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Senolop: RPN Calculator

Welcome to Senolop, a powerful Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator! This calculator allows you to perform mathematical operations using the classic postfix notation. With its intuitive stack-based approach, Senolop offers a unique way to solve complex equations.


  • Efficient and easy-to-use RPN calculator
  • Supports basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Performs calculations using a stack-based mechanism
  • Error handling for incorrect inputs and division by zero
  • Memory functionality with a built-in memory stack
  • Customizable precision settings for accurate calculations


Senolop is a command-line application written in Python. To use it, make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system. Follow these steps to install Senolop:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Change into the project directory:
cd senolop
  1. Run the application:
xcrun Senolop.xcproj


Senolop provides a simple and efficient way to perform calculations using RPN notation. Follow these guidelines to start using Senolop:

  1. Enter numbers and operators in the desired order, separated by spaces.

    • Example: To calculate 4 + (7 - 2) * 5, enter 4 7 2 - 5 * +.
  2. Press Enter to display the result.

  3. Senolop will evaluate the expression and provide the output.

  4. The calculator supports the following operators: +, -, *, and /.

  5. To clear the stack, type clear or press Enter without entering any input.

  6. To store a number in memory, use the sto command followed by the memory slot number and the number to be stored.

    • Example: sto 1 saves the top element from the stack to memory slot 1.
  7. To recall a number from memory, use the rcl command followed by the memory slot number.

    • Example: rcl 1 retrieves the value stored in memory slot 1 and pushes it to the stack.
  8. To change the precision settings, use the precision command followed by the desired number of decimal places.

    • Example: precision 4 configures Senolop to display results with four decimal places.


  • Addition:

    • Input: 5 2 +
    • Output: 7
  • Subtraction:

    • Input: 9 3 -
    • Output: 6
  • Multiplication:

    • Input: 4 5 *
    • Output: 20
  • Division:

    • Input: 10 2 /
    • Output: 5
  • Mixed operations:

    • Input: 4 3 * 8 2 + /
    • Output: 0.5714
  • Storing and recalling from memory:

    • Input: 7 3 + sto 1 rcl 1 -
    • Output: 7


Contributions are always welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the Senolop GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


  • This project was inspired by the concept of Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculators.
  • Special thanks to the contributors of the following libraries used in this project:


For any inquiries or feedback, please contact the project maintainer at

Enjoy calculating with Senolop, and may your RPN expressions always yield fruitful results!

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