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Example projects

Isaiah Kelly edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 29 revisions

Unity examples

Here are some example projects built with Entitas and the Unity game engine to help you get started and learn the basics.

Basic introduction example project that illustrates how systems, groups, collectors and entities all play together seamlessly. Entitas-Example-Project

Simple CandyCrush-like Matching game example, except it's Match One. For an in-depth walk-through of the project watch the Unite Europe 2015 talk this project was built for, but please be aware that recent versions of Entitas have changed the concept of Pool to Context. So all references in the video to "pool/s" now actually refer to the "context/s" in the example.


  • systems list in GameController
  • how you can use reactive system to only process changed entities
  • the usage of EntityIndex for super fast entity access
  • how you can use multiple contexts to reduce the memory footprint of each entity (Input, Core, Score)

A basic Shoot 'Em Up done with Entitas. Watch the Unite Europe 2016 talk for this project to get an in-depth walk-through.


  • systems list in GameController
  • how you can use reactive system to only process changed entities
  • the usage of EntityIndex for super fast entity access
  • how you can use multiple contexts to reduce the memory footprint of each entity
  • how you can use external logic like Unity Physics and Input
  • how you can do GameObject object pooling
  • that Entitas is perfect for TDD (Test Driven Development)

Entitas port of the Official Unity Tanks! Tutorial project.


Pong clone using Entitas.


Asteroids clone using Entitas.

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