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Code Generator

Sercan MUHLACI edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 43 revisions

Entitas Code Generator

The Code Generator, named Jenny, generates classes and methods for you, so you can focus on getting the job done. It radically reduces the amount of code you have to write and improves readability by a huge magnitude. It makes your code less error-prone while ensuring best performance. I strongly recommend using it!

The Code Generator is flexible and can be customized to fit your needs. See the installation guide to learn how to use the code generator in a pure C# or Unity project.

Customizing and extending the Code Generator

You can easily implement your own generators by implementing one of the available ICodeGeneratorInterfaces:

  • ICodeGeneratorDataProvider: Returns CodeGeneratorData[] to provide information for CodeGenerators
  • ICodeGenerator: Takes CodeGeneratorData and returns CodeGenFile[] that contain all generated file contents
  • IPostProcessor: Takes CodeGenFile[] to add modifications to any generated files

But for most projects the provided generators will cover all needs.

See this tutorial and this page for extra help setting up custom code generators for your project.

Available Generators

Entitas already comes with all Generators that are vital for clean and simple coding using Entitas framework. You can configure them and toggle them on/off using the Entitas>Preferences Editor Window within Unity or manually editing the file in your root directory.


This Generator provides you with a simple interface for accessing and manipulating components on Entities. The outcome depends on whether your Component is a:

  • flag Component without any fields (e.g. MovableComponent)
  • standard Component with public fields (e.g. PositionComponent)

Flag Component (e.g. MovableComponent)

public class MovableComponent : IComponent {}

[Game, FlagPrefix("flag")]
public class DestroyComponent : IComponent {}

You get

GameEntity e;
var movable = e.isMovable;
e.isMovable = true;
e.isMovable = false;

e.flagDestroy = true;

Standard Component (e.g. PositionComponent)

public class PositionComponent : IComponent {
    public int x;
    public int y;
    public int z;

You get

GameEntity e;
    var position = e.position;
    e.AddPosition(x, y, z);
e.ReplacePosition(x, y, z);


This Generator helps you to manage Components, that are meant to exist once per Context. Think of a Singleton-Component that only exists within a Context instead of statically. You can mark Single-Instance Components by using the [Unique]-Attribute. The output depends on, where your Component is a:

  • Unique flag Component without public fields (e.g. AnimatingComponent)
  • Unique standard Component with public fields (e.g. UserComponent)

Single flag component (e.g. AnimatingComponent)

[Game, Unique]
public class AnimatingComponent : IComponent {}

You get

// extensions from `ComponentEntityCreator` are also available

GameContext context;
GameEntity e = context.animatingEntity;
var isAnimating = context.isAnimating;
context.isAnimating = true;
context.isAnimating = false;

Single standard component (e.g. UserComponent)

[Game, Unique]
public class UserComponent : IComponent {
    public string name;
    public int age;

You get

// extensions from `ComponentEntityCreator` are also available

GameContext context;
GameEntity e = context.userEntity;
    var name =;
    context.SetUser("John", 42);
context.ReplaceUser("Max", 24);















Adding your own Generator

  1. Create a new class that implements e.g. ICodeGenerator and save it in an Editor folder
  2. Your Assembly-CSharp-Editor.dll can now be considered a plugin, because it contains your new generator
  3. Add Assembly-CSharp-Editor to Jenny.Plugins field in file
  4. Add Assembly-CSharp-Editor.dll folder path to Jenny.SearchPaths. This is usually Library/ScriptAssemblies
  5. Entitas preferences window will contain name of your custom code generator in one of the generator dropdowns. Enable it and generate.

Fixing compilation errors

The Code Generator is based on runtime reflection. The project has to compile before you can generate. This is not an issue when you creating new components, however when it comes to changing or deleting components, your code might stop compiling. Here is a list of recipes how you can avoid bigger hassle while changing and deleting components.

Renaming component fields

Use rename refactoring of your IDE and generate. Things should not break because fields only affect method parameter names in the generated methods.

Renaming component

Use rename refactoring of your IDE and also rename the existing methods, setters and getters in the generated class and generate.

Adding new fields to a component

Add the new fields and generate. This will result in compile errors because some methods now expect more parameters, e.g. e.AddXyz() and e.ReplaceXyz(). You'll have to update all the places where you call these methods.

Removing fields from a component

This will directly lead to compilation errors because at least the generated class is using them. In this case you can just comment out the implementation of the affected methods, e.g e.AddXyz() and e.ReplaceXyz(). After that, generate again.

Deleting a component

Delete the component and the generated class completely, then remove the component under componentTypes in ComponentIds (might have a prefix if you changed the context name). After that, remove/change your usages of the component and generate again. You may need to close unity and open again. Also make sure your code compiles when you remove the component, like remove all references to it as well.

Renaming context names

Use rename refactoring of your IDE to rename the ContextAttribute class name first, then generate.

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