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Aaron E. Freedman edited this page Apr 26, 2017 · 78 revisions

Quick Start

Download Entitas

Each release is published with zip files which contain all source files you need:

UPGRADE NOTICE: Some important terminology has changed in recent updates to Entitas. The most significant change is that Pool has been renamed to Context. This means all references to the Pool/Pools in older documentation or tutorials is now referring to the Context/Contexts in Entitas v0.36.0 and newer. Please read the Upgrade Guide for more information on how to upgrade older projects.

Setup Your Project

C# Project

The easiest way to get started with a new C# project is to download the working sample project EntitasPure. It's a simple project with the code generator already set up.

Alternatively follow these steps: Add the contents of to your project. If you want to use the code generator you can create yourself a simple helper console application which you can run as a post compile command.

See EntitasPure Program.cs

The project file must be updated in order to recognize the generated files. Add this to your .csproj

See EntitasPure.csproj

  <Compile Include="Generated\**\*.cs" />

Unity Project

Copy the contents of the file you just downloaded into the Assets folder of your Unity game project. It's best to place this in a sub-folder like Assets/Libraries/Entitas for organization, but you can place it anywhere in the project. Then open Entitas Preferences from the Menu Bar -> Entitas -> Preferences...

Entitas Preferences

Specify all the paths and set everything up to your liking. Use the generate button or the menu item

Menu Generate

Done. You're awesome! 🎉

Add contexts, write some components and systems and make an awesome game. Feel free to share what you've created with Entitas in the Community Section in the Wiki and use #madeWithEntitas in your Tweets so we can all enjoy playing your game or learn from it!

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