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File metadata and controls

186 lines (123 loc) · 6.57 KB
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  • Feature Name: CmdStan3
  • Start Date: 2020-01-16
  • RFC PR(S):
  • Stan-dev Issue(s):

CmdStan3 Summary

CmdStan3 is a command-line interface to the Stan services layer which provides an extensible syntax for calling Stan services as well as model compilation. CmdStan3 provides a utility program stan which takes as arguments a set of subcommands; these subcommands map to functions exposed by the stan::services package, model compilation, and existing Stan utilities such as stansummary.


  1. Unify all workflow operations: single utility for model compilation, fitting, and diagnostic operations.

  2. Usability: flat command syntax which allows configuration arguments to be specified in any order

  3. Extensibility: easy to add new commands corresponding to new services and to modify argument structure for existing commands.



The interface handles the following kinds of data:

  • input data - the set of all variables declared in the data block
  • output data - the set of all variables declared in the parameters, transformed parameters, generated quantities blocks
  • output meta-data - information on the solver (e.g. output columns of sampler state lp__, accept_stat__)

The interface cannot directly access program runtime data, i.e., variables declared in the transformed data block, and in local blocks.


  • model definition - write, compile a Stan program
  • fitting the model to data - instantiate the model on the input data
  • computation - run any of the available Stan service methods on the model
  • analysis - check program outputs

Guide-level explanation: Command Syntax

The first argument to the stan utility is either

  • -h or --help for help
  • -v or --version for CmdStan3 version information
  • a subcommand

Subcommand arguments are then followed by either

  • -h or --help for subcommand-specific help
  • a Stan model name

For subcommands which call a Stan service, the remaining command line arguments consist of an unordered set of pairs of the form <name>=<value> which are parsed and validated by the stan utility and then passed in to the services method.

Possible exceptions to this subcommand syntax are:

  • The compile subcommand, which would instead take a series of makefile options.
  • Utilities such as stansummary which operate on one or more files but don't need a compiled model.


  • Print top-level help:
stan -h
  • Print subcommand help:
stan optimize -h
  • Compile a Stan program my_model.stan using CmdStan makefile from any directory:
stan compile my_model
stan compile path/to/my_model
stan compile path/to/my_model -makeflag1=value1 ... -makeflagN=valueN
  • Fit a Stan program to data
    • specify input, output, and sampling arguments in any order
    • specify of non-default initial radius as well as parameter-specific initializations
stan sample my_model metric=dense data_file=my_data.json\
            init_file=some_params.json init_radius=0.333 output_file=my_model.csv adapt_delta=0.95

Reference-level explanation

Interaction with other features:

  • CmdStan3 makes calls to GnuMake and therefore will spawn a process on the underlying OS; must be robust to path and filenames
  • CmdStan3 wraps the Stan services layer


The processing steps:

  • Parse command inputs - requires ad-hoc parser for above syntax - if possible, leverage existing c++ command line options parsers.
  • Validate command configuration (as needed)
  • Validate file paths, formats, contents
  • Call stan::services method (or make)
  • Report results


For models with parameters, there are 3 choices of metric, { unit, diag, dense }, a {yes/no} choice for adaptation, and two kinds of hmc, {nuts, static} for a total of 12 functions:

  • Mapping from subcommand to services - what granularity?
  • defaults - nuts_hmc? do adaptation? diag metric?
  • expose static hmc? expose nuts unit_e??
  • Allow implicit Stan program compilation?


  • Introducing yet another interface increases maintenance burden, as long as both CmdStan and CmdStan3 are supported.

  • The choice of argument names is always contentious; this proposal opens the door for more long bike-shed discussions. It doesn't matter what the argument names are; what matters is that this interface exposes the full set of controls available from the services layer.


  • Usability

    • The syntax proposed here is familiar to command-line users; it removes the order dependencies introduced by the current CmdStan argument parser.
    • A flat syntax is easy to understand; a hierarchical organization requires learning both argument names and names of organizing concepts. Knowledgeable Stan users find CmdStan impossible to use because they cannot get the command line syntax right and the error messages that result are often misleading. cf issue #642, for example.
    • The argument hierarchy in current CmdStan was drawn up 5 years ago; since then certain features have been removed, e.g., choice of RNG engine, resulting in a hierarchy mis-matched to the current feature set.
  • Maintainability

    • The current CmdStan argument parser is difficult to maintain; cf bugfix #695 which was a relatively simple code change - less than 1 day programmer effort, however the argument test framework was buggy, and demonstrating the correctness of this fix to the satisfaction of the reviewer required an additional 2 weeks of effort.
    • Use of a standard options parsing library allows Stan developers and maintainers to get answers and support from online documentation and discussions.


Posix utility argument syntax