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This repo shows an example to deploy a node app to GCP App Engine (standard), setup IAP and use Apigee Shared flow to protect the App Engine




  • Clone the repo git clone

Deploy App

  • Open a new terminal session
  • Navigate to the apigee-nodejs-app-engine/app directory
  • Execute npm install to install the Node dependencies
  • Execute node app.js to run the app in your local machine. Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser, you should see "Hello from Apigee !!! "
  • Once the above step works, we can push this to GCP App Engine. Execute gcloud auth login and follow the instructions to login
    • You can use gcloud init or gcloud config set to configure your login and GCP project along with the region
  • Once you are logged in to gcloud in your terminal, execute gcloud app deploy to deploy. This may take few minutes
  • Once complete, you should be able to see the service under App Engine --> Services in the GCP console. NOTE: Make sure you are on the right GCP Project
  • By clicking the link in the console, it should open a new browser tab that shows "Hello from Apigee !!! "

Configure IAP

  • In the GCP console, go to Security --> Identity-Aware Proxy and follow the steps to setup

  • Configure the OAuth consent screen and provide the necessary information

  • Configure an OAuth Client ID (will be used later)

  • Setup IAP Access

    • Create a service account with IAP-secured Web App User
    • Download the service account JSON (will be used later)
  • Turn on Cloud IAP

  • For more info and details, visit this doc

  • Now try logging into the App Engine URL in an Incognito mode (using a different user account), you should see an error page. Try the same using your account (Project Owner or any user who has IAP-secured Web App User role), you should see the "Hello from Apigee !!! " message.

Configure Key Value Map in Apigee

  • Login to Apigee to your appropriate Apigee org
  • Navigate to Admin --> Environments --> Key Value Maps
  • Select an environment
  • Click the "+ Key Value Map" button
  • Provide the name as "iam-aware" and check the "Encrypted" checkbox
  • Click the created Map and click the "+" button to add the following entries from your downloaded service account JSON file and Client ID from GCP
Key Value
client_email client_email from the service account json
private_key private_key from the service account json
private_key_id private_key_id from the service account json
google_oauth_client_id OAuth Client Id configured

Deploy Apigee sharedflow

  • Login to Apigee to your appropriate Apigee org
  • Navigate to Develop --> Shared Flows
  • Click + Shared Flows and select "Upload bundle"
  • In your cloned repo (in your local machine), browse to apigee-bundles and select
  • Provide iap-aware as the name, click "Create"
  • Deploy the sharedflow (to the environment where the Key Value Map was created)

Deploy Apigee Proxy

  • Login to Apigee to your appropriate Apigee org

  • Navigate to Develop --> API Proxies

  • Click + Proxy and select "Proxy bundle", click "Next"

  • In your cloned repo (in your local machine), browse to apigee-bundles and select

  • Give a name, click "Next" and complete the proxy wizard

  • In the Develop tab, on the left menu, click "Target Endpoints". Replace the <URL>https://{app-engine-url}</URL> with your App Engine URL

  • Deploy the proxy (to the same environment were the Key Value Map was created)

  • Enable trace and make a call to "https://{org}-{env}", it should return "Hello from Apigee !!! " message. In the trace, you will see that it invokes the Sharedflow which in turn generates an OAuth token (using the service account) which is authorized by IAP.

  • Try removing the access in IAP for the service account and hit the URL. Should throw an error.

NOTE: In the AM-Set-AccessToken policy in the proxy, you can set any flow variable as custom header with "X-Var-" as prefix. The app engine (underlying NodeJS) can use the custom headers within the code for business logic. In this NodeJS example, it will pick those and set them as response headers

For example, run the following curl command curl -i https://{org}-{env}, it should show x-var-foo: bar, x-var-abc: xyz which are set in the policy

Replacing apigee-access module

  • If your NodeJS proxy uses apigee-access node_module, you can set all the flow variables as custom headers (like mentioned above). Use the Key Value Map policy and Cache policies to populate custom headers and pass that to the Apigee Target (which is the App Engine in this case).
  • App Engine can use the custom headers for its internal business logic. This would be the best approach to re-write the NodeJS code using apigee-access to App Engine


Hello World NodeJS App in GCP App Engine







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