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License: MIT Gihub Action: testing

captcha middleware for Fiber.

idea from dchest/captcha and the forked repo LyricTian/captcha


func New(config ...*fibercaptcha.Config) fiber.Handler


Property Type Description Default
DefaultLen int Default number of digits in captcha solution. 6
CollectNum int The number of captchas created that triggers garbage collection used by default store. 100
Expiration time.Duration Expiration time of captchas used by default store. 10 * time.Minute
StdWidth int Standard width of a captcha image. 240
StdHeight int Standard height of a captcha image. 80
RetrieveCaptchaIDPath string API path for retrieve captcha id. /api/captcha/retrieve-id
ResolveCaptchaImagePath string API path for resolve captcha image. /api/captcha/resolve-image
ResolveCaptchaAudioPath string API path for resolve captcha audio. /api/captcha/resolve-audio
Logger *log.Logger logger log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
RedisClient *redis.Client redis client
RedisClusterClient *redis.ClusterClient redis cluster client
RedisCaptchaPrefix string redis captcha key prefix captcha



go get -u

Import package

import (

Use default config


Call the default retrieve captcha id route to get captcha id


Call the resolve captcha route with captcha id (assume that the captcha id is CAPTCHA_ID)


When you need to reload the image


Verify the captcha digit in your login API or something auth function (assume that digit is 123456)

isValid := fibercaptcha.VerifyString("CAPTCHA_ID", "123456")
if !isValid {
    return ...