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sseltzer edited this page Mar 23, 2012 · 4 revisions
Operation Original Library (ms) SSeltzer Library (ms) Gain (ms) Gain (%)
Reset/Init/Screen fill Black 974 168 806 82.8%
testtext(RED); 695 229 466 67.1%
testlines(CYAN); 12846 4059 8787 68.4%
testfastlines(RED, BLUE); 800 251 549 68.6%
testdrawrects(GREEN); 725 225 500 69.0%
testfillrects(YELLOW, MAGENTA); 6946 2617 4329 62.3%
testfillcircles(10, MAGENTA); 1473 675 798 54.2%
testdrawcircles(10, WHITE); 1115 383 732 65.7%
testtriangles(); 1409 435 974 69.1%
testfilltriangles(); 3938 1601 2337 59.3%
testRoundRect(); 1031 330 701 68.0%
testFillRoundRect(); 7549 2881 4668 61.8%
Total: 39501 13854 25647 64.9%

All tests performed with the following code:

startTime = millis();									
endTime = millis();									
tft.setCursor(10, 100);
tft.println(endTime - startTime);

Note that many of the tests begin with tft.fillScreen(BLACK); While this does not reflect the actual time it takes to perform many screen draw operations themselves, it does give a real world feel for how long it would take to display a complex screen. Of course you would want to optimize and only draw certain portions of the screen at a time (more on that later).

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