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Linearized BP for any pairwise MRF
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Prakhar Ojha authored and Prakhar Ojha committed Feb 5, 2017
1 parent e75511a commit 345c777
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@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
File manipulation for SSL-H: Loads from and saves to csv formats.
File manipulation for SSL-H: Loads from and saves to csv formats with comma ',' delimiter.
Nomenclature: W, X, H[j,i], n, l, k, Xd, Xr (relational)
First version: Dec 6, 2014
This version: Sept 16, 2015
Author: Wolfgang Gatterbauer <>
(C) Wolfgang Gatterbauer, 2016

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import csv
import warnings

def load_W(fileName, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, n=None, delimiter=',', usefloat=False, doubleUndirected=False):
def load_W(fileName, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, n=None, doubleUndirected=False):
"""Reads a weighted adjacency matrix W from CSV and returns it as sparse CSR matrix W together with n.
CSV input format: 2 or 3 columns: row, col (, weight): weight is optional.
Returns None, None if the file does not exist (instead of throwing an error).
[Deprecated: Returns None, None if the file does not exist (instead of throwing an error).]
Expand All @@ -28,48 +28,39 @@ def load_W(fileName, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, n=None, delimiter=',', usefl
whether first node is indexed by 0 (instead of by 1)
n : int, optional (Default=0)
number of different nodes
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or None (uses whitespace)
usefloat : bool, optional (default=False)
whether to use float instead of int for saving weights
If not set, then weight is assumed to integer.
doubleUndirected : bool, optional (default=False)
whether to add for each edge, also a back edge
If edge is already present, then doubles adds the weights
If edge is already present, then doubles the weights
W : [n x n] sparse matrix: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
weighted adjacency matrix in sparse format
None in case the file does not exist
n : int
number of nodes
None in case the file does not exist
Assumes node labels 0-(n-1) [or 1-n for zeroindexing=False]
If n is not specified, then the code taks n-1 = maximum integer in rows or columns (or n for "zeroindexing=False")
File name does not matter. Even GZ is possible.
Node ids need to be integers. Integers can start at 0 or 1 ("zeroindexing=True" or False).
Weight is assumed integer. Otherwise float if "usefloat=True".
if usefloat:
data = np.loadtxt(fileName, dtype=float, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows)
else: # if dtype not specified, then float by default
data = np.loadtxt(fileName, dtype=int, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows)
k, m = np.shape(data.T)
data = pd.read_csv(fileName, delimiter=',', skiprows=skiprows, header=None)

m, k = data.shape
assert k == 2 or k == 3 # only accept 2 or 3 columns
if k == 3:
row, col, weight = data.T
else: # in case it only has 2 columns, then the weights are all 1s
row, col = data.T
weight = [1] * m # create the weight array so code later is the same
row = data.iloc[:, 0].values
col = data.iloc[:, 1].values
if k== 3:
weight = data.iloc[:, 2].values
else: # in case it only has 2 columns, then the weights are all 1s
weight = [1] * m # create the weight array so code later is the same

if not zeroindexing: # transform from 1-indexing to 0-indexing
row -= 1
col -= 1

if n is None:
n = max(np.max(row),np.max(col)) # assumes the last node appears (= has at least one edge)
n += 1 # assumes zeroindexing
Expand All @@ -82,38 +73,40 @@ def load_W(fileName, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, n=None, delimiter=',', usefl
W = csr_matrix((weight, (row, col)), shape=(n, n))
return W, n
except IOError as error:
# print("Error: {0:s}: could not be opened: {1:s}".format(fileName, error.strerror))
raise error
# return None, None

def save_W(fileName, W, delimiter=',', saveWeights=False):
def save_W(fileName, W, saveWeights=False):
"""Saves a sparse weighted adjacency matrix in CSV sparse format
Includes a header and uses zero indexing.
Deals with both integers and floats as weights.
[Deprecated: delimiter=',']
fileName : string
fileName including path
W : [n x n] sparse matrix: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
weighted adjacency matrix in sparse format
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or ' ' (not None!)
saveWeights: Boolean (Default = False)
saves weights as 3rd column, otherwise just 2 columns
row, col = W.nonzero()
weight =

if not saveWeights:
data = np.array(zip(row, col))
np.savetxt(fileName, data, fmt='%g', delimiter=delimiter, header='source,destination')
d = np.array([row, col]).transpose()
df = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['source', 'destination']) # order 'source' -> 'destination' needs to be specified, otherwise alphabetically
data = np.array(zip(row, col, weight))
np.savetxt(fileName, data, fmt='%g', delimiter=delimiter, header='source,destination,weight')
d = np.array([row, col, weight]).transpose()
df = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['source', 'destination', 'weight'])

df.to_csv(fileName, sep=',', index=False)

def load_X(fileName, n=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, delimiter=','):
def load_X(fileName, n=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True):
"""Reads a belief matrix Xr from CSV in relational format (node, label, belief)
Returns a dense [n x k] matrix X, together with n and k
Returns a tuple: a dense [n x k] matrix X, together with n and k
Returns None, None if the file does not exist
CSV input format: 2 or 3 columns: node, label (, belief): belief is optional and otherwise assume = 1
node indexes are integers starting at 0 or 1
Expand All @@ -130,8 +123,6 @@ def load_X(fileName, n=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, delimiter=',
number of top rows to skip
zeroindexing : bool, optional (default=True)
whether first node is indexed by 0 [instead of by 1]
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or None (uses whitespace)
Expand All @@ -151,14 +142,15 @@ def load_X(fileName, n=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, delimiter=',
assumes label (k-1) [or k for zeroindexing=False] is assigned to at least one node, if k is not explicitly specified
data = np.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows) # does float by default
num_col, m = np.shape(data.T)
data = pd.read_csv(fileName, delimiter=',', skiprows=skiprows, header=None)

assert num_col == 2 or num_col == 3, "The data file can contain only 2 or 3 columns"
m, num_col = data.shape
assert num_col == 2 or num_col == 3 # only accept 2 or 3 columns
node = data.iloc[:, 0].values
label = data.iloc[:, 1].values
if num_col == 3:
node, label, belief = data.T
else: # in case it only has 2 columns, then the weights are all 1s
node, label = data.T
belief = data.iloc[:, 2].values
else: # in case it only has 2 columns, then each class can only have one belief
assert len(set(node)) == len(node), "With 2 input columns, every node can be assigned to maximal one class"
belief = [1] * m # create the weight array so code later is the same

Expand All @@ -180,7 +172,7 @@ def load_X(fileName, n=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, delimiter=',
return None, None, None

def save_X(fileName, X, delimiter=','):
def save_X(fileName, X):
"""Saves a dense explicit belief matrix X to CSV
Includes a header and uses zero indexing
Expand All @@ -190,146 +182,32 @@ def save_X(fileName, X, delimiter=','):
fileName including path
X : dense matrix
explicit belief matrix
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or ' ' (not None!)
n, k = X.shape
z = [(i, j, X[i,j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(k) if X[i, j] != 0] # only save entries that are not 0
data = np.array(z)
np.savetxt(fileName, data, fmt='%g', delimiter=delimiter, header='node,class,belief')

def load_Xd(fileName, skiprows=1, delimiter=','):
"""Loads a dictionary node id -> class id
CSV input format: node id, class id.
fileName : string
fileName including path
skiprows : int, optional (Default=1)
number of top rows to skip
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or None (uses whitespace)
Xd : dictionary
maps node ids to class ids
data = np.loadtxt(fileName, dtype=int, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows)
'''if dtype not specified, then float by default'''
k, _ = np.shape(data.T)
assert k == 2 # only accept dictionary
keys, values = data.T
Xd = {k: v for k,v in zip(keys,values)}
return Xd
except IOError as error:
return None, None, None

def save_Xd(fileName, Xd, delimiter=','):
"""Saves a dictionary node id -> class id
fileName : string
fileName including path
Xd : dictionary
maps node ids to class ids
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or ' ' (not None!)
z = [(k,v) for k,v in Xd.items()]
data = np.array(z)
np.savetxt(fileName, data, fmt='%g', delimiter=delimiter, header='node,class')

def load_H(fileName, l=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, delimiter=','):
"""Reads a [l x k] directed potential or coupling matrix H and returns a dense [l x k] numpy array H, together with l and k
Returns None, None, None if the file does not exist
CSV input format for H(j,i): j, i, weight (from, to, weight)
fileName : string
fileName including path
l : int, optional (Default=None)
number of different classes (vertical = rows)
k : int, optional (Default=None)
number of different classes (horizontal = columns)
skiprows : int, optional (Default=1)
number of top rows to skip
zeroindexing : bool, optional (default=True)
whether first node is indexed by 0 [instead of by 1]
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or None (uses whitespace)

H : dense [l x k] numpy array
None in case the file does not exist
l : int
number of classes (vertical = rows)
None in case the file does not exist
k : int
number of classes (horizontal = columns)
None in case the file does not exist
X2 = csr_matrix(X) # fast way to get X matrix into row / col / weight format
row, col = X2.nonzero()
weight =
data = np.array([row, col, weight]).transpose()

Assumes class labels 0-(k-1) [or 1-k for zeroindexing=False]
Assumes class (k-1) [or k for zeroindexing=False] must be mentioned, if k is not explicitly specified
data = np.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows)
row, col, weight = data.T
if not zeroindexing: # transform from 1 to 0 indexing
row -= 1
col -= 1
if l is None:
l = np.max(row) # assumes that last class is mentioned
l += 1 # assumes zeroindexing
if k is None:
k = np.max(col) # assumes that last class is mentioned
k += 1 # assumes zeroindexing
Hs = csr_matrix((weight, (row, col)), shape=(l, k))
H = np.array(Hs.todense()) # todense would create a matrix object, but we use arrays
return H, l, k
except IOError as error:
return None, None, None
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['node', 'class', 'belief'])
df['node'] = df['node'].astype(int) # Force node and class datatype workaround (
df['class'] = df['class'].astype(int)
df.to_csv(fileName, sep=',', index=False)

def save_H(fileName, H, delimiter=','):
"""Saves a dense [l x k] coupling matrix H to CSV
CSV format for H(j,i): j, i, weight (from, to, weight)
Includes a header and uses zero indexing

fileName : string
fileName including path
H : dense matrix
coupling matrix
delimiter : string, optional (Default = ',')
CSV delimiter: ',' or or '\t' or ' ' (not None!)
l, k = H.shape
z = [(j, i, H[j, i]) for j in range(l) for i in range(k)]
data = np.array(z)
np.savetxt(fileName, data, fmt='%g', delimiter=delimiter, header='from,to,weight')

def save_csv_records(fileName, records, header_row=None):
"""Given a filename and records (= list of tuples, e.g. from a database query), writes the records to a CSV file
Overwrites the content of an existing file.
Optionally takes a header as argument for first row"""
with open(fileName, 'w') as f: # 'w' overwrite, 'a' append
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
if header_row is not None:
for row in records:
def save_csv_record(fileName, record, append=True):
"""Given a filename and record (= one tuple or list), writes the record to a CSV file
By default appends to existing file"""
if append:
with open(fileName, 'a') as f: # 'a' append
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
with open(fileName, 'w') as f: # 'w' overwrite
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')

def load_csv_records(fileName):
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