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Distributed systems example in Spring framework using Load Balancer, API Gateway, Service Discovery and Distributed tracing.

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High-level Overview


  • Customer: The goal of this microservice is to handle all Customer registration requests.
  • Fraud: The goal of this microservice is to handle and perform all fraud checks i.e. if a customer is fraudulent or not.
  • Notification: The goal of this microservice is to send an async notification to user's smartphone or any other device when the user has registered successfully via third-party providers like Firebase or Twilio.

API Gateway

api-gateway microservice uses spring-cloud-starter-gateway dependency to mark this service as API Gateway microservice. APIGatewayApplication class is annotated with @EnableDiscoveryClient to tell Spring that it will use Eureka Service Discovery to get complete URIs of running instances. The application.yml file contains Routes of other microservices.

Service Discovery

eureka-server uses spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-server to register instance as server while other microservices customer, fraud uses spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client to register themselves as clients.

Load Balancing

The customer microservice uses round-robin DNS load balancing algorithm to perform routing to x instance of fraud microservice. CustomerConfig class contains restTemplate() method which is annotated with @LoadBalanced to perform load balancing.

Eureka Server connection pool

Distributed Tracing

Zipkin & Sleuth




Uses spring-cloud-starter-sleuth and spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin across all microservices. Zipkin server runs via a Java jar on same machine. Zipkin can also be configured inside docker-compose.yml to run in Docker container. The default port of Zipkin server is 9411.


Distributed systems example in Spring framework using Load Balancer, API Gateway, Service Discovery and Distributed tracing.





