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Loot tables for Grim Dawn version is a Python script for generating the data.

The various loottable_output*.txt files are the files generated by the program with differing configuration settings:

  • loottable_output.txt - Components, Rare Materials, etc.
  • loottable_output_Rare.txt - The above and Monster Infrequents
  • loottable_output_Epic.txt - Epic items and Components, Rare Materials, etc.
  • loottable_output_Legendary.txt - Legendary items and Components, Rare Materials, etc.
  • loottable_output_Rare_Epic_Legendary.txt - All of the above.
  • mastertables_output.txt - Data dump of all master loot tables used in-game. Please notify me of missing/corrupted information.

Note that this data only applies to what enemies actually equip themselves, and does not factor in loot orbs/chests. Due to this reason, some duplicate information may be generated for enemies that dualwield weapons.

usage: [-h] [--quality {e,a,u,r,n,c,l,r+}] [--mt]
                        [--install INSTALL] [--debug] [--bulk]

Parse Grim Dawn loottable droprates.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --quality {e,a,u,r,n,c,l,r+}
                        The quality of the loot to parse information on. Being
                        more selective will expedite the overall process.
                        Usage: a - Parse everything. c - Parse common gear and
                        materials only. r - Parse rare gear and materials
                        only. e - Parse epic gear and materials only. l -
                        Parse legendary gear and materials only. n (default) -
                        Parse materials only. u - Parse uniques
                        (epics/legendaries) and materials only. r+ - Parse
                        rare, epic, and legendary gear and materials only.
  --mt                  Dumps mastertable information to a file.
  --install INSTALL     Points to the installation directory of Grim Dawn.
                        Defaults to Steam on the C:\ drive. Surround with
                        quotes if there are spaces in the directory path.
  --debug               Logs debug error messages to console.
  --bulk                Generates tables for every possible quality of loot.
                        --debug will be off, --mt will run once.

Example console log ( --mt true --quality r+)

Building textual info from GD resources...
Gathering all enemy data...
Building mastertable data...
Generating loot tables [===================] 100%
Dumping master tables [====================] 100%
Operation completed.