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sroccaserra committed Jun 10, 2010
1 parent dfc331c commit 5378653
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96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions tools.el
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
;; Various tool functions & macros

(defmacro comment (&rest body)
"Ignores body, yields nil"

;; Math

(defun mean (values)
(/ (reduce '+ values)
(float (length values))))

(defun square (x)
(* x x))

(defun variance (values)
(- (->> values (mapcar 'square) mean)
(square (mean values))))

;; Sequences

(defun sequence (maybe-seq)
"Returns the value wrapped in a sequence if it is not a sequence already."
(if (sequencep maybe-seq) maybe-seq
(list maybe-seq)))

(defun random-elt (sequence)
(elt sequence
(-> sequence length random)))

(defun seq-difference (lseq rseq)
(remove-if (lambda (element) (find element rseq :test 'equal))

;; Strings

(defun string-empty-p (str)
(unless (stringp str)
(error "not a string."))
(string= "" str))

(defun string-not-blank-p (str)
(when str
(not (string-empty-p str))))

;; Undestructive alist functions

(defun alist-get (alist key &optional default)
(or (assoc-default key alist)

(defun alist-remove (alist key)
"Doesn't change the original alist, returns a new one instead."
(remove-if (lambda (x) (equal key (car x)))

(defun alist-set (alist key value)
"Doesn't change the original alist, returns a new one instead."
(cons (cons key value) (alist-remove alist key)))

;; Clojure's Trush operators

(defmacro -> (result &rest body)
(dolist (form body result)
(setq form (sequence form)
result (append (list (car form) result)
(cdr form)))))

(defmacro ->> (result &rest body)
(dolist (form body result)
(setq form (sequence form)
result (append form (list result)))))

;; Functional tools

(defmacro partial (f &rest args)
`(lambda (&rest more)
(apply ',f ,@args more)))

(defmacro lexdef (name args &rest body)
"Defun with lexically-scoped parameters. Could also be called lexical-defun."
`(defun ,name ,args
(lexical-let ,(->> args
(remove-if (partial equal '&rest))
(mapcar (lambda (arg) (list arg arg))))

(provide 'tools)
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions tools.elk
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@

(require 'tools)

(deftest "seq returns the sequence itself"
(assert-equal '(1)
(seq '(1)))
(assert-equal [1]
(seq [1]))
(assert-equal "1"
(seq "1")))

(deftest "seq turns non-sequences into a list"
(assert-equal '(1)
(seq 1))
(assert-equal '(toto)
(seq 'toto)))

(deftest "currying the plus function"
(assert-equal 5
(funcall (partial + 2) 3)))

(deftest "using curry in map"
(assert-equal [2 4 6]
(map 'vector (partial * 2) [1 2 3])))

(deftest "using curry in filter"
(assert-equal [2 3]
(remove-if-not (partial < 1) [1 2 3])))

(deftest "applying trush to one form"
(assert-equal 5.0
(-> 25 sqrt)))

(deftest "applying trush to two forms"
(assert-equal 3.0
(-> 25 sqrt (- 2))))

(deftest "chaining trush combinators"
(assert-equal "-2.0"
(-> 25 sqrt (->> (- 3) number-to-string))))

(deftest "threading three forms"
(assert-equal '(* 6 (+ 4 5 (- 2 3 x)))
(macroexpand '(->> x (- 2 3) (+ 4 5) (* 6)))))

(lexdef lexdef-test (x)
(lambda () x))

(defun defun-test (x)
(lambda () x))

(deftest "lexdef has lexical scoping"
(let ((lexical (lexdef-test 1))
(dynamic (defun-test 1))
(x 2))
(assert-equal 1
(funcall lexical))
(assert-equal 2
(funcall dynamic))))

(deftest "comment returns nil"
(assert-equal nil
(comment 3)))

(deftest "comment does nothing"
(let ((x 1))
(setq x 2)
(setq x 3))
(assert-equal 2 x)))

(deftest "variance of a const list returns 0"
(->> [[1 1 1]
[2 2 2 2 2]
[3 3 3 3 3 3 3]]
(mapcar (lambda (v)
(assert-equal 0.0 (variance v))))))

(deftest "variance of a simple list"
(assert-that (lambda (x) (< (eval x) 0.001))
(- (/ 2 3.0)
(variance [1 2 3]))))

(deftest "retrieving a random element"
(assert-equal "ABC"
(random-elt ["ABC"])))

(deftest "I can substract two vectors"
(assert-equal ["ABC"]
(seq-difference ["ABC" "DEF"] ["DEF"])))

;; Alist functions

(deftest "I can get a value by key in an alist"
(let ((h '((a . 1)(b . 2))))
(assert-equal 1
(alist-get h 'a))
(assert-equal 2
(alist-get h 'b))
(assert-nil (alist-get h 'z))
(assert-equal 26
(alist-get h 'z 26))))

(deftest "I can remove a value in an alist"
(let ((h '((a . 1)(b . 2)(a . 3))))
(assert-nil (-> h (alist-remove 'a) (alist-get 'a)))))

(deftest "I can set a value in an alist"
(let ((h '((a . 1)(b . 2)(a . 3))))
(assert-equal '((a . 5)(b . 2)) (-> h (alist-set 'a 5)))
(assert-equal '((a . 1)(b . 2)(a . 3)) h)))

;; Strings

(deftest "an empty string is empty, a non empty string is not empty"
(assert-nil (string-empty-p "hello"))
(assert-nonnil (string-empty-p (copy-seq "")))
(assert-error "string" (string-empty-p 1))
(assert-error "string" (string-empty-p nil)))

(deftest "I can tell if a sring is blank"
(assert-t (string-not-blank-p "hello"))
(assert-nil (string-not-blank-p nil))
(assert-nil (string-not-blank-p ""))
(assert-error "string" (string-not-blank-p 1)))

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