Replace the host and password values below
docker run -p 8080:3000 -d -e Host= -e Password='password' --name node-web-app vishwanathsrikanth/node-web-app

Deploy app on Kubernetes

Open app.deployment.yml and update the MySQL IP address obtained from above

kubectl create -f .\app-deployment.yml
kubectl create -f .\app-service.yml
-- grab IP
kubectl get svc
curl IP:8080

Scale Pods
kubectl scale deployment nodewebapp --replicas=10


This repository contains L100 training material for containerizing NodeJS + MySQL apps with deployment on K8s






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