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srozemuller committed Oct 18, 2023
1 parent 08aafc4 commit 0a7e18c
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 63 deletions.
110 changes: 47 additions & 63 deletions Security-IntuneOsBuildAssistant/run.ps1
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Expand Up @@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ function Get-InfoFromAI {
$body = @"
"temperature": 0.7,
"top_p": 0.95,
"temperature": 0.1,
"top_p": 0,
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"presence_penalty": 0,
"max_tokens": 1000,
"stop": null,
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "Based on the json content give me the second highest os version under the devices object and the current defined Os version. Then tell me if the current defined Os version matches the second highest os version. If not, then tell me what the defined Os version should be. surround the defined OS version with <>. Give me the policy name that is updated $($($content).Replace('"','\"'))"
"content": "Based on the json content give me the the currentVersions array, order it ascending and pick the second highest. Tell me if the current osMinimumVersion matches the second highest os version from the array. If not, then tell me what the defined Os version should be. Surround the defined OS version with <> and which policy should be updated. Always return the compliancePolicyName. $($($content).Replace('"','\"'))"
Expand All @@ -48,51 +48,46 @@ $graphHeaders = @{
Authorization = "Bearer {0}" -f $token.token

function Get-ActiveAssignedFilters {
function Get-MachinesPerFilters {
param (

$activeFiltersPerDevice = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$activeDevicesPerFilter = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# Get the assigned user ID from the device
$usersUrl = "{0}/beta//deviceManagement/managedDevices/{1}/users" -f $graphUrl, $
$user = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $usersUrl -Method Get -Headers $graphHeaders | ConvertFrom-Json).value
$requestParams = @{
uri = "{0}/beta/deviceManagement/assignmentFilters('{1}')/payloads" -f $graphUrl, $FilterId
$filterReqParams = @{
uri = "{0}/beta/deviceManagement/assignmentFilters('{1}')" -f $graphUrl, $FilterId
method = "GET"
headers = $graphHeaders
$assignedFilters = (Invoke-WebRequest @requestParams | ConvertFrom-Json).value
$assignedFilters | Where-Object { $_.payloadType -eq 'deviceConfigurationAndCompliance' } | ForEach-Object {
$payLoadId = $_.payloadId
$filterCheckBody = @{
"managedDeviceId" = $IntuneDeviceId
"payloadId" = $payLoadId # Based on the returned JSON, this is the PolicyId
"userId" = $
$activeFilterParam = @{
uri = ""
method = "POST"
body = $filterCheckBody | ConvertTo-Json
headers = $graphHeaders
$filterReq = Invoke-WebRequest @filterReqParams | ConvertFrom-Json
$filterInfo = @{
"data" = @{
"platform" = $filterReq.platform
"rule" = $filterReq.rule
"skip" = 0
$activeFiltersReq = Invoke-WebRequest @activeFilterParam | ConvertFrom-Json
if (($activeFiltersReq.evalutionSummaries) -and ($activeFiltersReq.evalutionSummaries.assignmentFilterType -eq "include") -and ($activeFiltersReq.evalutionSummaries.evaluationResult -eq "match")) {
$activeFilters = [PSCustomObject]@{
deviceId = $activeFiltersReq.managedDeviceId
activeFilters = $activeFiltersReq.evalutionSummaries.assignmentFilterId
activeFiltersName = $activeFiltersReq.evalutionSummaries.assignmentFilterDisplayName
$activeFiltersPerDevice.Add($activeFilters) >> $null
$activeDevicesFilterParam = @{
uri = "{0}/beta/deviceManagement/evaluateAssignmentFilter" -f $graphUrl
method = "POST"
body = $filterInfo | ConvertTo-Json
headers = $graphHeaders
$activeFiltersReq = Invoke-WebRequest @activeDevicesFilterParam | ConvertFrom-Json
$activeFiltersReq.values | ForEach-Object {
$activeDevice = [PSCustomObject]@{
deviceId = $_[1]
osVersion = $_[-3]
$activeDevicesPerFilter.Add($activeDevice) >> $null
$fullReturn = @{
"filter" = $filterReq
"devices" = $activeDevicesPerFilter
return $activeFiltersPerDevice
return $fullReturn

try {
Expand All @@ -106,46 +101,35 @@ catch {

if ($null -ne $compliancePolicies) {
$compliancePolicies | ForEach-Object {
$compliancePolicy = $_
$compliancePolicyAndDevices = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# Search for the assigned filters for each compliance policy and return the devices that match the filter that is assigned to the compliance policy.
Write-Information -InformationAction Continue -Message "Found $($compliancePolicies.count) compliance policies, checking for assigned filters"
try {
$devicesUrl = "{0}/beta//deviceManagement/managedDevices" -f $graphUrl
$devices = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $devicesUrl -Method Get -Headers $graphHeaders | ConvertFrom-Json).value
$devicesAndMatchingFilters = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$devices | ForEach-Object {
$device = $_
$filterInfo = Get-ActiveAssignedFilters -IntuneDeviceId $ -FilterId $
$deviceFilter = [PSCustomObject]@{
device = $
filter = $filterInfo
osVersion = $device.osVersion
$devicesAndMatchingFilters.Add($deviceFilter) >> $null
$compliancePolicy = $_
$filterInfo = Get-MachinesPerFilters -FilterId $
$filterResults = [PSCustomObject]@{
compliancePolicyName = $compliancePolicy.displayName
currentVersions = $filterInfo.devices.osVersion | Select-Object -Unique
osMinimumVersion = $compliancePolicy.osMinimumVersion
$aiInfo = Get-InfoFromAI -content $($filterResults | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)
catch {
Throw "Unable to get devices from Intune"
Throw "Unable to get filter information from Intune"
try {
$compliancePolicy.osMinimumVersion = (Select-String -Pattern '(?<=\<)(.*?)(?=\>)' -InputObject $aiInfo.choices[0].message.content).Matches.Value
$compliancePoliciesUrl = "{0}/beta/deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies/{1}" -f $graphUrl, $compliancePolicyAndDevices.policy
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $compliancePoliciesUrl -Method PATCH -Headers $graphHeaders -Body ($compliancePolicy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)

$policyInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
policy = $
name = $_.displayName
definedOsVersion = $_.osMinimumVersion
devices = $devicesAndMatchingFilters
# Check of the AI repsonse contains a new version by checking for a version betwee < >, if so, update the compliance policy
$newVersion = (Select-String -Pattern '(?<=\<)(.*?)(?=\>)' -InputObject $aiInfo.choices[0].message.content).Matches.Value
if ($newVersion) {
$compliancePolicy.osMinimumVersion = $newVersion
$compliancePoliciesUrl = "{0}/beta/deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies/{1}" -f $graphUrl, $compliancePolicy.policy
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $compliancePoliciesUrl -Method PATCH -Headers $graphHeaders -Body ($compliancePolicy | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
catch {
Throw "Unable to update compliance policy $($compliancePolicy.displayName) in Intune"
$compliancePolicyAndDevices.Add($policyInfo) >> $null
$aiInfo = Get-InfoFromAI -content $($compliancePolicyAndDevices | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress)

$cardBody = @"
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