The repository includes the development version of R package MultiFlow
The package requires Bioconductor package EBImage, which should be installed first via
## Install package BiocManager
if(!require(BiocManager)) install.packages("BiocManager")
## Use BiocManager to install EBImage
BiocManager::install("EBImage", update = FALSE)
Next, one can install package MultiFlow, where all remaining dependencies will be installed automatically.
## Install package remotes
if(!require(remotes)) install.packages("remotes")
## Install package MultiFlow
remotes::install_github("stamats/MultiFlow", build_vignettes = TRUE)
See also: MultiFlow User's Guide.
Image analysis (cropping, segmetation, thresholding, feature engineering) of images taken from lateral flow assays, computation of linear calibration models, automatic report generation via rmarkdown by means of a shiny app.