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Example projects

Simon Schmid edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 29 revisions


Here are some example projects to help you get started with Entitas and learn the basics.

  • Introduction - Example Project
  • Beginner - Match-one
  • Intermediate - Entitas-Shmup


A basic Shoot 'Em Up done with Entitas.

Watch the talk from Unite Europe 2016 to get an in-depth tutorial.

Entitas-Shmup shows

  • systems list in GameController
  • how you can use reactive system to only process changed entities
  • the usage of EntityIndex for super fast entity access
  • how you can use multiple contexts to reduce the memory footprint of each entity
  • how you can use external logic like Unity Physics and Input
  • how you can do GameObject object pooling
  • that Entitas is perfect for TDD (Test Driven Development)


Match One

A very simple CandyCrush-like Match 3 example, except it's Match One.

Watch the talk from Unite Europe 2015 to get an in-depth tutorial.

Match One shows

  • systems list in GameController
  • how you can use reactive system to only process changed entities
  • the usage of EntityIndex for super fast entity access
  • how you can use multiple contexts to reduce the memory footprint of each entity (Input, Core, Score)


Example Project

A simple project that illustrates how systems, groups, collectors and entities all play together seamlessly

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