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Route based rendering

With your configuration file (navigation.yaml) ready and code generated (npx generate:navigation), you can start using Citron Navigator in your source code.

The main entrypoint for interacting with the navigator is the hook useNavigationContext. This hook allows you to execute a block of code whenever a route condition is satisfied. The route conditions can be:

  • when(route_key, code_block): used to do something when the route is exactly the one we want;
  • whenSubrouteOf(route_key, code_block): used to do something when the route is the route we want or any of its sub-routes;
  • whenNotFound(code_block): block of code to run when the current route is invalid;
  • otherwise(code_block): block of code to run when the current route is valid, but doesn't satisfy any other condition.

For rendering a view, we'll normally use only when, while whenSubrouteOf is specially useful for rendering side-menus, where the content changes based on the current section of the site.

Configuration file (navigation.yaml)

For every example in this page, we'll consider the following configuration

+ root (/):
  + account (/account):
    + profile (/profile):
    + changePassword (/password):
    + billing (/billing):
      year: number
  + photoAlbums (/albums):
    search: string
    year: number
    month: number (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12)
    limit: number
    page: number
    type: string ('ownedByMe' | 'sharedWithMe' | 'all')
    + album (/{albumId}):
      limit: number
      page: number
      + photo (/{photoId}):

Rendering a view based on the current route

export const Page = () => {
  const [content, setContent] = useState<React.ReactElement>(<></>)
  useNavigationContext((context) => {
      .when('root', props => setContent(<Home {...props} />))
      .when('root.account', props => setContent(<AccountDashboard {...props} />))
      .when('root.account.profile', props => setContent(<Profile {...props} />))
      .when('root.account.changePassword', props => setContent(<ChangePassword {...props} />))
      .when('root.account.billing', props => setContent(<Billing {...props} />))
      .when('root.photoAlbums', props => setContent(<PhotoAlbums {...props} />))
      .when('root.photoAlbums.album', props => setContent(<Album {...props} />))
      .when('', props => setContent(<Photo {...props} />))
      .whenNotFound(() => setContent(<h1>404: Not Found</h1>))

  return content

Every time the route changes, the conditions will be re-evaluated and the state content will be updated accordingly. Now, you just need to call <Page /> wherever you need the views to be rendered!

Notice that context is typed, so you can't, for instance, assign a view that requires photoId to a route that doesn't have the parameter photoId.

Creating a view

A view is a React component that accepts as prop the type ViewPropsOf<'key_of_view'>. See the example below:

const Album = ({ route, params: { albumId, limit, page } }: ViewPropsOf<'root.photoAlbums.album'>) => (
  <p>Album {albumId}</p>
  <p>limit is {limit}</p>
  <p>page is {page}</p>
  <p><Link to={route.$parent}>Go back to albums</Link></p>
  <p><Link to={} params={{ photoId: '001' }}>Check out this picture</Link></p>

Every view receives 2 properties:


The route corresponding to the key passed to when or whenSubrouteOf.

This is super useful for creating links and navigating. This route is contextualized, i.e., it knows where it is and won't ask for stuff it doesn't need. For instance, suppose we're at /albums/myAlbumId. If we want to navigate to a photo, we just need to call$go({ photoId: 'myPhotoId' }). There's no need to pass the albumId. If instead we were at / (root), then albumId would be required.

The route is also used to make changes to the variables in the url. If we are at /albums and want to set the value for the parameter search, for instance, we just need to call route.$go({ search: 'new value' }). The URL will be updated, and the value of in the component props, will change.

To know more about what you can do with the Route object, check its documentation here.


An object containing all route parameters and search parameters. The values received here are ready to use, i.e. they are already deserialized.

Rendering a menu based on the current route

As you can imagine, we can use the same approach we used to render a view to render anything we want. The only difference for a menu is that we'll probably use whenSubrouteOf much more often. See the example below:

export const Page = () => {
  const [content, setContent] = useState<React.Element>(<></>)
  useNavigationContext((context) => {
      .whenSubrouteOf('root.account', props => setContent(<AccountMenu {...props} />))
      .whenSubrouteOf('root.photoAlbums', props => setContent(<PhotoAlbumMenu {...props} />))
      .otherwise(() => setContent(<MainMenu />))

  return content

Creating a menu

Just like a view, here we need a React component that accepts as prop the type ViewPropsOf<'key_of_view'>:

export const AccountMenu = ({ route }: ViewPropsOf<'root.account'>) => (
    <li><Link to={route} className={route.$isActive() ? 'active' : ''}>Dashboard</Link></li>
    <li><Link to={route.profile} className={route.profile.$isActive() ? 'active' : ''}>Profile</Link></li>
    <li><Link to={route.changePassword} className={route.changePassword.$isActive() ? 'active' : ''}>Change password</Link></li>
    <li><Link to={route.billing} className={route.billing.$isActive() ? 'active' : ''}>Billing</Link></li>

Since the main menu doesn't need a context to render, we can use static routes instead of contextual routes:

import { root } from 'src/generated/navigation' // replace this import for what works best for you, this needs to refer to the generated file

export const MainMenu = () => (
    <li><Link to={root} className={root.$isActive() ? 'active' : ''}>Home</Link></li>
    <li><Link to={root.account}>Account</Link></li>
    <li><Link to={root.photoAlbums}>Photo albums</Link></li>

Asynchronous route rendering

Check the documentation for async rendering here.