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better check for generator method, option name changes...
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sshaw committed Jun 6, 2012
1 parent f8830eb commit 90d5b73
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 45 deletions.
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions README.pod
Expand Up @@ -2,18 +2,29 @@

=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Command::secret - Generate a secret() using random bytes and add it you your app
Mojolicious::Command::secret - Generate a secret() using random bytes and add it to your application


Tired of manually adding secrets? Me too!

./script/your_app secret
perl ./ secret

B<This will modify your file>. An existing secret will not be overridden unless you the C<-f> option is used.

=head1 OPTIONS

-f, --force Overwrite an existing secret. Defaults to 0.
-m, --module MODULE=method Module & method used to generate the secret. Defaults to Crypt::URandom=urandom.
-s, --size SIZE Number of bytes to use. Defaults to 32.
-f, --force Overwrite an existing secret. Defaults to 0.
-g, --generator MODULE=method Module & method used to generate the secret. Defaults to Crypt::URandom=urandom.
Set the MOJO_GEN_SECRET environment variable to override this.
-s, --size SIZE Number of bytes to use. Defaults to 32.

=head1 AUTHOR

Skye Shaw

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

99 changes: 58 additions & 41 deletions lib/Mojolicious/Command/
@@ -1,79 +1,85 @@
package Mojolicious::Command::secret;

use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Command';
use Getopt::Long 'GetOptionsFromArray';

use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray :config no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev); # Match Mojo's commands

our $VERSION = '0.01';

has description => "Generate a secret() using random bytes and add it to your app\n";
has description => "Generate a secret() consisting of random bytes and add it to your application\n";
has usage => <<USAGE;
usage $0 secret [OPTIONS]
-f, --force Overwrite an existing secret. Defaults to 0.
-m, --module MODULE=method Module & method used to generate the secret. Defaults to Crypt::URandom=urandom.
-s, --size SIZE Number of bytes to use. Defaults to 32.
-f, --force Overwrite an existing secret. Defaults to 0.
-g, --generator MODULE=method Module & method used to generate the secret. Defaults to Crypt::URandom=urandom.
Set the MOJO_GEN_SECRET environment variable to override this.
-s, --size SIZE Number of bytes to use. Defaults to 32.

sub run
sub run
my ($self, @argv) = @_;
my ($force, $size, $module);
my $ok = GetOptionsFromArray(\@argv,
'f|force' => \$force,
's|size=i' => \$size,
'm|module=s' => \$module);
my $ok = GetOptionsFromArray(\@argv,
'f|force' => \$force,
's|size=i' => \$size,
'g|generator=s' => \$module);

return unless $ok;

my $secret = _create_secret($module, $size);
my $code = sprintf qq|->secret('%s');|, $secret;
my $code = sprintf q|->secret('%s');|, $secret;
my $filename = $self->class_to_path(ref($self->app));
my $path = $filename eq 'Mojolicious/' ? $0 : File::Spec->catdir('lib', $filename);

open my $io, '<', $path or die "Error opening $path: $!\n";
my $data = do { local $/; <$io> };
open my $io, '+<:encoding(utf8)', $path or die "Error opening $path: $!\n";
my $data = do { local $/; <$io> };

my $created = 0;
if($data =~ m|\w->secret\((["'].+["'])\)|) {
if(!$force) {
die "Your app already has a secret (use -f to overwrite it)\n";
if(!$force) {
die "Your application already has a secret (use -f to overwrite it)\n";

my ($i, $j) = ($-[1], $+[1] - $-[1]);
substr($data, $i, $j) = "'$secret'";
$created = 1;
my ($i, $j) = ($-[1], $+[1] - $-[1]);
substr($data, $i, $j) = "'$secret'";
$created = 1;
# Preserve indentation and prepend target object to $code.
# Preserve indentation and prepend method target to $code.
elsif($data =~ s/(sub\s+startup\s*\{(\s*).+(\$self).+)$/$1$2$3$code/m ||
$data =~ s/^((\s*)\b(app)->\w+)/$2$3$code$1/m) {
$created = 1;
$data =~ s/^((\s*)\b(app)->\w+)/$2$3$code$1/m) {
$created = 1;

if(!$created) {
die "Can't figure out where to insert the call to secret\n"
die "Can't figure out where to insert the call to secret()\n"

seek $io, 0, 0 or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
print $io $data and close $io or die "Error writing secret to $path: $!\n";

open my $out, '>', $path or die "Error writing secret to $path: $!\n";
print $out $data;
close $out or die "Error writing secret to $path: $!\n";
say 'Secret created!';

sub _create_secret
my $module = shift || 'Crypt::URandom=urandom';
my $module = shift || $ENV{'MOJO_GEN_SECRET'} || 'Crypt::URandom=urandom';
my $size = shift || 32;

my ($class, $method) = split /=/, $module, 2;
eval "require $class; 1" or die "Module not found: $class\n";
my ($class, $method) = split /=/, $module, 2;
eval "require $class; 1" or die "Module '$class' not found\n";

my $secret;
no strict 'refs';
eval {
$secret = unpack "H*", "${class}::$method"->($size);
die "Can't create secret: $@" if $@;
no strict 'refs';
if(!exists ${"${class}::"}{$method}) {
die "$class has no method named '$method'\n";

eval { $secret = unpack "H*", "${class}::$method"->($size) };
die "Can't create secret: $@\n" if $@;

Expand All @@ -85,18 +91,29 @@ sub _create_secret
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Command::secret - Generate a secret() using random bytes and add it you your app
Mojolicious::Command::secret - Generate a secret() using random bytes and add it to your application
Tired of manually adding secrets? Me too!
./script/your_app secret
perl ./ secret
B<This will modify your file>. An existing secret will not be overridden unless the C<-f> option is used.
=head1 OPTIONS
-f, --force Overwrite an existing secret. Defaults to 0.
-m, --module MODULE=method Module & method used to generate the secret. Defaults to Crypt::URandom=urandom.
-s, --size SIZE Number of bytes to use. Defaults to 32.
-f, --force Overwrite an existing secret. Defaults to 0.
-g, --generator MODULE=method Module & method used to generate the secret. Defaults to Crypt::URandom=urandom.
Set the MOJO_GEN_SECRET environment variable to override this.
-s, --size SIZE Number of bytes to use. Defaults to 32.
=head1 AUTHOR
Skye Shaw
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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